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Billionaire’s Enchantress Ex Returns

Billionaire's Enchantress Ex Returns

Beautiful love


The Ex of a billionaire returns out of nowhere all of a sudden. After six years of being gone. Will Riley be able to save her billionaire husband and her marriage from her? Will James find out that his ex is just and evil enchantress out to destroy him? Find out if James chooses his wife Riley or the evil enchantress Sharon! And what happens next!

Chapter 1 Before the Chaos

Riley's identity is completely secret. She hid her real identity long ago. There is no one who knows who she really is or what she really is. She married her husband James Crow at the age of 16 while he was already 24. She was and still today remains completely pure and untouched even her lips have not been kissed. They have been married for four years and he has no idea who she is or why she has remained so pure. That was the one thing that peeked his interest. She has always remained loyal to him even though they stay at different ends of the house.

She attends all social gathering with him as to preserve his image and lets him do all the talking. She has never complained about anything to him or anyone. She knew this was an arrangement made for him by his grandmother. Even though his grandmother has passed he has kept the marriage.

Riley far from what she appears to be. She appears to the world as weak especially when she stand next to Mr. Crow. He was tall dark and handsome with bright blue eyes and black short hair. He was extremely built with muscles as if he was a warrior from ancient times. While she was tiny, pale, with long white curly hair, beautiful purple eyes, and red lips. In fact the only thing not completely tiny on this women was her breast. She was absolutely stunning though she never tried to show it. She dressed elegant and modest when she went out in public and always in James' view. All of her dresses had a cloak around them to ensure she was fully covered at all times around others. She never asked for much and she never spent much on clothes. In fact she mostly got the fabric and made them herself. A talent that even her husband didn't know about.

She has no intention of ever revealing who she is to anyone. She knows at some point she will have to tell James the truth. She was dreading that day. They don't talk much and she wasn't sure how to approach him about this. James was not a man that like to be deceived.Would he understand why she hadn't said anything or see this as betrayal? She may not spend much time with James and she never called him by his first name always by Mr. Crow. He radiated power and you could feel it anytime you were anywhere near him. You didn't even have to be in the same room as he was. She was terrified of the conversation that must take place. She had went to the maid and let her know she had a request for Mr. Crow. Her request was simple all she wanted was to have a private dinner with him at home next Wednesday so they could talk as she had something important to tell him.

The head maid knew that Riley almost never asked for anything. In fact she knew that she never used the entirety of her monthly allowance. She let her know she would let Mr. Crow about her request before she took her leave. Riley was worried that he would be completely mad about her request was she asking to much? She would do the cooking so that no one had to be there. She cooked her own meals of course she never told her husband that. She really hated asking him for anything knowing he's a really busy man. She was pacing back and forth in her quarters she was beyond worried.

She has fallen for this man that she hardly knew at all. She would cook for him and have it sent to his home office when he was working late without being asked. They never ate meals together. She went out for a stroll in the garden that she tended to. As she took her strole she saw her husband sitting in the garden pondering something and she immediately took her leave before he noticed she was there. She knew how angry he could get when he was interrupted. She walked into the kitchen and cooked a meal for them. She knew they wouldn't eat it together nor would he know who cooked it. She cooked an absolutely delicious pot roast, homemade buttery mashed potatoes, garlic bread, and tossed a fresh salad. After she prepared everything she put it all on the table and took her leave. She would ask the maid that kept her quarters to bring her some food. She had a small table for her to eat at and even a small kitchen. They never knew how stocked it was as it was meant to keep snack and drinks. However she only asked the maid for food when she cooked for him as well. The maid always thought that she had asked others not to bother her all the time. The cook wasn't even there yet. He had arrived and saw the table set with all the food and simply asked that Mr. Crow was summed to the table for his meal.

Once she thought that Mr. Crow would have had time to sit and eat at least one plate she asked the maid the kept her quarters for a plate of food. She told the maid not to disturb him if he was still eating she could wait. Riley never wanted to disturb her husband so she always made her wait to get her food if she was eating the same food. She knew he could get overly mad if he felt disrespected. They never understood why she was so nice and reserved. Riley always thought of everything. She patiently waited on her food and decided to draw a new design for her a new dress.

She was distracted by her flashbacks of how life was before she concealed her real identity. Her strength was unimaginable for someone her size. She looked tiny but could pick up a school full of kids as if it was nothing. She sighed remembering how much she use to help people. She remembered the evil enchantress that had once reigned over the small villages that she "came from" she had put a stop to that reign. She hated keeping everything from her husband but as of right now she had no choice. She didn't realize she was being watched by one of the maids. She had no idea about the commotion in the kitchen. The cook was mad that the maid was there. She waited calmly for Mr. Crow to be done. She had already explained to the cook that she was there to get food for the lady of the house and had been instructed to wait until Mr. Crow had finished first to not disturb him. The cook was yelling at this young maid and this caught the attention of Mr. Crow.

Riley still lost in her flashbacks that she gets up and stares out the glass door nope really seeing anything else. She was longing to be free once again. She knew it would be to risky she could not do anything until she told Mr. Crow the truth. She reached to her back underneath the cloak she wore. She let out a sad sigh. She wanted just for a little while and knew she could not. She wondered why the head maid hadn't gotten back to her yet. While she was pondering that Mr. Crow went to the kitchen to see why the cook was yelling. When he got there he noticed he was yelling at a young maid. She didn't say anything. After a few more moments she simply stated, "I will repeat this in case you didn't hear me. I am here as the Lady of the house asked for a plate, she has instructed me to wait out of sight until Mr. Crow is finished as to not disturb him. These are always my instructions when she asks me to bring her a plate of food. I'm sorry if this has upset you." She was kind and didn't match the anger.

Mr. Crow walked into the kitchen pissed. The cook saw him and immediately went quiet. Before smirking and telling the young maid she was in trouble now. The young maid just hung her head low and waited. Mr. Crow spoke very firmly, " I heard the commotion in here and everything you said. Go fix her a plate now. You have no business yelling like that for no reason. She was doing what she was suppose to. Hand me her food. I will take it to her personally. As for you Mr. Pone if you ever yell like that again you won't work here anymore." Riley opened the glass door and stepped outside to feel the breeze on her face. She wanted to take the cloak off but knew she couldn't risk it. She didn't notice that her husband put the food on her table and watched her wondering why she was so thoughtful to the point neglecting her one need to eat. She turned around to go back in and saw him standing there.

She was confused he never come back here. She hurried inside and looked down I'm sorry. I didn't know you were going to be here. He just stared at her and took a leave saying nothing. She set down and starting eating her food and she noticed the maid watching her. "Why are you watching me?", she simply asked.

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Billionaire’s Enchantress Ex Returns

Chapter 1 Before the Chaos
