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Breaking The Alpha's Rule

Breaking The Alpha's Rule



It's annoying how our world works, being in a pack always and not having the best life. I want some thrill, some fun, and danger. I'm Akira Blaire the one and only mate of the Alpha Wolf of Blairstown, the King, the devil, the one who is chasing me... Axle Connor I'm tired of living by his rules, I want freedom. I will no longer imprison the things he wants. You're the Alpha but I'm making my own rules. You can chase me all you want, but I'm not going to be with you and your rules again.

Chapter 1 He's Back


"Did you hear the news? Someone was found dead!"

"I know, Dad says it's gruesome like the ones seen dead these past few days."

Just like I expected they were already talking about what happened last night. I just hid my smile and walked freely and happily.


I turned to see who called me and immediately frowned.

"What? You think you can stop me? Aren't you tired?" I said to Lucas angrily.

"Akira, you disobey him too much. You even murdered someone!" Lucas said as he followed me into the campus.

"What if you make your voice louder so they can all hear that I did murdered the one they're talking about" I said sarcastically.

"You need to go back where you belong, Akira. Don't wait for him to pick you up. He's back." Lucas said serious and walked away.

He's talking about the Alpha, Axle Connor.

I just followed him with my eyes and stared. They really want to ruin my good day.

I was so annoyed that I just ran quickly into the woods.

I opened my bag and immediately took a cigarette. I'm just going to cut classes because I'm pissed over Axle's disciple.

I stopped thinking while smoking when I heard a rustling sound. I immediately looked around and didn't see anything.

"Come back"

I was suddenly stunned. I know that voice. He's back. I thought Lucas was just scaring me. He's really back.

"Still a coward" I said and looked where I heard a rustling sound.

I was startled when he suddenly leaned me against the tree. My back hurt from the impact. What should I expect from an Alpha? Of course he is faster and stronger than me.

"You're still a mean girl. You need to stop murdering people, Aki" he said seriously and stroked my hair.

I really hate when he's calling me Aki.

"You're not the boss of me" I replied.

"I'm the Alpha" he replied smiling.

"I hate you" I said and released from his grip on me.

"I'm also your mate, Aki. You're still mine." he said before turning into a werewolf and running quickly into the woods.

I really hate when he's spitting facts.

I was so annoyed that I just went home to my apartment and slept.

When I woke up it was night time. This is where the fun starts. I got up to get ready because I'm going to the bar to have fun. I just showered for a while and put on a fitted red dress that was very short, perfect for my red hair. I also tied my long hair and put on red lipstick.

"I look perfect" I said while looking at myself in my mirror.

I went out to go to the bar where I can find my next fun experience.

After I arrived at the bar, I immediately sat down and started ordering alcohol. When I felt that I was getting hot because of the alcohol, I got up to dance on the dance floor.

"Hey hi"

I smiled and turned behind me when I heard a man's whisper in my ear. I faced him and smiled.

"Hmm? You want me?" I asked and looked at him seductively.

"I want all of you" he replied.

I laughed and danced with him, sticking my body to him while dancing to seduce him even more.

I can see that he's so into me. Poor guy, he's gonna be my next victim. He is just like the man seen this morning in the woods. Yes, I'm the murderer and it's so fun to do so.

The man in front of me couldn't stand it anymore and pulled me off the dance floor. I just grinned, humans are so weak to temptations.

Before we could enter the vip room I stopped walking.. I heard him howling.. The Alpha.

"What's wrong?" the man with me asked.

What am I expecting? Of course I can only hear that because I am a werewolf and werewolves have sharper hearing than humans.

I smiled at him. "It's nothing. Let's go?"

The man I was with was just about to open the vip room when suddenly someone pulled me.

"You're not going anywhere, Aki" said Axle, the one and only Alpha of Blairstown.

"Hey. Who the heck are you?" the man beside mw asked angrily.

"Get rid of him, Aki" Axle whispered to me.

"Oh you want me to kill him already?" I smiled and whispered to Axle.

"That's not what I meant" he answered.

I just laughed and faced the man who was furious because what he wanted was thwarted.

"Give me your phone" I ordered the man.

He looks so confused but he handed me his cell phone. I typed my number into his cell phone and gave it back to him.

"Call me" I said and winked.

"Okay that's enough, let's go" Axle said and pulled me out of the bar.

When we got out of the bar, I confronted him.

"What do you want? Trying to ruin my night?" I asked.

"I know what you're doing, Aki" he said.

"I know you know what I'm doing. Did I hide it?" I asked, irritated.

"You know that it's forbidden to kill people" he stated.

"Do I look like I care?" I replied.

"Then what about the hunters? Do you think they didn't care about what you did? They know that a werewolf did that to the man who was found dead in the woods." he said serious.

"You are putting your life and our race in danger. You need to stop before they catch you," he added.

Hunters. The stupid hunters. We are not allowed to kill humans while they don't care killing our kind? The hell with the rules.

"You are still a coward until now" I replied.

"Don't make me get you, Aki. No matter how stubborn you are, I can send you back to where you came from. I let you leave the clan but I didn't let you kill people." he said.

"I'm warning you." he added before leaving and leaving me outside the bar.

He's really getting on my nerves.

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