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Her spirit wolf

Her spirit wolf

lucky empress


The balance between good and evil has been breached The veil between the living and the dead has been torn. Nature's balance is threatened What was left of the world was chaos Why? The imposters They have come With glowing red eyes and long talons, canine touching their jaws ready to devour, made from evil in the covers of darkness to kill everything in their way. Lana the unfortunate child of the spirit wolf, the child of the forgotten prophecy, the child Destin for greatness, and death, living in the world of darkness, the child meant to save the world from darkness. They say she's weak and pathetic, How can she be the child of destiny, With no mate by her side, she is bound to fail, Or so they thought.

Chapter 1 Prologue

She is tired,

It has been seven days, seven whole days of running, to where? you would ask, but the runner doesn't even know. Stupid.

Seven days ago was her eighteenth birthday, the day that was supposed to be the best day of her life, the day she has been looking forward to since she was five.

But here she is, in the middle of nowhere, clothes torn and dirtied, hair a mess, feet bare and battered, seven days after her birthday.

Honestly she expected her mate to be reasonable and kind, not some stupid push over.

Heaving and messed up, she decided to catch her breath, her feet hurt badly and her heart feels like it was going to burst out of her chest.

She stumbled and dropped to the floor to catch her breath, her head was hot, heart pounding against her rib cage.

Blindly running her hand around her neck, she grasped the pendant of the necklace her father gave her seven days ago, even without looking she knew it was beautiful.

The necklace glowed a bright yellow, warming its way into her heart, as if to comfort her for all the pain she was feeling, for some reason she felt the presence of her mother from the necklace.

The necklace glowed red in an instant sending distress signals and she knew something was wrong, behind her a leaf crunched. She immediately got to her feet and blindly faced the direction of the sound.

" Who's there," she said trying to sound less scared. What she got as a reply was a growl, not like any other animal growl she was used to.

" No" she whispered, she knew exactly what it was, and now she could hear them,

They are everywhere.

The imposter has come!.

More leafs crunched, the snarls getting closer, and the hairs on her skin are at attention, she couldn't die now, and she #doesn't want to die now.

She has been rejected and hurt, she felt like her whole life was a waste, her entire family had been killed, and she felt like giving up but something keeps telling her to keep moving, for some reason she doesn't want to die now.#

She lifted her possibly torn gown and felt around the thigh, there she found it,

She brought out her father's special dagger and got into a fighting position,

She was blind but she wasn't weak.

Remembering all that her father taught her for situations like this, she decided to put it into practice, She was about to lunch an attack when Something caught her attention, or rather someone. She caught a whiff of pastry coming from his direction, he was approaching them and fast.

It seems the imposter hasn't taken notice of him yet but she could smell and sense him, after all he wasn't that light on his feet.

Why was he even in the forest with pastries, come to think of it he did always smell like pastries, that fool, she even smell berries from him, she almost laughed at this.

She was distracted trying to figure him out temporarily forgetting the impending danger.

One of the imposters launched at her taking advantage of her ignorance

"Watch out" a deep baritone voice screamed in panic, she blinked her gray eyes subconsciously snapping out of her trance but it was too late.


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