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LITTLE LUNA - the redemption series

LITTLE LUNA - the redemption series



"MATE!!" I startle as he growled out the word. The tears fall and I see his eyes had gone all black. His wolf had taken over. He pulled me into his arms and at the point all I could feel was electric sparks where he held me. He was way taller than me and had to lean down to place his head in the crook of my neck as he sniffed in my sent; something I knew all wolves did with their mates. I heard the scent of a mate was like a drug to keep them calm. One minute he was holding my tight and sniffing me, the next I was pushed away so hard I fell on the food waste below me. The plates had already shattered and some pieces pierced through the flesh of my palms. I never knew fate could be so cruel. Why did the moon goddess have to make the man of my nightmares my mate? More tears fell and soon I was a sobbing mess. I watched him struggle with his wolf. Then he uttered the words that shattered whatever hope I had left. "I, Ace Knave, Alpha of the MOONLIGHT pack, reject you Lilith as my mate." Pain seared through me in an instance. It was like my insides were being set on fire. I felt the heat engulf the mating bond we shared. I knew that there was no chance of him accepting me. This was Ace and there was no way he would want someone weak. "I-I, Lilith, accept your rejection." I stutter through the pain. The red rope, our mating bond, cut in an instance and the stopped. I was still sobbing as I dragged myself up on my feet. He looked a bit surprised that I accepted it. He probably expected me to beg him.at the same time, the look of relieve was evident on his face. He was no longer handsome to me; that was the effect of the bond. Now, he looked exactly like the monster I saw him to be.

Chapter 1 My torments


The howls echoed through the night getting

the hairs on the back of my neck on end. I ran through the dense forest; the

full moon casted it's bright light through the dark path, guiding me but

strengthening them.

I ran faster. Slowing down wasn't an

option. Stopping meant being dead.

The trees were a dark blur and my chest

was burning from the adrenaline. My breath came out in short gaps, my heart

pounded against my rib cage, but I knew I had to keep going.

Because they were coming...



I stood in front of the mirror; my

reflection stared back at me. I could barely recognize the girl in the mirror.

My face was swollen with bruises as was my body which ached with every movement

I made and my violet eyes were hollow and empty.

Like always, I healed slowly. Distinct to

the rest of the pack, who had super healing. I was the weakest one and a

subject to their hatred. Afterall, this was a world where the strong survived

and the weak was trampled on.

We were werewolves. I was an omega. The

weakest of our kind. Aside from being weak, I was the only one who couldn't

feel my wolf. Most wolves had their first shift when they turned ten to

thirteen. I hadn't had my first shift and it was safe to say, I had no wolf. I

wasn't human. No, the humans had no idea we existed. And my pack, the MOONLIGHT

Pack, was situated deep within Vollrath mountains, far from the human domain.

Selene, goddess of the moon, was the

mother of the first werewolf, Lycaon, who was turned into a wolf by Zeus as

punishment for his wicked deeds. Because she didn't want her son to walk the

ends of the earth alone, she made a deal with Zeus. Creating more werewolves in

exchange that they kept themselves hidden from the human world. And they were

given human forms in case they encountered the humans. That way they could

blend well and not be a threat to the human world.

"Where is she?!" came the raging voice,

making me freeze in my thoughts. My blood chilled and fear spiked through me. I

put on my oversized and ugly gown, not bothering to dry myself. The cloth

sticking to my body as I rushed out of the bathroom towards the voice booming downstairs.

I knew I was late and I steeled my heart

for the punishment that was sure to come.

I could feel the deathly chill in the air

as I walked into the kitchen. I noticed the other maids; omegas too but better

than me since they had wolves and I had none, had stayed a safe distance away

from me and the Alpha.

I knew the alpha was mad, could feel the

rage in the air and I felt suffocated.

"How dare you!". He shouted. Next thing I

know, a mug flew towards me, landing on my head and shattering on my bare feet.

