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My Cursed Alpha Twin

My Cursed Alpha Twin



Following the death of his twin, Ryan must take up the position of the alpha and PR be himself innocent of murdering his twin but a twist happens when his late brother's mate is bestowed to him. She is determined to find the culprit and the two becomes the other's sworn enemies but they can't ignore and the deny the burning tension and compassion between them, what will happen when the murderer is revealed and all leads back to a cursed Ryan?

Chapter 1 Beginning


"You little pest, come here and I'll show you who the strongest is." I yelled at my twin brother.

He stuck his tongue out and made a mockery of my attempt to catch him. I jumped at him once more but he was quick to avoid me this making him laugh loudly at me. I scowled at him angrily, I was frustrated he kept outsmarting me.

"Easy there tiger, don't be upset you're too slow to catch me." He mocked.

I shook more head and became more determined to hit him, he was smart and detected my move. I ended on falling flat on my face and his mockery increased, I was pissed beyond words because he always won at this game. I stood still and suddenly jerked I could see worry stretch all over his handsome face. He quickly moved towards me and began to shake me violently.

"Ryan! What's wrong with you, please say something! Is anybody there?" He yelled frantically.

Seeing that he had let his guard down, I seized the opportunity and grabbed his arms catching him by surprise; I hauled him over and flipped him, his back hit the ground and I jumped on my feet. I pinned him to the ground before he got the opportunity to stand up and began to tackle him.

"Who's the strongest now?" I asked teasingly.

He licked his bottom lips and stared at me straight in the eye.

"Ewww." I spat out in disgust.

The snake took that as a cue and flipped me over and the next second, I was beneath him. We both burst into laughter as he tickled me and then I kicked him off me.

"Be careful with those kicks of yours." He warned jokingly.

"Be careful while dealing with the future alpha of this pack." I said in return.

We both laughed as he did a fake bow.

"Long live the Alpha." He said teasingly.

I puffed up my shoulders and walked majestically towards him, I tapped his shoulders gently and patted his head.

"Thank you dear Niel, you are a loyal and humble subject." I said proudly.

Niel chuckled and landed a light blow to my lower abdomen, I was about to return the gesture when I sensed someone's presence. I straightened up as I awaited the newcomer. I relax when I saw it was one of the guards, the guard did a little how as a sign of respect and I signalled to him to speak.

"Your father requests your presence." The guard announced.

I looked at Niel who was as clueless as I was. It was unusual to be summoned by my father or the both of us, I sighed and gestured for Niel to come with me.

"He requests the presence of the Alpha alone." The guard said.

Niel chuckled and I sighed, Father had the habit of excluding Niel from important discussions owing to the fact that Niel is mischievous and a troublemaker.

"Go ahead, the senior alpha awaits you." Niel teased.

I chuckled and threw him a light punch which he blocked.

"I'll be back to teach you exactly how to respect your alpha." I said frowning.

"I'll be awaiting your esteemed presence alpha." He mocked.

I shook my head and laughed lightly before leaving with the guard.

The guard led me to the garden and retreated, I inhaled sharply and went in. It was one of the favorite place my father had in the Alpha's fort as it housed memories of him and my Mother, though she was still alive they still hung out there to relax

I saw the exact replica of me but an older version, his back turned to me, the breeze blew his jet-black hair and he seemed to be lost in thoughts as he stared at the flowers, I cleared my throat and approached him.

"Father, you called for me." I said respectfully.

"Do you see those roses over there?" He asked, pointing at the roses just few frets away from us.

I stared at them and admired their beauty, it was mother's favorite flowers.

"Yes, it's beautiful." I said quietly.

He inhaled deeply and exhaled sharply and then turned to face me.

"Ryan, let me tell you a little story. Your mother and I met in this same garden when her father brought her on a tour around the packs, I met her here and we fell in love instantly, our love for roses brought us closer and till date we fight with our might to keep the roses safe, do you know why? Because though they grow amongst thorns they're beautiful and worth the pain one has to go through in acquiring them. Once, your mother craved for them and they had withered by then because I was busy attending to the packs issues and no one was there to tend to them but only few remained deeply buried in the thorns, no werewolf could dare retrieve them as poisonous vines had grown around it but I did it for her sake, though I fell ill for weeks yet the smile on her face kept me going." He said longingly.

I smiled, father loves mother and would die for her sake, I was used to hearing stories like this.

"Do you know why I'm telling you this story?" He suddenly asked.

I shook my head.

"It's because though I'd take days to plan an attack yet I'll do something stupid and dangerous without second thoughts for the sake of your mother, I knew if I died she'll keep the pack safe and it was better off that way, likewise the safety and future of your pack depends on your Luna, you must chose wisely." He said with all seriousness.

"Yes Father, I promise to chose a Luna just like Mother." I swore.

"Yes you will, which is why I have handpicked a mate for you, she's the daughter of Alpha Ephraim of the Red Moon Pack, she's skilled in swordsmanship and battle, she'll not only be a good mother but also a good Luna to the pack." Father announced.

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