In the deeply personal enchanting novel Daddy lied about Santa Claus the story revolves around serious journey from innocent belief to a transformative revelation. From his tender years, zeals father spins tales of a beloved Santa's nice list eagerly obeys his parents and excels academically all in hope of receiving gifts from the holy old man. Meanwhile zeal's Best friend Ezra, burdened by the harsh reality of his parents tumultuous relationship seeks solace in the idea of Santa..,
My name is Zeal, and as a young child between the ages of 3 and 9, Christmas was a time of sheer enchantment and magic. My family wholeheartedly embraced the spirit of the season, and my father, in particular, was the master storyteller who spun the most captivating tales, especially about Santa Claus. Every year, as the festive season drew near, he would regale me with stories that filled my heart with wonder and excitement, making the countdown to Christmas Eve an eagerly anticipated adventure.
Our family's Christmas preparations would start weeks before the actual day. My parents, both bustling with enthusiasm, would decorate our home from top to bottom, adorning every corner with twinkling lights, colorful baubles, and a majestic tree that reached for the ceiling. The scent of freshly baked gingerbread cookies would waft through the air, and I would spend countless hours with my mother, decorating them with icing and sprinkles, our laughter blending with the joyous melodies of Christmas carols.
But the highlight of the season was undoubtedly the tales my father would weave about Santa Claus. As the fire crackled in the hearth, and the winter winds howled outside, my father would gather me close and begin his enchanting narratives. His eyes would sparkle with a childlike glee, and his voice would take on a theatrical quality, transporting me to a world where anything was possible.
He would tell me stories of Santa's home in the North Pole, nestled amidst a winter wonderland of glistening snow and frosted landscapes. His workshop, he said, was a sight to behold, filled with merry elves who toiled day and night, crafting toys and gifts for children all around the world. I could almost hear the faint echoes of their cheerful laughter and the rhythmic tapping of their tiny hammers as they brought magic to life.
My father's stories painted Santa Claus as a wise, benevolent figure with a heart as warm as the fire before us. He would describe Santa's sleigh, a magnificent creation pulled by a team of reindeer, led by the legendary Rudolph with his glowing red nose. On Christmas Eve, Santa would harness his reindeer and embark on a journey that spanned the entire globe, delivering gifts to deserving children.
I would listen in awe as my father described how Santa would visit every home, regardless of how remote or hidden it might be. He would magically slide down chimneys with his sack of gifts, leaving presents beneath the tree for children who had been good all year long. My imagination would run wild with images of Santa's rosy cheeks, his hearty laughter, and the twinkle in his eye as he spread joy and merriment throughout the world.
My belief in Santa Claus was unshakeable, and each year, I would pen heartfelt letters to him, expressing my gratitude for his generosity and sharing my Christmas wishes. My parents would help me address the letters to the North Pole, and with hopeful hearts, we would send them off, trusting that they would reach Santa in time.
On Christmas Eve, I would eagerly prepare for Santa's arrival, leaving out a plate of cookies and a glass of milk as a token of my appreciation. The excitement would keep me wide awake, as I would listen intently for the sound of sleigh bells or the soft thud of reindeer hooves on our rooftop. But it seemed that the magic of Christmas worked its wonders, for despite my anticipation, I would eventually drift off to sleep, dreaming of Santa and his extraordinary journey.
As I grew older, the magic of Santa Claus began to take on a different form. While I started to understand the logistics behind the beloved figure, the essence of his story remained unchanged-the spirit of giving, the joy of spreading love and kindness, and the belief in something greater than ourselves. The lessons my father imparted through those enchanting tales have stayed with me throughout my life, shaping my values and reminding me of the true meaning of Christmas.
To this day, I hold those cherished memories close to my heart, and every Christmas season, as the lights twinkle and the carols fill the air, I am transported back to those magical evenings by the hearth, listening to my father's stories. And in those moments, I am filled with gratitude-for the love of my family, for the wonder of the season, and for the enduring magic of believing in Santa Claus.
Other books by Pany Akpabio