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Friends in Hatred and in Love

Friends in Hatred and in Love



As the world was close to an end, the three dominant creatures decided to strike peace, the longer they continued fighting the more of their kind that they lost. Upon many discussions, they decided to build a school, a symbol of their unity, each creature had to give one or many of its kind to this school, and all agreed but humans didn’t send many so the devil had to step in and take their worst kind, a killer. Emily was given a second chance for life; thanks to the devil; but at what cause? At the cause of her future, of course, the trajectory of her life would never be the same, not even one second of it, but she did gain many things from her new life, what are they you might wonder? You will know.

Chapter 1 Where it Should Have Ended

A descent into madness can be defined as one's inability to maintain their once sane life, they slowly lose control over their mental health and it deteriorates but unlike many others who fall into depression, they fall into madness instead, they start looking at things differently and thinking differently.

That's exactly what happened to Emily Pretty, her life was the definition of perfect, or as perfect as a human's life could be, she had both of her parents, they were nice and loving, and she had friends, a boyfriend who she thought loved her.

It slowly all started to change the day she caught her dad with another woman, on that day, her rose-colored glasses were longer protecting her, and she started seeing the world for what it really was, the friends she once knew were longer there, and she started noticing how much they used her for their own benefits, either by asking her to do things for them or straight up ask for money, the boyfriend she once thought loved her was only with her to boost his popularity and soon enough she caught him with another girl.

Right after that, she broke up with him and cut ties with her friends, her personality did a 180, she started dating anyone who would ask her out, dating even multiples at times, she didn't care anymore if love didn't exist at least she would have fun with people who thought it did. But that didn't last very long, as someone was able to make her fall in love with him, he knew how to pull the right strings and make her knees go weak.

She started trusting love again, and her dad also changed a bit, he wasn't seeing anyone anymore, he became faithful again but happiness doesn't last long for sinners, and what's written in your fate would eventually happen and it did. On her way home, she caught her dad with a new woman in a car parked right in front of their house, with tears threatening to fall from her eyes, she ran to her boyfriend's house for comfort only to find him in the arms of another, that's when she lost it, she started screaming at him and lashing out.

The girl he was with left as soon as she could and at some point, while her boyfriend was trying to calm her down, she got quiet, something in her brain cliqued, she walked away and went to the kitchen, got a knife and walked back to the bedroom where her boyfriend was frantically trying to find an excuse to give her, his back was to her and when he heard her behind her, he turned around, only to be stabbed right in the abdomen, he couldn't say anything as she continued stabbing him.

"Even though you knew everything, even though I told you to break up with me if you liked someone else, even though I told you I would kill you if you did, you still did it, why couldn't you just ask me, look at what you made do it." By the end of her speech, he was on the floor, motionless and bleeding profusely.

With the knife still in her hand, she walked out of his house, on her way to hers, it was 10 pm, nobody was around and the people who did see her, didn't see what she had in her hand bc of the darkness -as she was walking in dark alleys- she got to her house soon after, hearing her mother's cries from the living room and disgusting sounds coming from the bedroom, she asked her mother what was going on.

Her mother, face still in her hands told her that he told her that he got a second wife; that's all Emily needed to hear before going upstairs, hearing her daughter going to that place made her jolt, only to see blood on the floor and on the stairs, she heard one scream then someone falling from the stairs, it was her husband's mistress, she ran upstairs on fear of the worst.

Upon opening the door to their bedroom, she saw her naked husband begging their daughter not to kill him, as he made promises to never cheat on her mother again; only for Emily to chillingly kick his hand away from her leg and say: "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCHE ME YOU DISGUST ME."

She stabbed his back again and pulled the knife to leave him there bleeding to death, she took her shocked mother away and walked downstairs. They sat in the living room for hours, until the phone started ringing, which woke Emily up from her daze, only noticing now that her mother had fainted; she quickly got up, with a plan already in her head, take a quick shower to wash off the blood then drive her mother to her aunt's place so she can take care of her since she won't be able to anymore, she was going to prison.

After two knocks on the door, her aunt opened the door in shock since she weren't expecting them. She welcomed them in but noticed that her sister was unusually quiet, she didn't say a word upon entering or when she sat down, it was weird, and it got even weirder when Emily spoke.

"I killed dad and Ryan, the police will come to find me soon, please take care of mom, I think she is in a lot of shock." Emily said and proceeded to get up to leave, only for her aunt to stop her and try to get more informations out of her, but Emily wasn't saying anything.

"Are you going to turn yourself in? I don't know what happened but I am sure you have your reasons you are not that kind of person, you don't have to turn yourself in, you can run, wait here." Her aunt said then ran upstairs and a few minutes later she was there with a big envelope. "Take this money and go, don't look back and don't worry about your mother, I have got her, that's what little sisters are for. Now go."

Emily listened to her aunt, kissed her mother goodbye and left.

It had been two years since she left when she suddenly got a call, the only person who knew her number was her aunt, what could have happened that made her call her. She answered the phone and found out that her mother's health was deteriorating, her aunt didn't know what to do anymore and asked her if she could come, since her name was the only thing her mother could utter.

The second she put her foot back in her city, she knew the police would come for her in a couple of hours at most but she took that risk and went to see her mom. Her mom wasn't good, she had multiple scars on her arm, her hair was gone, her nails were cut extremely short and her appearance completely changed.

"She cuts herself each time she gets her hand on anything, she pulls her hair out, she scratched herself and tries to hurt herself any way she can, she was normal in the first few months but one day she saw the news about your father's death and I think that triggered her, it was tame at first but I can't see my sister like this anymore, I am thinking of taking her to a mental hospital but I wanted you to know." Her aunt said and the only thing Emily could do was cry, she abandoned her mother and forgot about her, how could have she done that?

Her mother wasn't herself anymore, she was different and it was all her fault; and she had the audacity to run away. "I will take her and turn myself in, at least I will be next to her." Emily took her decision and took her mother's hand in her own and walked out of her aunt's house, even though she retaliated she couldn't stop Emily.

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