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How I Fell In Love With The Billionaire

How I Fell In Love With The Billionaire



In a gritty urban setting, Maria, a young woman struggling to make ends meet, works as a prostitute to survive. She's known hardship and adversity, but one fateful night, her life takes an unexpected turn. Her client, John, is not like the others. He's a successful businessman who, beneath his stoic exterior, carries the weight of his own personal demons.

Chapter 1 My prologue

With a determined look on her face, she wiped away her tears and stood at the top of the stairs. She knew that nobody cared, but she didn't let that shake her confidence. It's time to step up and make a difference.

"Put yourself together and stop" embarrassing yourself! The doctor hissed.

As he handed a lab result over to her.

"We conducted a thorough test, and guess what? My nurses have come up with a that I can't wait to share with you!" The doctor said.

She stared at the doctor without Knowing what to say as tears rolled down her cheeks. Doctor, please do something, she begged, as the doctor was about to leave the scene.

Ms Maria, "Meet me in my office," the doctor said as he attempted to make a move. She refuses to look away as tears stream down her face, fixing her gaze on the doctor until he is completely out of sight.


"Please, Mom, don't do this to me!" she begged, her fingers gripping tightly onto her pink top. The desperation in her voice was palpable as tears threatened to spill down her cheeks.

"Have you heard back from the doctor yet? I'm curious to know what they said about my status."

I'll work hard to help pay the hospital bills! Maria assured herself, There's no doubt about it - she confidently ignored her mom's question.

Maria wasted no time. With the lab results in hand, she sprang from her seat and headed straight for the doctor's office. The folded paper remained tucked firmly under her arm as she walked, her mind racing with possibilities. She knew that whatever the results said, it was important to take action quickly. That was why she was there, after all. With a sense of determination, she pushed open the door to the doctor's office and prepared to face whatever lay ahead.

On reaching the doctor's office, she had to wait for her turn because many individuals were waiting to seek attention from the doctor.

"Ms Maria!" With a swift motion, she turned towards the source of the enchanting and chilling voice.

"Oh nurse Alexie" She exclaimed as she stood up on her feet, she waved her hands at the nurse, and the test result which was on her underarms fell off, "Don't worry, I'll help you." Said a small boy by her side, with a smile on his face, he made her feel like she wasn't alone in that moment as he picked up the results.

"How is your mom doing? " Nurse Alexie asked In a serious tone. "Come with me."

The nurse grabbed her hand and took her to a quiet place as the examination room was occupied by patients and individuals.

She did not want anyone to interrupt their conversation.

"What's is going on?" The nurse asked as Maria handed her the result,

I received the results this morning and the doctor wants me to come to his office for a proper explanation. I'm not leaving anything to chance and I will make sure to get all the answers I need! Maria answered.

"I suggest you take a look at the results yourself. With your expertise, I'm confident you'll be able to analyze the data and draw some valuable insights." Nurse Alexie said, opening the results which were well-sealed.

Maria's eyes widened with shock as the nurse was busy paying attention to the result.

"Maria, don't worry about a thing! Your mom will be just fine!" exclaimed the nurse as Maria looked at her with a puzzled expression, asking for an explanation of what was written on the results.

Your mom is suffering from stage 2 level of ovarian cancer, at this very stage the doctor can decide the treatment your mom needs! The nurse paused as she was been called by her colleagues to help attend to a patient in the emergency ward.


" Trust you've understood the result now?"

You can deposit half a million dollars so we can get targeted drugs for ovarian cancer, the doctor paused.

Maria's silence left no room for doubt. It was the confirmation she needed, and she didn't need any more words to know that.

" have got to be kidding me, sir, where can I get that huge amount of money?" She asked as she continued, am just a mare lady trying hard to make a living from the street.

She gasped as she continued, "My younger sister was a grade 4 college student and she isn't working yet! I had no father. . .

Ms Maria, please! I have too many patients to discuss with! " Calling her attention back"

You can get back to me once your payment is done.

She couldn't go back to her mom's ward as she was feeling suffocated and disappointed, so she ran out of the hospital.

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