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Fall In Love With A Stripper

Fall In Love With A Stripper



She gazed downward, consciously avoiding eye contact with him to prevent his penetrating gaze from deterring her from what she was about to confess. "Please..." she began, her voice trembling. "We... should end... this," she finally managed to utter. "What??" he responded, his expression growing darker as he attempted to approach her. However, she instinctively moved backward, intensifying the darkness in his demeanor. "Don't pretend you don't understand," she continued, her voice growing softer, revealing the immense pain she felt with each word spoken. "We come from different sides of society, and your side will never accept our relationship." Her words conveyed a painful truth, one that she believed was for the best. "I don't care..." he exclaimed, his frustration evident. "You still don't grasp it, do you?" Donna said, mustering the courage to look into the eyes of the man she deeply loved. ****** In life, everyone faces their own unique backgrounds and challenges, and it is through individual resilience and determination that these obstacles can be overcome. However, society often imposes restrictions and expectations that can make it difficult for individuals to pursue their desires and aspirations freely. This is exemplified in the story of Madonna and Oliver, a stripper and the son of a prominent company heir, respectively, who find themselves entangled in a forbidden love. As their contrasting backgrounds clash, they must confront the inevitable question: what could possibly go wrong?

Chapter 1 Hot lady


A low groan came from the human figure which was sprawled on the bed. The figure sat up sluggishly and subconsciously held his head because it was banging due to hangover.

He rushed to the bathroom to puke his guy out and immediately regretted getting drunk last night.

He couldn't remember much of what happened and how he returned home. His memory was very blurry as his thoughts were still disorganized. He turned on the tap and raised his mouth and then used the back of his palm to wipe his mouth.

He walked out of the restroom with unstable steps but he finally made it to the bed , burying his face into the pillow.

After awhile the door to his room opened with a creak noise and a little head could be seen peeping in " Uncle Oliver ??" A cute little voice called out.

Oliver who wasn't deep in sleep heard the voice and raised his head up. The room was a little dark due to the thick blind but he could tell it was little Chloe.

" Chloe!!" He called sitting up despite the pain in his head.

" Uncle, I can't come in. Your room is really scary" the voice came as she was standing in front of the room.

Oliver sighed deeply and came down from the bed, he walked towards the window and drew the blind to the side.

He didn't expect the sun to be so high and bright. He closed his eyes as the pain in his head became worst due to the bright light shining right into his eyes.

" Uncle?"

Oliver turned and saw that Chloe had walked in standing behind him with a smile on her face.

Oliver raised his eyebrow and knelt down in front of Chloe and rubbed her hair. She giggled and said

" Mommy said I should wake uncle up to eat, uncle didn't join us to eat breakfast this morning so uncle must be hungry" she said in a childish way.

Oliver smiled and replied her " yes uncle is hungry but uncle needs to shower because..." He lean over and whisper into her eyes.

She laughed and said " yes you do uncle"

Oliver smiled and gently tousled Chloe's hair before standing up.

"Go meet your mommy, I'll be down shortly, alright?"

"Okay!" The child nodded eagerly, and Oliver made his way to the bathroom.

When Oliver emerged, towel-drying his hair, he froze upon seeing someone unexpected sitting on his bed, engrossed in playing with his tablet. Clearly, this person hadn't noticed his entrance. Intrigued, he approached quietly, peering over her shoulder to see what she was up to.

"Hey, you little troublemaker. Didn't I tell you to go downstairs?" Oliver said playfully, startling the girl. She smiled upon realizing it was him and eagerly showed him her drawing on the tablet—a simple stick figure.

Uncle Oliver, she called him, fascinated by his prowess as an artist. Oliver, who earned a living through his artistic talents, was delighted to see Chloe's interest in becoming an artist too.

Picking Chloe up, Oliver carried her downstairs to meet Lisa, who was waiting in the dining area with a packed lunchbox. Lisa stood up upon seeing them.

"You took forever to come down here. Anyway, I'm off to meet Grey, and I've packed your lunch. But first, you owe me an explanation about the hot lady who brought you home," she teased, winking mischievously as she grabbed the lunchbox.

As Lisa's words registered in Oliver's mind, he began to recall fragments of the previous day, particularly the face of the lady in question. Though he remained outwardly composed, his thoughts couldn't help but wander.

Without further ado, Oliver settled Chloe in her chair at the table.

"Take care of our little artist here. I'll be back before you know it," Lisa said, bidding Chloe goodbye with a tender kiss. Then Lisa left, leaving Oliver alone with Chloe, ready to embark on an exciting day filled with creativity and care.


Bing! The sound of Oliver's phone interrupted his concentration, and he sighed irritably before reluctantly picking it up. His father had been trying to reach out to him, but Oliver's frustration only grew with each call. Determined to focus on his current task, he set the phone aside and returned to his work. As he held his tablet, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing from his drawing. Furrowing his brow in deep thought, he decided to add a few more details. After making the final touches, he studied the drawing without any change in expression, realizing it was a portrayal of the mysterious lady from the club the previous night.

Drawing was one of Oliver's many hobbies, an outlet he turned to when he needed to clear his head and find solace. He gently put down the tablet and glanced over at a little girl engrossed in her own drawing on a piece of paper nearby.

Not wanting to disturb her, Oliver finally switched on his phone and glanced at the missed calls and messages from his dad. However, he decided to reach out to his friend Jake instead. Gary was always preoccupied with work, unlike Oliver and Jake, who had their own reasons for shying away from responsibility.

"What is it, Oli?" Jake answered the phone with a hint of irritation. He had been in the midst of flirting with a beautiful girl when the call interrupted his charismatic display.

"Are you available right now?" Oliver inquired, hoping Jake could spare some time for him.

Jake's gaze shifted to the infatuated girl by his side, and he pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a deep sigh before responding, "Yes... Why? What's going on?"

"Great! Where can I find you?" Oliver asked, feeling relieved that he could count on Jake for support.

Jake pursed his lips and answered and immediately, Oliver hang up.

" Bastard!!" Jake cussed and turned to the girl putting on his usual girl catching smile trying to forget about Oliver.


Standing in front of the shopping mall was Oliver, happy Chloe and a darken face Jake.

He grumbled as he followed behind those two. Obviously, Oliver dragged him here because he's the money bag here but he couldn't refuse because of Chloe.

Chloe happily got down from Oliver's arm and skipped off.

" Be careful Chloe!! " Oliver called after her.

He quicken his steps following Chloe so he couldn't lose sight of her.

Jake who was behind caught the attention of some people who recognized him.

Of course he was popular, he is a spoilt heir to ANDERSON GROUP. He was known as a spoilt son who wasted his life on beauties.

He puffed up his chest because he felt so confident knowing that people were looking at him.


" Chloe? " Oliver called

He was holding what they came to shop for but Chloe ran off without him noticing as both him and Jake were paying for the stuff they bought.

Oliver walked around looking everywhere and trying to avoid hitting people who kept working up and down.

He turned to a corner and saw a lady with a kneel bent in front of Chloe as she kept rubbing Chloe's head who was holding something in her hand with a smile on her face.

The lady's back was facing him so he couldn't see the face of the lady.

He approached them and overheard the lady saying " alright little one, I've given you what you like, so where is your mom? She must be looking for....... "

" Uncle Oliver!! " The little girl in front of her looked behind her and spoke excitedly cutting her off.

Chloe ran towards Oliver. He picked up her up and looked at the lady but he froze seeing her, even the lady in question was shocked but quickly composed herself and walked up to Oliver with a smile.


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