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Kunyu's journey to Mars

Kunyu's journey to Mars



In 2035, humans can freely travel between the Earth and Mars, and the time only needs two days of Earth time, and there are still many unknown things to explore on Mars.

Chapter 1 Log in

2035 Martian plains, red rocks and grains of sand glint strangely under the sun. The sky was a pale orange-red, and the sun appeared larger and hotter here. The thin atmosphere of Mars gives the sun a special faint glow when it shines through, as if the whole planet is immersed in dreamy colors.

The surface of Mars is uneven, with ravines and canyons all over the place creating spectacular scenes. Sometimes, the red dust flies, and the oncoming Martian wind with a faint oxygen smell makes people feel a burst of fresh. In this environment, people need to wear special protective clothing to protect themselves from extreme weather and toxic gases.

The surface of Mars is like a barren red earth, a few bases and mines stand alone on this mysterious planet.

Down came a starship with a futuristic design, streamlined shape and advanced portholes showing the pinnacle of technology.

The landing module landed gently on the plain, spewing out a cloud of dust. With the sound of an alarm, the airtight door slowly opened, and the first one was shown in front of the eyes that he was well-proportioning, about 170 cm tall, medium body, his features were beautiful, his face was clearly contoured, his eyes were large, his face was sunny, and his slightly slender body exudes youthful vitality, showing the unique vigor of young people. The deep eyes reveal curiosity and enthusiasm, and the slightly curved eyebrows show a sense of movement. His black hair neatly combed, exudes a simple yet delicate style, he is the younger brother Ma Yu,

Behind is brother Wang Kun, his body slightly fat, giving a kind and stable feeling. He was about 170 cm tall and gave a calm appearance. Wearing a pair of glasses, through the lens of the light appears intellectual and gentle. The features are dignified and slightly mature, especially the eyes reveal meditation and perseverance, and the eyes reveal the traces of age, adding a mature charm.

Wang Kun's hair is neat and clean, carefully combed, exuding a simple atmosphere. He is dressed to look comfortable and presentable, displaying an easygoing style. Despite being five years older, his appearance exudes an air of peace that makes him feel like a reliable and warm older brother.

Younger brother Ma Yu and older brother Wang Kun eagerly embarked on this new journey, followed by Zhang Qiang, who is a young scientist of 30 years old, with a thin body shape but clear lines, revealing a lean temperament. His slightly handsome face, a pair of bright and sharp eyes deep thirst for knowledge. The black hair that fluttered slightly on the forehead, neatly combed, exuded an air of competence and concentration.

As a counselor to the two brothers, you will watch the brothers grow up on Mars.

"Hey, brother, look at this place, it's like something out of a movie!" His younger brother, Ma Yu, shouted excitedly, eagerly observing the Mars scenery around him.

"Calm down, Ma Yu. Don't forget we are here to work, not to travel." Wang Kun warned, his face serious.

"Ha ha, brother, you are always so serious, don't you think this is a rare adventure?" Ma Yu responded with a smile, his personality is cheerful and impulsive, always full of curiosity.

Zhang Qiang looked at this pair of brothers, feeling in his heart. The days that followed were indeed an extraordinary adventure for both of them. Zhang Qiang is a veteran of the mission and has extensive experience in the Martian environment and mine exploration. He realized that it would take a special approach to integrate two young people with very different personalities into the team.

"All right, let's meet at the base and I'll give you a detailed mission description." Zhang Qiang said calmly, trying to direct Ma Yu and Wang Kun's attention to the work itself.

Inside the base, Zhang Qiang launched the mission plan. Our goal is to explore the bottom of the mine and find potential mineral deposits. Ma Yu and Wang Kun, you will carry the exploration equipment, and I will lead you in the geological exploration. Remember, mission completion is directly related to our mission bonus."

"Mission bonus!" Ma Yu's younger brother brightened up, looked at Wang Kun and said, "This is a good chance to get rich!"

Wang Kun frowns, "Be careful, Ma Yu, this is not an adventure."

"Ha ha, yes, I promise to follow orders." Ma Yu said with a smile.

At the mine entrance, the cold wind blows, and the Martian climate feels strange and mysterious. Ma Yu and Wang Kun donned special protective suits as they prepared to embark on their first exploration mission on Mars.

"You ready?" Zhang Qiang led them, holding an oxygen tank in his hand.

"Of course, Master Zhang Qiang!" Ma Yu called out his chest, his face heroic.

