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Onita was born into a world of magic where angels and demons coexisted. She was the queen of the angels, and her kingdom was a beacon of peace and prosperity. But one day, the fallen angels known as leviathans, attacked. Onita's kingdom was turned to chaos and her throne was taken from her. When Joni's best friend, Millow, a forest guardian spirit, was killed by a dark spirit. Joni was devastated but she vowed to avenge Millow's death. She used her powers to defeat the dark spirit and in doing so, she inherited Millow's power. As Joni wandered the countryside, she began to discover her hidden powers. She also met Justine, a young man who fell in love with her. But Joni knew that she could never be close to him without putting his life in danger. Justine eventually learned of Joni's identity as the reincarnated queen of sheraphim angels. He also discovered that he was the son of the leviathan's king, the ruler of the fallen angels. Joni and Justine were mortal enemies but they were also deeply in love. Justine had to choose between his loyalty to his bloodline and his love for Joni. Could he find a way to reconcile the sides of himself? Is there a consequence if Justine betrayed his father and the leviathan people? Or do Joni and Justine's love for each other help them to overcome the challenges they face?

Chapter 1 the reincarnated Queen


Queen Onita looked out the window of her room and looked into the distance. She was looking at the distant place with the sunrise facing her window.

When the sun shines, the beautiful paradise in their kingdom is gradually reflected. While she was watching the sunrise, something suddenly caught her attention.


A huge explosion in front of their wall gate. The wall gate is a central entrance to the palace and is guarded by skilled soldiers. However, the massive explosion left the soldiers with serious injuries.

“Majesty! The leviathans are attacking our palace!” The archangel, Emmanuela shouted and stammered while shaking with fear.

“Gather all the seraphimian knights and prepare our weapons for war!” Queen Onita ordered Emmanuela.

“Yes, Your Majesty!” Emmanuela left immediately.

“Oh, glorious Archangel, prince of the heavenly host, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke them, we humbly pray and you, Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell the evil fallen angels who prowl this world for the ruins of souls!” The seraphimian’s knights prayed together to give them the protection of the lord. They do this whenever they are faced with war.

The fallen knight's angels are so powerful that they also sing their prayers for protection and strengthening.

“Weak creatures! Until now, you’re still using Archangel’s protection? Let’s see how far your worshipped God will defend you!” The devilish laugh of one of the leaders of the fallen knight's angels, Dimer.

“Oh, glorious God of demons, king of the darkness, strengthen us in battle. Be our defense against the heavenly knights! May God rebuke them, we humbly pray to you, the king of darkness! We, who follow you, are ready to sacrifice our souls! Hear us to destroy our enemies!” These prayers mean they have become demons forever!


They immediately rushed towards the Seraphimian’s angels. Every sound of their swords, clanging heralds death!

In the sky, full of angels are falling to the ground one by one. The feathers from their wings fall from the sky one by one slowly. The constant war between the angels in the sky seems to have become a nightmare.

The sky was covered with feathers and the earth turned red. Almost all the Seraphimian’s angels fell to the ground from the sky. The battle between the seraphimian’s knights' angels and fallen demon angels lasted for ten minutes. In the end, the fallen demon angels defeated and destroyed all the seraphimian’s knights angels.

“Your majesty, please leave the palace and run away! All our seraphimian’s knights have been defeated by the enemy! I’ll try to be bait to give you enough time to escape!” Even though Emmanuela was scared, she still forced herself to smile. Fighting for her queen was an honor for her. The death of someone fighting is enough to prove to the queen her loyalty service to the kingdom.

“I can’t give up my kingdom because as a queen, fighting for my kingdom with all my strength and courage is also enough to call me the queen of angels. I know that evil will not prevail over good. God is on my side. Why did I become your queen if I will only be a coward?!” Queen Onita knew that the time would come when she would fight against her enemies, but she didn’t think that the fallen angels would sell their souls to the devil just for wanting to get the throne from her.

Queen Onita smiled at Emmanuela and said at the same time, “Join me in fighting evil! Show your true power and remember that you are appointed archangel knight of the kingdom!”

Emmanuela nodded and immediately rushed to attack the fallen angels. Emmanuela unleashed her true power, The clanking sounds of the sword are like a sound that proves that the seraphimian kingdom still exists.

She can only use her power for four minutes. Within a minute, half of his opponents were defeated, but as the time drew closer and closer, she felt her vision gradually blurring and her heart, beat very fast.

Emmanuella's power was gradually losing strength and weakened, which is why the opponents had an opportunity to attack her. She was surrounded and rushed at once by them.

Emmanuela could not avoid the enemy’s attack, which is why she was hit in the chest and one in the back. Emmanuela immediately grabbed the sword buried in her chest. The red crimson blood quickly flowed through the end handle of the sword.

Her eyes widened and she coughed up a lot of blood. She immediately looked at Queen Onita and smiled “You... your majesty... I- I’m... So- sorry..” And unexpectedly, she fell to the ground, lifeless.

