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Love Contract With The CEO

Love Contract With The CEO

Lâng Oa


Mia carelessness was plotted by his whole family to harm her, so she became a lamb and was taken to some "old uncle's" place in place of her cousin. Some man, cancel the entire itinerary today, I have to go with my girl. Some woman: Brian, you dare sneak me to find another woman! Some man: My woman, my girl, only you. 1V1, clean in body and spirit, charismatic, dedicated.

Chapter 1 Relatives harmed

She has been harmed!

Mia felt an uncomfortable burning sensation all over her body. In the dark, she touched something cold and couldn't bear to press her whole body against it.

“Do you want to sell yourself like that? Then I will give you satisfaction, don't regret it!

Mia vaguely heard a man's voice, then her lips were blocked by that person, continuously all night long...

The next day, Mia opened her eyes with difficulty and immediately saw a sleeping man's face. His strong arm was still placed on her waist. She lowered her head to look at herself and him. There was a buzz in my head, followed by a scream.

Yesterday, she came to his house to borrow money to treat her grandmother who was in critical condition. His family had a hard time talking. She agreed, but asked her to attend a party as her younger sister, because of her appearance. Their faces look very similar. In order to save her grandmother, she agreed without hesitation. As a result, she was taken into a room and her whole body began to burn...

"Too noisy"

Brian woke up because of the noise and squinted his eyes, his black eyes exuding an extremely dangerous look.

"My brother.."

Mia face turned red and he couldn't say a word: "You... how could you do that to me!"

“If it's free, of course I'll accept it,” Brian replied coldly.

"Older brother.."

Mia finally understood that she had been harmed by his family. She was very angry and upset, but could not shed tears. Today her grandmother had surgery. There was no money. Her surgery was impossible. proceed, now you have to go to the hospital immediately.

She didn't have much time to be sad here. She sat up from the bed, her whole body ached, making her take a breath. She gritted her teeth to endure the pain, staggered out of bed, picked up her light yellow dress and go straight out.


Brian shouted, his eyes cold: "Your parents have sold you to me, where do you want to go?"

“Sold it to you?” Mia was stunned, his family not only planned to harm her, but also sold her out? Looking at her eyes of disbelief, Brian coldly replied: "If you're not afraid of your father's company going bankrupt, then go away." His tone was filled with arrogant arrogance, making Mia tremble inside.

Your company is the only passion that grandfather left behind, it is something that grandmother cherishes all her life! She couldn't stand by and watch Dieu Hoa Group being destroyed because of her. If so, her grandmother would be heartbroken.

But, being sold like this, how could she be willing to become his woman? What kind of women are people taking care of?

She absolutely doesn't want to! She wanted to explain clearly, but thinking about the cost of her grandmother's surgery, Mia heart felt like two people were torn between each other. In the end, for her grandmother's sake, she could only accept reality.

“My grandmother is having surgery, I need to go to the hospital.”

She lay tightly on her finger, suppressing the humiliating feeling in her heart, her eyes looking at Brian, her eyes full of pleading: "Is it okay?"

Brian saw the anticipation in her big, bright eyes like starlight. For some reason, he couldn't refuse and said: "Be back before 7 pm."


Mia finished saying thank you and immediately left. She wanted to go like that... Brian suddenly felt uncomfortable, but still called the butler, told him to give the car to Mia, and let Dieu Hoa's shipment go.

First Hospital Mia got out of the car and ran straight to the operating room, finding Dr. Giang who was the main surgeon for his grandmother.

“Doctor Giang, how is my grandmother?” Her eyes were filled with impatience.

“Are you the patient's family member? The patient has just undergone surgery and is still unconscious, but the surgery was very successful, no need to worry too much."

Doctor Giang responded very politely. Hearing that she was okay, Mia was really relieved and kept saying: "Thank you, doctor, thank you very much!"

Doctor Giang smiled: "The patient is in the intensive care room, go visit her."

