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My Handsome Professor

My Handsome Professor



PROLOGUE Even though Bianca was tired and sleep-deprived after coming home from work in the early morning, she still forced herself to get up and prepare for their first day of school. She worked as a waitress in a secluded bar not far from their place. Bianca couldn't find any other job, so she took it. She lived in a tenement at the far end of the building. Her life was relatively stable compared to those living on the streets. She hopped on a jeepney to reach Trinidad University. She quickly took out her ID for use as a student pass, but when she arrived in her classroom, she was the last one to arrive. Bianca is in Section A star class. They are commonly referred to as nerds, weirdos, show-offs, and others. "Bianca," she heard someone call her. She looked up and realized it was Jasmine. "Why?" she replied in a soft, non-disruptive voice. Jasmine handed her a piece of paper. "This is your new schedule. You didn't show up last week, so they just gave it to me. Where did you go?" She averted her gaze to prevent her lies from being detected in her eyes. "I-I visited my sister, Ate Bellaria," she replied, even though the truth was that she was looking for a new job. Jasmine nodded, "I see." She thought that Jasmine wouldn't speak further, but she continued, "Have you heard about our new Philosophy professor? It's our first subject, three hours long." Bianca furrowed her brow at the news. "Huh? I haven't heard. Where is Ma'am Madrigal?" Jasmine shrugged, "She's about to give birth, so we have a proxy for the new professor." Bianca nodded, "Ah, has this new professor been teaching here for long?" Jasmine shook her head, "I don't think she has taught in any other department either. She's quite new." Bianca nodded and remained silent. While she busied herself with reading her book, a sudden loud commotion erupted outside their classroom. She covered her ears due to the loud impact it had on her senses. "Why are people screaming outside?" one of their classmates asked. "Did something bad happen?" another guy said, about to stand up to speak when Jake, their class president, intervened. "Don't, Mendez. Let me handle it," he said, then stood up and walked out of the classroom. Section A star class was known for being responsible, intelligent, disciplined, and dignified, especially with Jake Martinez as their class president. Just as Jake was about to step out of the door, he suddenly stopped and quickly turned around to walk back to his seat. A man had entered their classroom. If you were to estimate, he might be in his late twenties. He was wearing a blue long-sleeve shirt, white slacks, and black shoes. His hair was neat, and he had reading glasses on. Bianca swallowed hard as his gaze swept over her and locked onto her. She found herself staring back, captivated by the man's striking appearance. The only word she could think of was, he's perfect.

Chapter 1 occasionally

"Good morning, Section A star class," a baritone voice woke their slumbering minds. They all stood up simultaneously and greeted in return, "Good morning, Sir."

He gestured for them to sit, "sit." Then he placed his belongings on a small table in front of him. "I know everyone doesn't know me here, so let me introduce myself. I am Pietro Salvacion, your new professor in the subject of Philosophy. I'll give you all one hour to interrogate me and introduce yourselves."

Trattacia raised her hand, "Sir, you look very handsome. Do you have a girlfriend already?" She asked, making others giggle.

The professor chuckled and scratched his chin with a half-smile, "Seriously? I'm married." He then showed them his ring, which looked like an infinity ring.

Most of them gasped and congratulated the professor.

"Sir, do you have any children?" Another student asked.

Professor Pietro sat at the desk before answering, "Yes, a 2-year-old."

"Maybe you can bring them here sometime, Sir?" suggested another student.

Jasmine raised her hand to ask, "Sir, may we know the name of your lucky wife?"

"Hmm, I can't, but I can tell you our callsign. Do you want to know what?" He teased.

His classmates quickly answered, "Yes, Sir!"

"We both call each other 'babe.'"

"Wow! Hope all, Sir!" exclaimed the students.

Robert raised his hand, "Can I ask something different, Sir? How many years have you been teaching?"

"I'm a licensed professor, but this is my first time teaching. But, I'll make sure all of you will learn."

"Are you guys going to introduce yourselves?" Jake suddenly asked.

They nodded and began introducing themselves until it was Bianca's turn.

She smiled sweetly and said, "I'm Bianca Martin, 18 years old," then took her seat.

The professor raised an eyebrow, "Aren't you going to tell us, or me, your hobby? Your favorite?"

She stood up again, "I love playing the guitar and singing." That's it, and she sat back down.

"Are you shy, Ms. Bianca?" He asked, gazing at her.

"Oh, Sir! No, she's not. That's just how Bianca is," a classmate interjected.

"Yes, Sir. She's not the type to break the ice."

"Her modesty matches her beauty."

Embarrassed, she hung her head and didn't speak further. There was even a question-and-answer portion, and she could say their new professor was kind. However, he occasionally seemed emotionless in his facial expressions and tone.

"MISS BIANCA, can you bring my things in my office?" He asked hesitantly. She nodded slightly and started to tidy up his belongings. They both left the room and headed to his office.

She didn't realize that the professor's office was quite far.

"Sir, are we still far?" Bianca asked the professor.

He looked at her with concern, "Why? Are you tired?" he asked, then muttered to himself, "I shouldn't have asked you to bring my things."

"N-no, I'm not tired. Your office is just a bit far," Bianca replied politely.

He suddenly turned to her and took her belongings.

"Wh-why are you taking them?" She asked, puzzled.

He arranged the items in his hands and said, "You can now go back to your classroom. Let me handle this. Thank you, Miss Bianca."

She was about to protest, but he started walking away.

She had no choice but to obey and return to her classroom.

"Oh, girl, did you bring Sir's things?" Jasmine asked when Bianca returned to the classroom.

Bianca slumped in her seat, "No."

Jasmine frowned, "Then why are you back?"

Bianca sighed and replied, "I didn't know that Professor Pietro's office was so far. He didn't let me bring his things and told me to go back."

After a full day of classes, Bianca quickly went home to prepare for her job at the bar. She cooked dinner, took a quick shower, and headed to the bar where she worked.

Bianca's job as a waitress at the bar was generally fine, except when customers became rude and disrespectful, which she couldn't avoid.

She sighed when she felt the bold hand of a customer touch her thigh. "How much for a one-night stand, miss?" the man asked.

She quickly moved his hand away and replied, "I'm a waitress here, not a prostitute. If you're looking for that, look elsewhere."

The man persisted, saying, "Don't be too prudish, miss."

Bianca politely tried to free herself, saying, "I'm sorry, please let me go."

"Did you already bring Sir's things?" Jasmine greeted her upon her return to the classroom.

Bianca looked tired as she made her way to her seat. "No," she answered simply, which puzzled Jasmine.

"Why are you back then?"

She sighed and replied, "I didn't know Professor Pietro's office was so far away. He didn't let me bring his things and just asked me to go back here."

After a full day of classes, Bianca immediately went home to prepare for her job at the bar. She cooked dinner, took a quick shower, and then headed to the bar to start her shift.

Bianca's job as a waitress at the bar was generally okay, but she often had to deal with disrespectful customers, which she couldn't avoid.

She let out a deep breath when she felt a customer's hand on her thigh. "How much for a one-night stand, miss?" the man asked.

She quickly pushed his hand away and spoke firmly, "I'm a waitress here, not a prostitute. If you're looking for that, you're in the wrong place."

The man continued to harass her, saying, "Don't be too uptight, miss."

Bianca politely tried to free herself, saying, "I'm sorry, please let me go."

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