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Minock - The hidden world

Minock - The hidden world

Fernanda Ferreira


“It was a time of Wars in this World we once lived in. The races were in war, afraid of one another abilities, and afraid to lose the little power they had. Elves, humans, werewolves, vampires, and many others, lived in a constant war, battle after battle, afraid of what could happen next. No one could count on anyone. There was always a reason to fight, but no reason to stop. Lives were lost, dreams were shattered, families forever broken, forever lost…”

Chapter 1 The Invisible Tribe

We had just set camp outside the skirts of a little town of Goblins, Tmakik. You could always count on Goblins not to notice on some half elves around town, they could barely tell the difference between grapes and berries! Ha! I snorted. There I was making fun of the poor little creatures that were as blind as an old drunk lady, instead of being thankful for the opportunity of setting camp for longer than a couple days.I took a deep breath, setting my backpack on the corner of the tent. The sound of the fire crackling in the burning logs was the only thing I could hear outside.

Everyone should be in their own tents, sleeping soundlessly through the feeling of being safe again, at least for tonight.I knew where the sound I was looking for was, and once you know where the sound you want to hear is coming from, it gets easier to find it from this far. There were some good things about being a Cursed One, the hearing was one of them, and the inexplicable other powers that come along with it. But sometimes I do wonder if the burden wasn’t too much for only two people to carry. I focused on the whispers that I could now hear. There, around the 25 tents, the guardians were on their watch to protect the Invisibles camp.

_How is he doing, Maya? – a soft deep voice asked.

_I wish I could tell for sure, Father. He is so difficult to read. I can’t tell if he is just worried about Aiyn Kira, or if he is suffering the lost of the Great Aiyn Khadagar. – her soft honey words were like a dagger in his heart. She could really see more than he thought she could.

_It is a hard burden to carry. – Father whispered in a serious tone. – He is way too young, and I wish there were other ways, but he is who he is, and we all depend on him and his sister.She took a deep breath.

_I wish I could help more. – she said with a clear frustration on her voice.

_We are doing what we should do, Maya, and that is to protect Aiyn Kinnh, and to guide him through his journey. There is no more we can do.

_Father… - She hesitated, and Kinnh knew her well enough to know that she would be looking to her feet right now, and probably twisting one of her gold locks of hair in one finger, not sure if she should or should not ask. That made him grim a little bit.

_Maya. – He answered the unspoken question

– Aiyn Khadagar was the greatest Emperor I have ever known. And the same applies to Aiyn Khalia, his beloved sister, and Empress. What you need to understand now, my child, is that the burden wasn’t something Aiyn Kinnh and Aiyn Kira choose upon, but they were prepared to take it before they even knew about it. And they are the only ones that can hold the walls, my child, they are too powerful. Much more powerful than any of us together! And they love us, my child, they understand our mission, our passion, and our hatred of war, our need of peace.

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