Mia nodded, then ran to visit his grandmother.

On the hospital bed, Mia Lam Nam Am's grandmother was still sleeping, feeling the needle on the back of her hand. Mia approached and sat down next to her bed.

Grandma had lost a lot of weight. Even though she was sleeping, the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes and the white hair on her head reminded Mia that she was really old, with the back of her thin hand. The blue blood vessels were still feeling the needle, there was a kind of thinness to the stillness.

The room was very clean, with the smell of disinfectant. Mia sat down and picked up a new bottle of filtered water next to the bed.

Even the water bottle was cold, without any temperature at all. Mia felt a sting in his nose and tears kept flowing.

She wiped her tears and took the water bottle outside to open it. After opening the water bottle and turning around, she saw his family and was extremely angry: "Why did you come here?"

Ly Tinh's aunt did not expect to see her here. She was extremely surprised and exclaimed: "Why are you here? Shouldn't I stay at the Royal Hotel?”

“Thanks to your blessings, I'm not dead yet.”

Mia laughed coldly, his voice sarcastic. Ly Tinh's face turned red and then turned white. Livia looked at Mia and smiled and asked: "Sister, did you have fun last night?"

Mia glared, if Livia hadn't asked her to replace her at the party, I wouldn't have had to go through what happened last night, but now she's still standing there laughing and asking if I'm happy. Are not? Mia mouth didn't know where to go, he was speechless. “You didn't say anything, so it must be fun, right?”

Livia looked at Lam Nam Am who was lying on the bed in the hospital room: "Don't blame me, if you blame me, blame her. Who told her to be so seriously ill, otherwise she wouldn't have been treated like that?" So."

Giving it to his mouth... that man said so, Livia also said so. Mia bit his lip and looked at Livia without saying anything.

“Don't worry, when I marry into a rich family, I won't forget your gratitude for helping me. After all, you're no longer a virgin, haha, but I think there will be a man who wants you. "

Livia laughed loudly, not caring about other people's faces. Her smile seemed sweet and kind, with one "sister" and two "sisters", people who didn't know her would think they were very close. Livia angrily replied: "Livia the man's tricks last night, I should let you experience it, right?"

Livia smile suddenly stopped on her face: "What did you say?"

“I think it should be like that.”

Mia laughed lightly, "If I told him that I am not Livia, do you guess how he would treat you guys in his anger?"

Mr. Heli expression did not change, "What did you say? Say it again!”

"I came here today, that person also knew, his car was parked outside"

Mia didn't care about Heli face and continued: "Has he let your goods go today?"

“What do you want to say anyway?” Heli lowered his voice, wanting to coerce others.

"You don't want to take care of your grandmother, and I don't want to make things difficult for you. Find a nurse and take good care of her. I'll keep this matter a secret for you. If you don't do it, then that's fine." I have to go find the person we talked to last night!”

Mia is gentle, his eyes are cold.

"You rotten girl, you're uneducated!"

Ly Tinh was so angry that his face turned white and he gritted his teeth, intending to attack her. Ngon Tieu Nac quickly avoided it. Heli held Ly Tinh's arm and replied heavily: "I agree with you."

“So why don't you hurry up and go? I want to meet that nurse before 7 o'clock tonight. If I can't meet him, I will return to clarify this matter, and then we'll see how you guys endure!

Mia eyes became even colder. Ngon Ngoc Thanh looked at her small and slender figure, gritting his teeth angrily. Ly Tinh and Livia looked at his face, not daring to say a word.

“Aren't you going to quickly find the best nurse to come here?”

Heli just thought about spending a lot of money, frantically pointing at Livia: "If it wasn't for this spoiled girl, I wouldn't have to spend so much money?"

Ly Tinh and Livia looked at his face as if he wanted to eat people, did not dare to say anything, and immediately went to find a nurse.

Mia looked at this scene, her heart only felt like someone was wrong, so she carried filtered water back to the hospital room.

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