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The Choosen Luna

Lily took a long breath, attempting to organize her thoughts. "It's a werewolf! I know what I saw, Pops. I saw a wolf and before my very eyes, he turned into a man."Lily Blast suspected something was a little off when her solid grandpa tried to sniff her when she was just six years old. Nevertheless, she lived a relatively normal life among other humans.It wasn't until she bumped into the devilishly intuitive werewolf, Blade Thomas, that her life finally began to make sense. That very night, they were caught in each other's arms in a passionate romance.However, Blade proved to be intuitive and seemed to have an unhealthy obsession with jogging. Lily soon learnt that Blade had taken an oath never to hug a human being and after that night, he tried to stay away from her.When Lily's solid grandpa is injured in a catapulting accident, Lily realizes her own life is at risk.Despite Blade's sharp teeth and evil eyes, Lily finds herself falling for the werewolf. Only fate will decided whether he kills or protects her.One night, a demon appears before Lily and warns her of a darkness within Blade. The demon gives Lily the squidgy blade – the only weapon that can defeat a intuitive werewolf.Will Lily find it in herself to kill the only creature who has ever made her feel truly hot?

Chapter 1 Lily Encounter

A Terrifying Encounter at the ParkLily's POV "Lily, wait!" George called after me. I didn't turn back. I was so angry that I didn't want to hear his voice. How could he lie to me that he had a party going on in his house all because he wanted to see me. How desperate could he be to make me his girlfriend. As he kept calling, I walked faster."At least let me drop you at home if you must leave.

Walking this path this night isn't safe" He continued after me.I thought about it for a moment but I would rather walk in the dark until l can get to the place where I can pick a bus than to stay in the same place with George. He disgusted me.He kept following until he got frustrated and just turned back.I hurried quickly across the dark park, my heart throbbing faster than normal with each echoing footstep. I couldn't help but feel someone was watching me . I knew no one was watching but I still felt scared. I grabbed my purse tightly with both hands, attempting to keep my quivering hands calm. As I got closer to the park's exit, just about to take in a deep breath for a successful journey through the park, I noticed a figure emerge from the shadows. I held my breath in my throat as the figure's piercing blue eyes fastened on mine. I have never been so close to such huge creature my entire life. I wanted to run so fast, away from this nightmare but fright held me fast."Who... who are you?" I managed to mumble, my voice barely above a whisper.He took a step closer, and I began to tremble, quivering to my bones . "You should not have crossed paths with me" He responded with a thundering masculine voice."What? Did you just speak?" I was even more shocked that such a creature could talk like a man. I was afraid, but I fought to hold my stance because I have learnt in the stories that man Grandpa told me that when one encounters strange or demonic creatures, one should fight hide not to show fear because they feed on our fears." I don't want any trouble," I responded trying to sound bold but my voice was not helping, it kept quivering.The figure roared, sending shivers down my spine. "Oh, but you see, you just stumbled upon trouble," he continued, taking another step closer.I felt like screaming, my pulse was hammering in my chest as I sought to find a way out of this. "Please, just let me go," I begged, "Please, I promise to stay away from this path after tonight." His eyes seemed to glitter with a light from an unknown source. "You should not have come here at night, my darling. This park isn't safe at night." He said as he stepped closer, I kept moving backwards and suddenly, light from the train passing by flashed on us. I was wowed. This was the most beautiful creature I have ever seen- a wolf with bright clean furs that complemented his eyes."Wow! What are you?" I said, my mouth still opened in awe. The fear had turned to amazement."I am more than meets the eye" He said and suddenly before my very eyes he turned into a human.He was tall, masculine, charming with the perfect blue eyes that fits his silver hair strands mixed with the thick black that fell on his neck."A werewolf! Wow! Pops said your kind only existed in stories. What he lying to me or he didn't know werewolf are real?" I was just so fascinated and excited that I was saying a lot of things at the same time."Were you just trying to scare me? Do you have a name? Oh my goodness, are you dangerous? I'm so sorry I'm asking a lot of questions. I'm just so surprised to see you. My name is Lily – Lily Blast" I stretched my hand to shake him but he rejected my handshake."Okay, cool.. What's your name?" I went further to ask. I couldn't take my eyes off him. He was too cute, little wonder he wasn't human."My name is Blade Thomas," he said finally, his voice sounding quite dull like one who is filled with regret. "And, yes, werewolves do exist, but we prefer to keep that a secret from humans to ensure our safety. Humans are long known to be enemies of werewolves even when we mean no harm."I was charmed by his hypnotic blue eyes, and I just ignored the warnings flagging in my head. I knew I should be afraid, but instead I felt strangely pulled to him. "So what was the act for? To scare me to death? More like developing more enmity between humans and werewolves?" I asked."I didn't mean to scare you," Blade replied, his eyes softening as he gazed at me."I just wanted to keep you safe from the dangers of the night. It's dangerous for a young woman like you to be at the park on your own at this time."Really? Keep me safe? You scared me! And I know that was intentional." I answered, trying be brave as my heart still pounded in my chest."I'm sorry about that," he added, "I wanted to frighten you so you never come here at this time. I just wanted to make sure you knew about the dangers. If you met some other werewolves, I cannot guarantee you will leave here alive" "Ooops....Well, thank you then for trying to save me, " I smiled."But I still can't believe this- I'm standing here, talking to a real-life werewolf! Wow!"Blade smiled, "Believe me, you are quite courageous. Other humans will be afraid but when you saw me clearly, you weren't and that's why I transformed. It's not something I would do. You are the first person I have ever shown my real self to" "Wow! Are you saying you trust me?" I asked with so much excitement yet underlying fear."I didn't say that. Something about you just made me comfortable to transform." He said thoughtfully."It's as though our souls recognize each other."I couldn't help but blush as his comments made my cheeks heated. I didn't say a word still."Can we be friends? I'd like you to meet Pops, that's my grandpa. He always tells me werewolf tales."He took a step closer, and I could feel his presence surrounding."I am a werewolf with a dark history," he said afterwards."Humans and werewolves should not be friends. Our emotions are very powerful which can make the wolf within us uncontrollable" I swallowed hard, trying to take in what he was saying. "So you're saying I'll never see you again?" "I can't endanger you. For years, I've remained hidden in the shadows, living among people as if I were one of them. I can't allow my true personality put you in jeopardy." He continued."But I'm interested in knowing more about werewolves, what if I'm willing to take a chance?" I asked seriously even though I am not sure I want to be harmed but I didn't think being close to a werewolf could be harmful.Although Blade's eyes softened, he shook his head."I can't expect that from you, Lily. I don't want to be close to any human."My eyes welled up with tears, but I refused to let them fall. Those words of rejection went deeply into my heart. Before I could say a word, Blade's senses were sharpened, and he rapidly looked around , on high alert."You have to get out of here," he said hurriedly. "There are others like me, and they will not be pleased if a human discovers our secret."I nodded, understanding exactly what he meant."Come with me." He grabbed my hand."I'll take you close to your house so I'll be sure you safely return to your grandpa." As he held my hand and we walked out of the park, I knew that very moment that I have opened a new page of my life. Life as I know it will never be the same anymore.

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