"But, Zhang Qiang, I have a question." "Why should we come to Mars to work for free?" Wang asked. It's kind of amazing."

Zhang Qiang smiled and explained, "This is a project funded by an international cooperation organization to explore the resources of Mars. You two have gone through a long selection process, and you have special skills. Of course, it is also because of the dangerous and special nature of the mission."

"So I see." Wang Kun nodded, not seeming entirely satisfied with the explanation.

After entering the mine, a strange smell filled the dark passageway. Ma Yu could not help but shiver, while Wang Kun nervously clenched the tools in his hand.

"Relax, this is our workplace." Zhang Qiang encouraged the pair and guided them to set up the detection equipment.

In the narrow passageway, the three men shuttled, the sound of detection equipment echoed through the empty mine. From time to time, Zhang Qiang instructed them on how to accurately record the geological information, while Ma Yu and Wang Kun worked quietly.

"Hey, Ma Yu, you recorded this data wrong." Wang Kun suddenly pointed to the screen said.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Ma Yu hurriedly corrected, with a sorry expression on his face.

"Wang Kun, calm down. This is the first time. Everyone is getting used to it." Zhang Qiang calmed Wang Kun, trying to maintain the stability of the team.

After spending time in the mine, all three gradually adapt to the unfamiliar environment. Ma Yu's openness and Wang Kun's meticulousness are cleverly balanced in the work. Zhang Qiang also found that the two seemingly different personalities showed surprising tacit understanding when faced with tasks.

"It looks like the team is coming together really well this time." "Ma Yu's impulsiveness and Wang Kun's prudence complement each other and make our task more efficient," Zhang said with emotion.

"Yeah, I think we make a good team, too." Ma Yu smiled and said, "This mission is perfect, and the bonus must be soft!"

Wang Kun gently shook his head, his rigorous attitude toward the task seemed to have some loosening. On this day, the three people kept running in the mine and recorded a lot of geological information through the equipment.

When night fell, they returned to their base, tired and content. Zhang Qiang looked at the two young men and felt grateful that the team really seemed to be able to complete the Mars exploration mission.

"Continue tomorrow." Zhang Qiang announced, then looked at Ma Yu and Wang Kun, "Good performance today, keep it up, we will leave a strong mark on the red planet."

Early the next morning, my brother Ma Yu went out alone yesterday to the small cave, the small cave to see the bottomless feeling, he thought about it directly ran into, he held the flashlight, shuttle in the narrow channel, the wall above is wet everywhere, he touched, are sticky hands of unknown liquid, unconsciously, he went deep into the cave, The walls around the rock became steeper and more liquid, and the passage became more complex.

He was immersed in an unknown adventure while looking at the different forms of rock in the cave. He came to a large chamber with strange patterns, which looked as if someone had carved them, as if they were the marks left by some unknown life long ago.

In this mysterious space, Ma Yu found a strange plant, they grow tenaciously in the cave, emit weak fluorescence, these plants in the desolate planet of Mars, can find a habitat, let Ma Yu deeply amazed.

He could not help but bend down to observe the plants, full of curiosity about life on Mars, he gently touched the leaves of the plants, and felt a touch that he had never had before. The leaves were disk-shaped, the thin stripes on the leaves were shining faintly, and the roots were growing unevenly. In this mysterious cave world, Ma Yu gradually forgets the passage of time.

However, as the passage becomes more tortuous, Ma Yu begins to get lost in the labyrinth of the cave, and he tries to return to the direction of the entrance, only to find that his path becomes increasingly difficult to recognize, and the passageways between the rock walls are dizzying.

In the maze, Ma Yu's mood gradually changed from excitement to anxiety, and he began to regret venturing alone, but it was too late. He tried to remember his journey, but found that the terrain of the cave was too complicated.

By this time, his flashlight was running out of power, and the cave was slowly plunging into darkness. Ma Yu felt a wave of panic as he groped for the wall, his hands full of sticky liquid, trying to find an exit to the light. But in the dark, everything becomes chaotic and fuzzy.

While losing his way, Ma Yu heard a strange sound in the dark, like melodious music, which was low decibel and rhythmless, but he felt an inexplicable comfort, as if some force was guiding him.

