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The Secrets Songstress

The Secrets Songstress

A.M. Zanoria


“Ella, I've always believed that love knows no boundaries, and no matter how hard I resist this feeling, it persists.” “I'm trying to say that I'm in love with you.” It was a symphony, a whirlwind of emotions as if the stars had descended to dance in the vast expanse of my heart. William said he loved me, and I love him too. “It is just so unfortunate because my duties as a prince and being the only heir to the throne have their price.” He said sadly. “What do you mean? I know you have duties and responsibilities, and I understand that, but why are you so sad?” I asked him. “I am betrothed to Princess Andrea of a neighboring kingdom.” “The truth is that our hearts often have different plans.” “I find myself drawn to you in ways I couldn't have foreseen.” He said sadly.

Chapter 1 Our Very First Meeting

My father was a remarkable merchant who traveled to distant kingdoms in pursuit of rare treasures. These treasures found their way to the wealthiest nobles and royal highnesses through his skillful trade, making us a family of great wealth. My father's unwavering work ethic had forged this prosperity, a testament to his dedication.

I had the privilege of accompanying my father to the palace when I was thirteen.

"Father, can you bring me with you to the palace?" I asked excitedly.

"The palace is no place for children." He had hesitated.

"Please, Father, I want to see the grandeur and majestic beauty of the palace inside." I insisted. My eyes pleaded with him.

Finally, he gave in to my pleas. "Okay, promise you will behave and wait patiently for me?" He sighed in defeat.

"Of course I will," I said victoriously.

Tales of colorful fish and idyllic lakes captured my imagination as they spoke of this palace. It was said that the court had been built alongside this serene lake, with countless vibrant fish, and sometimes, even the royal family would embark on small boats for picnics. I longed to witness this palace, the lake, and the gardens, so I insisted on accompanying my father.

When we finally arrived, I had brought along my pet, Mr. Fluffy. I had him securely leashed and carried a small bag for him. I intended to ensure he remained safe while I explored the palace grounds. I had set up a quilt near the lake and began searching for a suitable tree to provide some shade. I aimed to spend a leisurely day by the water's edge.

The sight that greeted me was nothing short of spectacular. The palace was a resplendent marvel, but the true wonder lay in its gardens and the captivating lake. It was a place of serenity and beauty, blessed with numerous trees and flowers. I relaxed on my quilt, gazing at the tranquil water, my beloved Mr. Fluffy by my side.

However, my father was absorbed in conversation and engaged with the royal family and noble friends. Though he was preoccupied, I couldn't help but marvel at the breathtaking beauty that enveloped me, an enchanting world I had longed to see with my own eyes.

Mr. Fluffy got out of the bag I had brought. With a gentle hand, I fastened his leash, securing it to a sturdy branch above so he could roam freely within the boundaries of my choice.

As the afternoon wore on, I surrendered to the scene's tranquility and succumbed to the allure of a short nap. Mr. Fluffy nestled beside me and his leash fastened to the branch overhead. I began to sing my heart out. My dreamlike singing was eventually interrupted by the arrival of an unexpected visitor—an orange cat. It was a charming sight, and while I couldn't discern its gender, it seemed mature compared to Mr. Fluffy.

My fluffy feline appeared slightly apprehensive in the presence of this more enormous, seemingly friendly orange cat. I marveled at the scene and then decided to approach the cat cautiously.

"Hello, kitty. Where did you come from?" I asked it as I touched its thick fur.

"You are so pretty and magnificent," I said, stroking its head.

Just as our unexpected camaraderie began to take shape, a boy appeared.

" Leo," The boy called out. He is the owner of the cat.

I was taken aback; this boy was a stranger, and I hadn't noticed his presence until that moment. He was tall and handsome. His clear blue eyes were looking at me curiously. Despite the surprise, his demeanor seemed amiable, which put me at ease. He approached and introduced himself.

"Hello, I'm Prince William, what is your name? He asked curiously.

"Hello, I'm Ella," I replied shyly and felt my cheeks blushing. He was staring at me. I have never seen a boy as gorgeous as him.

"Your cat is magnificent, your highness," I told him.

With a smile, he responded. "My pet's name is Leo, and he's not just an ordinary cat; he's a tiger."

"A tiger?" I exclaimed, genuinely surprised.

"What's the difference between a tiger and a cat?

I've never seen anything like this before." I said while looking at Leo with awe.

The prince smiled gently and explained, "Tigers and domestic cats share the same family, Felidae. So, in a way, you could say they are distant cousins, both belonging to the feline lineage. However, they are vastly different because tigers are majestic creatures that inhabit dense forests and are born wild, while Leo here is my pet."

"The story of Leo, my pet tiger, was intriguing. He was a gift to my father from the King of another kingdom, a symbol of the strong bonds between our nations. My father, in turn, bestowed this extraordinary gift upon me, making Leo a cherished part of our family.” He said with pride.

"That's wonderful," I replied, "Mr. Fluffy, my cat, was also a gift from my father."

The prince raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "But Mr. Leo is not an ordinary cat. He will grow much bigger than your typical domestic cat."

"How big do you think Leo will get?" I asked.

The prince leaned in to share some fascinating insights. "Leo will grow impressively large, much bigger than a dog and possibly even as big as a donkey. " I was surprised by his closeness as I stared at his exquisite features. He had shiny blond hair and I think he is a bit older than me. Unlike other boys at my age, he is clean and smells good.

"Tigers in the wild can become giants with massive paws and fearsome teeth."

"They're known to be formidable when encountered in their natural habitat, and their size commands respect."

"However, since Leo has grown up with humans, he's just like a big baby, harmless and gentle." He explained.

I listened in awe, considering the captivating journey Leo would embark on from a tiny cub to a magnificent tiger. "That's truly amazing," I said, grateful for the fascinating information, and told myself not to stare at him.

The prince smiled and modestly replied, "It was my pleasure to share these insights with you." I felt my cheeks flush while looking at his grinning face. He was very handsome.

The prince and I shared a moment of camaraderie under the cool shade of a sprawling tree near the palace gardens. The conversation had flowed easily, like a gentle stream winding through the forest. As we sat there, watching our pets, I couldn't help but be captivated by the prince's insights and natural curiosity.

He leaned closer and inquired, "Do you have a tutor who shares knowledge with you, Ella?" I shook my head and replied, "No, I don't have a tutor. But my father brings me books from his travels, and I read them. I believe there's so much to learn from the pages of a book." I felt like my heart skipped a bit whenever he leaned closer to me.

The prince nodded, his eyes alive with genuine interest. "Books can be our greatest teachers, unveiling the world's wonders within their pages."

Curiosity led the prince to ask, "So, what brings you here today, Ella? What is your purpose in the palace?"

I explained, "I'm here waiting for my father inside the palace. He's a merchant and comes to present his treasures and goods. My father has an affinity for selling unique items, including rare books, jewelry, and timepieces."

The prince leaned in closer, a hint of intrigue in his eyes. "It seems your father is fascinated with the extraordinary, just like mine. He has an eye for the rare and beautiful." Oh my God, I can’t stop myself from blushing. Why did I feel like this when he came closer? I’ve never felt like this with other boys outside the palace.

I nodded, acknowledging the truth of his observation. "Yes, my father does have a penchant for the extraordinary."

I returned the question, my curiosity piqued, "May I ask what brings you to this part of the palace, Your Highness? You're all alone."

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