Pain erupted in my skull, blinding me for

some seconds. I fell on my hands and knees. The broken pieces pierced my palms

and I bit my lips to keep myself from screaming at pain. It would only make him

angrier. There was no pity for someone like me.

I dared not look him in the eyes. That

would mean death. I could only stand there and get punished for something that

probably wasn't my fault.

"You dare defy my orders!" he marched

towards me.

The alpha's words were law. That's how it

worked. He was the ruler and we had to obey his every word. The Alpha was king,

followed by his queen, the Luna, then his right-hand man...the Beta.

ACE KNAVE was the Alpha of our Moonlight

pack. He hadn't found his mate yet and so there was no Luna. A mate was a

soulmate. Someone to spend the rest of your life with. Someone who'd be your

all in all. Someone to love and care for you. Soulmates were bound with mating

bonds that let them feel each other's emotions and hear each other's thoughts.

Originally, werewolves within a pack could communicate through mind-link but it

was more intimate with your mate as you could feel each other's emotions.

Ace had no mate but he had a mistress.


Tall, (but then all werewolves were tall,

I was the only short one. Barely 5'2 and very thin. I could have doubted if I

was a werewolf if not that my mom was werewolf.), sexy blond with blue eyes and

daughter of the pack's former Beta. She was a very strong werewolf, befitting

of an Alpha.

Just like the rest of the pack, she was a

jerk, probably even worse.

She stood not too far away with an evil

smirk on her lips. She was behind this. Her expression filled with


The alpha gripped me by the collar with

his supernatural strength and I couldn't breathe. All werewolves, except from

me, were super strong.

I struggled against the hand that gripped

my neck. I was losing consciousness as black spurted my vision. I tried to

break free, the glass pieces embedded in my palms cut through the flesh

gripping me.

Next thing, he flung me hard against a

wall like a piece of rag. Pain spread through my already aching body and I

suspected that I'd broken some ribs. I laid sprawled on the floor, barely able

to move. Tears threating to fall from the pain that I felt but I held them in.

crying would only make it worse. They'd hit me till I cried harder. And still,

they wouldn't stop.

"Take her to the basement!" Alpha Ace


My eyes widened with horror. Not the

basement! Anything but the basement!

The basement was where the tortures were

done...I was sure my body couldn't handle another torture. I hadn't even

recovered from the last one.

I struggled to my knees. My tears were

already pouring down my face as I begged, my fear increasing at the imminent

doom. "Please Alpha! I'm sorry! It was a mistake; I won't do it again! Please!"

I begged though I had no idea what I'd done wrong.

My plea fell on deaf ears and I was

dragged away to the basement.

The basement was dark and the foul smell

of blood filled the whole room. Weapons of torture lined the filthy walls; an

electric chair was placed in the center.

Thankfully, I wasn't tied to the chair.

Instead, I was shackled by both hands in the corner of the room.

It didn't take long for the alpha to come

in. He would decide my punishment. My body tensed in fear as he approached and

I couldn't help but think of the previous alpha. Alpha Jonathan would never

hurt his pack like this. The basement was originally a torture room for rogues

in the area and trespassers as well as captured enemies. The pack was peaceful

and happy. But then, Jonathan was murdered by Ace and so the alpha title was

passed over to the jerk who changed the peaceful harmony of the park.

Ace was an alpha who thrived on fear from

the pack. The more fear we had for him, the more power he had over us. "Twenty

lashes and no food for the next two days." He ordered to the executioner before


I dared not plead for fear of doubling my

punishment. I could only stay quiet and accept whatever fate I had. I busied my

mind, preparing for the pain that was to follow with every slash from those

whip blades.

Every slash that came tore through the

skin of my back and the pain didn't seem to end. Soon I was nothing more than a

misery of broken flesh, blood and pain. What made it hurt more, was the fact

that I had no idea what I'd done.

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LITTLE LUNA - the redemption series

Chapter 1 My torments