Suddenly, in the darkness, he spotted a small stone glowing a dull blue on the wall of the cave. His eyes beared at the stone, the light shining alone in the dark, he took out a knife, hard to dig out, the hardness of this small stone and other stones hardness is completely different, full of small thorns, the tip of the small thorn is very bright, the end slowly darkening, the stone shape is irregular triangle, he dug out immediately into the pocket, continue to find the exit.

Meanwhile, brother Wang Kun and teacher Zhang Qiang waited anxiously in the room. They realized that Ma Yu may run out alone, in this unknown field, everything may be dangerous, they have been calling him in the walkie-talkie, not far from the underground Ma Yu in the cave inside the walkie-talkie naturally no signal.

"Ma Yu! Ma Yu! Where are you?" Brother Wang Kun shouted on the radio, but there was no response.

Li Qiang said thoughtfully, "We have to go in and look for him, I don't know what this kid is doing again, we have to keep an eye on him later."

Two people decided to go into the cave yesterday to find Ma Yu. Carrying searchlights, they moved carefully through the labyrinth of caves. In the darkness, the younger brother sometimes heard the cries for help from his brother and Li Qiang, and sometimes heard the strange music in the distance.

Follow the sound, they will and, Ma Yu immediately out of the pocket with a dark blue light triangular small stone, to brother and Li Qiang see.

"Ma Yu, are you okay?" Wang Kun immediately asked with concern, regardless of the stone.

"Brother, teacher, you finally found me, look what I found!" The slime of the younger brother's hand, holding the small stone to the elder brother, the small stone in the hand in the dark emitting a mysterious light.

Zhang Qiang stepped forward and looked at the stone carefully. "This small stone may be a unique mineral in this cave," he said. "Let's take it back and analyze it."

Came to the accommodation, Zhang Qiang scanned the stone with a mineral analyzer, the database showed that there was no data of this material, he used a radiation instrument, and no radiation value appeared, and now the three of them do not know how to explain what the stone is.

"If not, ship the stone back to Earth in a spaceship and let others study it," Zhang said.

"Now it can only be like this, I hope this stone can bring us some rewards," my brother Ma Yu said frankly.

The three young men looked at each other with knowing smirks.

The Earth afternoon temperature on Mars is colder than the morning time of the Earth day on Mars, about 50 degrees below zero.

The caverns of Mars have always had an air of mystery. Younger brother Ma Yu, older brother Wang Kun and teacher Zhang Qiang continue their cave exploration on the Red Planet.

They walked while talking, in fact, the teacher Zhang Qiang came to Mars this time, in fact, there is a mysterious reason.

"Ma Yu, Wang Kun, I have to tell you the fact that I chose to join this Mars expedition because I believe that Mars may have a hidden energy source that could have a huge impact on the future of the Earth." Teacher Zhang Qiang said mysteriously.

"I also believe in this, and my purpose is to come and explore this unknown," said brother Wang Kun.

"I don't care, I can follow my brother anyway," Ma Yu said.

"Before we entered the cave, I had detected a faint energy fluctuation at the entrance of the cave with the energy meter, which led me to believe that there might be some special energy deep inside the cave, and perhaps the stone that Ma Yu brought back this morning should be connected. And my purpose for coming to Mars is to find and study this energy source." Zhang Qiang's deep eyes seem to reveal a desire for the unknown.

Ma Yu and Wang Kun both blinked when they heard this unexpected revelation, which made the purpose of the whole expedition more complicated and mysterious.

"So, are the strange plants and glowing stones in this cave related to this energy source?" Ma Yu speculated.

"It's possible. We're going to have to figure out the deep structure of the cave, we're going to try to map the interior of the cave, and then we're going to see if we can find the source of that tiny fluctuation, or more rocks like it." With that, Zhang Qiang took out a high-precision instrument and began to make detailed measurements of the interior of the cave.

The cave is always full of a mysterious sound, the three people walk through the narrow passage, Zhang Qiang also constantly drawing the road map. The slime inside the cave walls and the strange vegetation that emits a faint light make the whole cave full of mystery.

"Ma Yu, you found that glowing stone in the morning, and it's probably connected to some unknown energy signal." Zhang Qiang said, his eyes stopped on the small stone in Ma Yu's pocket.

The three men walked on, and before they knew it, they had come a long way.

Around the corner, a similar dark blue light appeared on the walls,

"Look, we've found another one." Teacher Zhang Qiang showed an excited expression.

Brother immediately took out a knife to dig skillfully.

"Don't dig" brother immediately stopped, brother seems to have found the words carved by someone next to the stone.

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