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Seven lives and all with you

Seven lives and all with you

Diana Fuego Guerra


Xano is a cat who will spend his seven lives being reborn and will always find someone from the same family that adopted him in his first life. He follows the development of the couple's daughter and becomes her animal confidant.

Chapter 1 1

Leonardo feels distressed, his wife Emily is pregnant and very sad, not for the baby. This baby, whose sex they still don't know, was very much desired by the couple, who waited a long three years for Emily to be blessed. It happened at the right time, but it didn't happen. When they wanted it to happen.

But now that Emily has isolated herself at home, she no longer goes out for walks and thinks she is ugly and fat, while Leonardo thinks she is beautiful. In his opinion, Emily has more beautiful skin, hair, and for him, his wife hasn't gained that much weight, but after completing five months of pregnancy, she isolated herself and lives a sad life, crying in the corners. She has a distorted vision, distorted of herself, and this worries her husband, who fears that if he continues like this, his wife will become depressed.

Emily, who attended prenatal appointments, was excited and smiling, at the last appointment they went to together, she tried to wear a cape and hood, but he didn't let her say she looked beautiful.

She didn't hide, however, she wore a frown and didn't speak to Leonardo on the way there, much less on the way back.

Not knowing what to do to please his wife, Leonardo leaves the house without direction. He has just arrived home from work tired, but the atmosphere at home is not good, as he saw that his wife Emily has a frown on her face as if to accuse him of something wrong that he didn't do.

"God, if it continues like this, I won't be able to bear giving myself direction. Sir, sir, I can see that my marriage is on the rocks, and I love my wife, I don't want to separate."

Lost in his thoughts, Leonardo walks along the sidewalk and doesn't notice a cardboard box. He ends up tripping over it and angrily kicking it away.

He continues walking along the sidewalk, and when he passes the box that he has just kicked, he hears a little sound that sounds like a faint moan. He approaches the box and looks inside, a striped kitten.

Leonardo feels bad about kicking the box away, he worries about his sad wife and ends up taking out his concern on a box on the street in which there is an innocent being, and he didn't know.

The poor kitten is approximately forty-five days old.

Leonardo picks him up carefully and finds himself wondering who would commit such a great evil while being so defenseless.

He carefully supports the kitten in his arm and decides to take it home, but first he stops by the clinic of a friend who is a veterinarian to find out how he should guide his wife to treat such a tiny being that needs love, care and attention.

"Leonardo, my friend, how long will good winds bring you?"

"Ah, Igor, this kitten that is resting on my arm is the wind that directed me here; I found him on the street. I feel guilty because, due to personal problems, I ended up taking out my concern on the box he was in, and I kicked it away, I didn't know he was inside."

"Don't blame yourself, my friend, you made up for your mistake by bringing him here. Do you intend to keep him?"

"Yes, I'm going to take him home, who knows, maybe his presence will bring joy to my wife, who is sad and has isolated herself from the world."

Igor notices the anguish on his friend's face, and like a good friend, he asks if Leonardo wants to share what is happening.

Seeking relief from the weight he carries on his back, he talks about what he has been going through since his wife got pregnant and her belly started to appear.

"I have done everything to please you, but my efforts have been useless, Igor."

"I feel like my marriage is on the rocks, and I don't want to separate. Even though I'm facing this complicated situation, I love Emily."

Igor examines the kitten and confirms that it is in perfect health, despite the "accident" it suffered when Leonardo kicked the box it was in away.

"The cat is my last hope, Igor, if it doesn't work out, I'll separate from Emily."

"Friend, your wife needs understanding. I think the brindle kitten will help. Yes, maybe because you work all day she feels alone, and an empty head is the devil's workshop."

Leonardo heard this saying a lot from his father, a retired army soldier, especially when he didn't want to study to watch television and his father wouldn't let him.

"Go study, Leonardo, an empty head is the devil's workshop," remembers Leonardo.

Igor tucks the kitten into a small medicine box and gives it to Leonardo with the vaccination card and a recipe for milk suitable for cats.

"Whoever abandoned this kitten, separated it from its mother, and left it to die—cats normally wean their kittens after three months."

"I don't accept so much cruelty, Igor, but this kitten will find love in Emily's care."

The friends say goodbye, and Leonardo returns home excited. When he enters he calls Emily, who leaves her refuge with her eyes swollen from crying.

"Leonardo, I thought you left me."

"Don't be silly, Emily; I love you."

"Even though I'm fat and ugly?"

"You're not ugly, Emily is beautiful to the fullest.

Emily was about to antagonize Leonardo when she noticed the small box in his hands.

"What is this, Leo? What's in that box."

"Oh, it's a long story, Emily."

Leonardo tells his wife the story and she gets angry with him:

"How can Leonardo kick a box away, you tyrant?"

"Love, I thought I was empty, I'm not to blame for the cruelty of others."

Leonardo delivers the small box with the kitten to his wife, who is delighted to see the beautiful striped kitten.

"I brought him because you're sad, but you have me, love, he doesn't have anyone, but if you don't want him, I'll take him to the veterinary clinic and leave him with Igor."

"Don't even think about it, Leo, I'm going to take care of him and give him love, and this kitten will be my companion, maybe my confidant."

Emily takes the kitten out of the box and caresses it, and without thinking twice, she names it Xano.

Leonardo realizes that his strategy of bringing a cat to cheer up his wife will work.

Xano feels loving hands stroking his fur and thinks with his little puppy head:

"This human is very affectionate; they separated me from my mother early, but I'm not helpless; I'm in the warm lap of a loving human."

"Leonardo, let's get in the car; let's buy some milk for the kitten; he'll be hungry soon and the milk prescribed by the vet should be here at home."

Emily puts the kitten on the sofa and wipes away the tears that insist on falling from her eyes—more of those of happiness.

She approaches Leonardo and kisses him passionately.

"Thank you, Leonardo, for bringing me Xano love, now I won't feel alone.

Leonardo remembers Igor's words:

"Empty heads work the devil"

What his wife felt was loneliness, and because of this loneliness, she acquired a distorted image of, yes, herself.

Together, they go out to buy everything Xano needs.

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