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The princess with a big heart

The princess with a big heart



The story revolves around a teenage princess who looses her parents at a young age, and seeks to get revenge for their death, which led her into a love triangle with the son of her worst enemy, she's caught in between love and revenge, while trying to solve the problem of the mysterious beast causing terror to her kingdom and others surrounding it.

Chapter 1 Lovefield

I could literally believe my eyes, was this really happening, my parents can't be dead they can't, this letter is wrong, I said to myself as I read the letter given to me by my dad's most trusted right hand man.

"But jolly I just saw them last two weeks, they can't be dead, I can't accept this" I said as tears drops down my sad face.

Inside of me I was devastated, jolly could only stand there and shake his head, with the guards around with sorrowful faces.

"No...no no no!!!!!!, No......" I said while gradually falling to my kneels from my bed where I sat.

Kiara, my nanny quickly ran to hold me, she her self couldn't help it, but shed tears with me, my parents were like family to her, dad took her in when she was just an orphan In the market place, she become not just my closest maid, but she was also a friend and a sister to me.

"It can't be Kiara, my parents can't be dead, no I can't breathe, I can't breathe Kiara " I said as I felt like my heart was been stolen from me, I never thought I would loose my parents this early, not even in my dreams have I ever thought of such, but now, this is reality hitting me now and still forever.

"Leave us Mr jolly, with the guards " Kiara said as everyone left.

Kiara raised up my sad face full of tears and Shaked her head, hugging me immediately and crying as well.

"It's not your fault dear, there's nothing we can do to bring them back, please be strong, my dear you need to be strong" she said.

I immediately pulled out from the hug with a sorrowful look, "how, how how can I be strong, even in years to come I will still not be like my parents I'm not as strong as they are, I'm Lovett the quiet princess, hiding under the shadows of her parents, not to be seen or know by anyone, but to be loved by her parents and to stay together with them, I never really imagined being a ruler, I wanted to age with my parents and read books and maybe marry someday and give them grandchildren, but no more " I said , placing my hands on my eyes, and crying non stop.

Kiara smiled, and began to sing.

"It's the you that you are, that could light up the world around you know,

And no one will know the gifts that you carry

Inside of you

So show them the light and let them know,

That you are a star with love they'll see

Cause, lovefield

Lovefield is the home joy

Cause, lovefield

Lovefield is the home of love

The home of love"

She sang with teary eyes, "And you help bring back that love princess Lovett" she said, taking my hands down from my eyes and giving me a joyful look, Kiara was always a helper to me, she would stop at nothing to make me happy or smile whenever I'm down, but for this course she failed, cause I wasn't ready to smile or be happy, no one could be instantly happy after the death of someone they loved.

"Give me time Kiara, I'm not okay, I guess I'll try, but not now, cause it's not gonna work" I said, standing up and laying down on my bed.

"I'll get you something to eat" she said as she stood up and walked to the door.

"No, nothing at all" I responded

"A drink?" She asked.

"No, please leave me alone" I requested and then covered my face with the bedsheets.

Talking in a deep breath, she walks away, calmly closing the door behind her.

Immediately I noticed she was gone, I came down from the bed, taking in a deep breath, I walked to the closet, opening it and taking out a book, decorated with crystals, mum and dad gave this to me before they left, it was as if they knew they would never return, I had that feeling when they walked into my room that night with a sad face on, not knowing the outcome of their trip would be disastrous.

"Mum, dad, I've always asked for this book, but you never gave it to me, why give it to me that night, and leave me the next day, I wanted to read this book with you" I said as I walked to my bed and recalled the night I saw my parents last.

It was a night of my birthday, they were going to leave the next morning and I actually didn't see them before they left to meet the people of watchbuild, their closest friend.

(Flashback: in princess Lovett's room: Night)

"Lovett dear" That's mum's voice at the door, they would always respect my privacy and knock before entering.

"Can we come in?" dad asked.

I was reading a princess novel while on my bed, "phew, I'm done, thank goodness, emm yes please, come in" I responded as they both walked into my room.

"What are you doing dear?" Mum asked as she sat on my bed, while dad stood close to the bed with his both hands at his back.

"Just finished reading, the princess's mission"

"Oh I see" mum said with a smile.

"What are you holding papa?" I asked as I tried finding out by turning my head, but he wouldn't let me see what it was.

"It's a gift, for your 22nd birthday dear" papa said.

"Another gift?" I asked.

"Yes dear" papa said as he sat down and brought out the kingdoms guardian book, no one has ever read or seen it before apart from my parents, people only heard of it.

"You've always asked to see this" papa said with a smile.

"And read it" mum said in agreement to what papa said.

"Yes I have, and you both are giving it to me now?" I asked looking suspicious of their behavior.

Mum chuckles and replied, "of course, we need you to learn more about the kingdom and you know we want you to rule someday baby"

Exhaling slowly papa said, "take care of it, keep it safe and live by it" as he moved the hair on my face to my ears.

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The princess with a big heart

Chapter 1 Lovefield
