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The little girl came from the countryside to experience urban life. Because she accidentally saved the President of a famous company, he was given to the back door as a secretary. So everyone was rumored to be Boss's lover. One day, the news reached his son's ears.

Chapter 1 Save People

Quan Suong sat in a coffee shop holding a job application. It was a month after she went to Saigon, and she still had no job.

Maybe because you were a little nervous the first time, the interview was not smooth and you missed it?

This must be true, Quan Suang thought, so her father at home was always worried about her. Her house is not rich but also has land with fields. In fact, she applied for a job just because she wanted to have some life experience.

But money is not so poor. Today, standing in front of this SHANGPHONG CPTM company, Quan Suong wants to apply.

I don't know who named the company but it sounds so domineering. Already famous for its high salary, but around the company are all high-end bars, like the Paradise cafe you are drinking here, a glass of milk coffee costs a hundred and a half.

That's expensive!!!

While thinking about it, I suddenly saw that a group of people had rushed into a place that caused a stir. The nature of many things surfaced, Quan Suang left his coffee and ran to see it.

It turned out to be a man in his mid-sixties, probably lying down in the street, his mouth bubbling, his eyes rolling upside down.

Looking at the clothes he was wearing, he was probably running for exercise, so he was too active to have a stroke. Quan Suang used to have time to study medicine, so she quickly saved people.

- Please step aside, he could have a stroke.

When the crowd heard her scream, they hurriedly moved away, and Quan Suang pointed at a nearby person:

- Please run and call an ambulance.

The man hurriedly pulled out the phone. And Quan Suang sat down for first aid.

After a while, the ambulance arrived, and Quan Suang explained what he was doing to the doctor, who was surprised:

- Girl, you're doing so right and so well, maybe he'll be okay.

The man was then taken into the car, but because he had no relatives, Quan Suang was asked to accompany him. She could not refuse.

"So I lost my chance today." sighed Quan Suang, "Maybe it's fate. You'll always be unemployed."

The German Hospital.

When the man woke up in the afternoon, he was surprised because there was a girl next to him. She was dressed normally, not a doctor. But why was she sleeping in his hospital room?

At this time, the door of the room opened, and the doctor came in. The noise woke Quan Suang up. She opened her eyes to see that the patient had woken up and was delighted:

- Ah, you're awake!

- You are.....????

The doctor told the man everything, including the hospital fee and ViP room she paid. The man heard very grateful, always thanked her.

Quan Suong just laughed and said it was okay. Then she said to the doctor:

Doctor, if he wakes up, he's okay, right?

Dr. Zhang nodded:

- Yes, but we'll have to watch for a few days.

The woman looked at the man:

- Can you call someone in to take care of you?

The man looked at her for a moment and said:

I am alone, my son will be back in two days... So...

Seeing that he hesitated to look at her, Quan Suang remembered that her father was also alone at home, which was pitiful. She was moved by compassion, speaking faster than her brain:

Then I will pay attention these two days, and when your son comes back I will leave.

The man was overjoyed. The doctor also breathed. Quan Suong pointed to the door and said:

- Can I get you some food?

After she left, the doctor handed her a receipt and asked softly:

This is the hospital admission form, can you remember your name and write your name?

The man took it and wrote on the name, strong handwriting: "The Most High."

It wasn't until Dr. Truong came out of the hospital room that he remembered, "Hoang Nhat Thuong"? Isn't that the name of the President of SHANGPHONG Trading Company?

In the evening, after taking care of the uncle, Quan Suang opened his bag and took out a file to look over and sigh. Huang Yishang heard it and laughed and asked:

- Are you bothering me?

Quan Suong hurriedly waved his hands:

No, I'm sad I can't get a job.

He asked further:

- What do you want to do?

When the Lord told him, he was surprised:


I heard that the salary there is very high and it is also very good.

The First Emperor laughed:

- It turns out that's it.

Then he said:

If you want to do it, go there the day after tomorrow morning and you will find something you like.

- Really, uncle?

- I've got a guy in there who can help you.

Quan Suang was very happy to hear that, and she excitedly told him her story. But Huang Yishang did not criticize her much, and listened carefully.

The more he liked this girl in front of him, the more she went out and called the person who arranged it so carefully. So that the secretary was very curious, did not know who it was that even the president of the company took care of himself.

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