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The Shattered Heart

The Shattered Heart



I can’t be responsible for her pregnancy, did she say I am?” “what?” I gasped in horror. This is the very last thing I expected. “For God’s sake woman, shut up.” he almost yelled as he ran his hand through his hair in frustration. My mouth felt dry and my heart raced wildly. “How can you say something like that? Have you forgotten that night? That night in your room?” I swallowed heavily, not wanting to discuss something I considered sacred in the presence of so many people. “You took my innocence, you said you loved me, how could you deny paternity of my child now when you were the only man in my life?” tears burned in my eyes. He hissed. “And you were stupid enough to believe that I love you?” he laughed strangely. “Those words were said in a fit of passion and sexual satisfaction, surely you are not dumb enough to believe that I could love you” he said with intense irritation that I instantly felt like a piece of trash. Tears slipped down my eyes. “Look at you” his eyes roamed my body. “You are not even fit to be my girlfriend talkless of the mother of my child” he declared. “You still think that i love you? I have never loved you. I only needed a willing body and you volunteered. That is all” ★★★ Amelia, a beautiful young woman of 20, is an orphan since losing her parents in a tragic car accident at age 5. Raised on the streets, her sole dream was to become a successful businesswoman. But not all dreams manifest. Encountering a married couple who took her in but proved to be a source of frustration, she worked for them. Her life took a dramatic turn when she entered the house of a wealthy man as a maid, only to be deceived by the young master into bed, leading to an unexpected pregnancy. Now, as the young master denies her, and those who once took her in betray her, what fate awaits Amelia?

Chapter 1 The illusion of haven

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Amelia, a wanderer cast adrift in a world that has always been more shadows than light. My story begins within the grasp of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, benevolent in name but cruel in practice, who plucked me from the desolation of the streets and offered me the shelter of their home.

This, however, was no sanctuary. Grateful though I was for the roof over my head, it was a roof heavy with whispered secrets, an abode adorned with the bitterness of their unspoken demands. I became a servant in all but name, relinquishing my days to chores that seemed to multiply, each one a testament to the gratitude I owed for their ostensible charity.

The drudgery of my existence was mitigated only by the sense of duty instilled in me by their unwavering maltreatment. I toiled endlessly, taking on any job that would yield a few pennies to lay at their feet, all while carrying out the ceaseless housework that had become my singular purpose.

Then, a glimmer of hope emerged like a distant star in the night sky—I secured a position as a maid in the prestigious mansion belonging to the illustrious billionaire, Dylan Gary. Oh, the elation that coursed through me at the prospect of liberation! It seemed a gateway to emancipation from the shackles of servitude and a chance to glimpse a life beyond subservience.

In those moments of fleeting joy, I dared to believe in a different future. I began to weave my aspirations into the fabric of that newfound opportunity, dreaming of a life that transcended the perpetual servitude I'd known. Little did I know that the mansion, adorned with luxury and prestige, would be the stage for a cruel twist.

It was within the magnificent walls of Dylan Gary's mansion that my aspirations were both buoyed and cruelly shattered. The promise of a new beginning collided head-on with the harsh reality that awaited me.

The day I stepped into that opulent domain, hope fluttered in my chest like a caged bird yearning for freedom. I took each step with a sense of purpose, believing that this opportunity would be my deliverance from the chains of servitude. But fate, it seemed, had woven a tale far more sinister than my wildest nightmares.

My initial days at the mansion were filled with an inexplicable sense of wonder—a respite from the monotonous grind of the Smiths' home. Yet, amidst the lavishness that enveloped me, I found myself tethered to a world where the gleam of polished marble floors concealed the darkness that lay beneath.

My duties were no different; the chores simply adorned in the attire of grandeur. Yet, there was a semblance of contentment in this illusion of luxury—a pretense of being part of something larger, of belonging to a world where servants were not mere shadows lurking in the background.

Then, he appeared—the scion of wealth and power, the young master Dylan Gary, heir to a name that echoed through the corridors of prestige and influence. Little did I know that his arrival would mark the precipice upon which my world would teeter, threatening to plunge into an abyss of despair.

That fateful encounter—the collision of innocence and entitlement—forever altered the trajectory of my life. The air crackled with an electric tension as fleeting moments of joy twisted into a web of deceit and heartache. The young master, the pride and joy of the Gary family, became the architect of my downfall—the sole catalyst for the shattering of my already fragile existence.

Within those walls, under the watchful eyes of opulence, the shattered fragments of my heart found their resonance—a symphony of pain and betrayal that echoed through the corridors of my soul. And so began the harrowing tale of a life bound by secrets and deceit, all veiled by the façade of grandeur that adorned the life of the rich and powerful.


"I remember the day I first stepped into the grandeur of the Gary mansion. It felt like a dream—an opportunity that whispered promises of a better future. Being employed here, as a maid, brought a profound sense of joy and purpose.

For years, I worked tirelessly for the Smiths, and while I cherished serving them, I knew I wanted more for myself. The Gary mansion presented itself as a gateway to possibilities previously beyond my reach. The prospect of earning more meant not just fulfilling my duties but also saving for something greater.

As I walked through the ornate halls, I couldn't help but feel a rush of gratitude for this chance. Each task I undertook, from cleaning the lavish rooms to meticulously attending to the estate's needs, was not merely a job. It was a stepping stone toward my ambitions.

I often thought about Mr. and Mrs. Smith, the family I had served with dedication. Working here now meant I could offer them more support, maybe ease their burden a bit, and save for my own education. The Gary mansion, with its grandeur and expectations, became a canvas upon which I sketched my dreams.

This opportunity was my lifeline—a chance to break free from the constraints that had held me back for so long. The mansion wasn't just a workplace; it was a realm where my aspirations took flight, where my determination to create a better future found its roots."


"I got carried away—carried away by promises that sparkled like diamonds, by whispered words that seemed to weave a tapestry of dreams. Love or what I thought was love, blinded my eyes, veiling the reality I should have seen. Dylan... his promises, his affection, his whispered declarations of love, they all spun a web around me, clouding my judgment.

He made vows that felt like lifelines, promises that painted a picture of a future brighter than any I had dared to imagine. Dylan's words, his gestures, they felt like an embrace in a world where I yearned for solace. I believed in the love he professed, the tenderness in his voice that spoke of forever. Love, I thought, was supposed to heal, to uplift, but in my case, it became a shard that pierced my heart.

I opened my soul to Dylan, believing his love was a sanctuary, a refuge from the struggles that had defined my past. Yet, love, or what masqueraded as such, was a deceptive illusion. His declarations of affection became shackles, binding me to a reality far crueler than I could have anticipated.

The promises he made felt like anchors in a stormy sea, providing a false sense of security. The love he professed transformed into a dagger that wounded deeper than any pain I had known before. Dylan's avowals of love echoed through the chambers of my heart, but their resonance was now tainted with the bitter taste of betrayal."

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