Queen Onita screamed and was depressed at what happened to Emmanuela. Her eyes were filled with tears and her heart was stained with anger and hatred because of Emmanuela’s death.

“I will never forgive you! Forever you will be cursed by the lord of heaven and you will pay for your shameless sins!” Queen Onita said furiously to the enemies and her voice was heard to the farthest corners of the kingdom.

“Oh, Dear Queen Onita, how is it now? Are you alone? Hmph! All the soldiers and even the archangels you assigned are in their respective graves now! It’s a pity that you raised useless soldiers here in the palace. Garbage like them deserves to die!” Dimer laughed as if he knew that he would now get the throne of Queen Onita.

Queen Onita gritted her teeth.

“Goddess of wind that rules over protection, Evangeline. Hear my prayer and grant me holy power! Grant me a shield of wind that will ward away those who wish to do us harm!” After Queen Onita sang a spell. A very strong wind magic coming from Queen Onita enveloped her body which served as protection against Dimer's harmful magic.


The two mighty angels are fighting. With the speed of their actions, they are almost like flashing lights at too much speed.

Queen Onita’s power is very strong but as time goes on, it gradually weakens. Her power emanating from the Goddess of the wind gradually loses its effectiveness.

“Your worshipped God of the winds cannot save you! Now you will see how strong my power is, Queen Onita! Because the moment I claim your throne, I will change the whole kingdom of seraphimian and I will establish a new world where everyone living in our world is free to do the things they want!”


By the power of darkness, Queen Onita was hit by Dimer’s very strong dark magic. She fell back and her wind magic shield was broken by Dimer's powerful attack. Queen Onita sustained injuries on her body.

“Windshield magic? You can't dodge my attack! Now what? Is that all you can do? Your proud kingdom is, I will destroy it and I will rebuild it again for a new world and generation!” he mocked Queen Onita.

Queen Onita used healing magic to quickly heal her injuries. The pain of her injuries lessened due to her high level of healing magic and her strength gradually regained.

When Dimer saw that, his eyes immediately darkened and he screamed in annoyance because he knew for himself that the healing magic was one of the things he most wanted to get, but unfortunately, it was not granted to him. Healing magic is rare, so everyone who uses healing magic only has high-level powers.

Queen Onita gathered all her remaining power and her whole body was glowing. The extremely powerful and polished aura emanating from her entire body was terrifying and it was enough to knock down all the remaining demon fallen angels.

The whole sky was filled with a loud song. Songs of weeping angels. The demon-fallen angels were pretty scared out of their wits.


A powerful attack nearly consumed the demon-fallen angels. Dimer was stunned by the powerful power of the queen. In the intense anger that the queen felt, half a percent of her power was lost, she gathered her mana power again and continued to attack.

The Queen's strength was almost exhausted from the constant use of her power and Dimer noticed it immediately. He has a big smile that reaches as far as his ears and his devilish look is a sign of death.

Dimer waits for the right opportunity until he attacks the queen while she is off guard. The queen was attacked by the remaining demon-fallen angels at the same time, so the queen's attention was focused on them. And Dimer, who was waiting for an opportunity, attacked her from behind.


A sharp and large sword pierced the queen’s back that reached up to her chest. The queen immediately turned around and saw that Dimer was holding the sword and had a devilish smile on his face.

“You..!” A soft voice came from the queen’s mouth. She used her extreme regeneration healing magic but because she had already used about ninety percent of her power, she couldn’t use it anymore.

“Of all the queens, you are the most embarrassing! I admit that you’re possessed by the power of God but, it’s useless! You are too complacent Queen Onita! Your extreme regeneration magic cannot be used again. My sword can control the user of healing and regenerating magic once it enters inside the body of anyone who uses this type of magic!”

The queen could feel her remaining power slowly being absorbed. In an instant, she used light magic to blind Dimer's eyes. Dimer immediately retreated and let go of the sword he was holding. He screamed at the pain in his eyes caused by the queen’s light magic to blind him.

Even though it was painful, the queen pulled out the sword buried in her back, and unexpectedly, she spat out a lot of blood and her blood quickly dripped from her chest. Due to the stabbing of the swords, her chest split open, the blood rapidly dripped from her chest.

Gradually her vision dimmed and her wings weakened. She slowly falls from the sky to the earth.

“Is this the end of my life? If only I was given another chance to live again in someone else’s body or another world, I would prefer that. I will use the time to get stronger and I will return to avenge those who oppressed and exterminated my race!” Those were the words mentioned by Queen Onita while one of her hands was raised as if pleading with the God she worshipped while her body continued to fall to the ground.

In an instant, the sky opened and the light that came from it was dazzling.

“I heard your prayer my beloved child, now, you will live again in another person’s body and be reborn in a different time and world. Go and be strong because the day will come, you will return to this world where you left!” It was a voice from the lord and the sky sang again.

After the terrifying sound coming from the sky, the sky suddenly became peaceful. The battle of the seraphimian’s angels and the queen against the demon-fallen angels has ended. At this time, Evil won against good.

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