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Kaleenon's Witness

Kaleenon's Witness

Mia of Greece


During the choosing ceremony, Hayso gets picked as the lamb. She is to be Kaleenon's Witness. Anyone who goes into his palace never makes it out alive. All who hear the song of Kaleenon never live to see the next day, all until Hayso. The one destined to put an end to his alleged tyranny but what happens when the one destined to end him turns out to also be his soulmate?

Chapter 1 Prologue

Ever heard of the legend of The night Lord?

It was said that long ago, in a kingdom of glitter and gold, there were Vampire twins who called themselves 'one'.

They ruled the kingdom of Petrabeth.

The older one, Lady Sif ruled the day and the boy, Kaleenon ruled the night. They subjugated the people to hardship and maltreatment whilst taking all the riches for themselves. Each full moon, the people would make sacrifices presenting the first born calfs of each of their livestock.

We were told when we were young that filled with rage and greed, Kaleenon wanted the sacrifices and the wealth all to himself so he stabbed his own sister in the heart and burnt her to ashes.

Then he took over and ruled both night and day. He inflicted excruciating pain on the people and doubled their work. He no longer demanded their fistborn calfs but instead requested that every fifth year, they would all gather and cast lots and any one who lost would have their daughter sent to the palace and never would they be heard of again.

This happened for years and those years turned decades and decades became centuries. No one ever saw the face of Kaleenon and lived, no one until me.

The legend we had been told for centuries was a lie. For I saw the true Kaleenon, in spite of his greed to rule both day and night, there had been love.

I am Hayso, daughter of a Mage and historian and I am a witness to him.

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