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The Mafia Sweetheart ( I Own His Heart, He Own My Body )

The Mafia Sweetheart ( I Own His Heart, He Own My Body )



Prologue: Gloria Grace was sold to Leonard Markel who is a powerful Mafia, he is also the boss of All Mafia. Her wicked stepfather and stepsister sold her to the Mafia Boss. Everyone thought She was going to Suffer in the hands of the cruel, Violent, ruthless and heartless Mafia Boss. Suddenly, she became the Mafia beloved and Sweetheart and the apple of his eyes who wouldn't bear to be away from her. The game turned around and those who made her life miserable before she made their lives a living hell for them on earth.

Chapter 1 The Wicked stepfather

The wicked stepfather:


I felt an icy liquid being poured on me , then the next I heard was a hard slap being delivered to me I quickly got up from the cold ground I usually slept on.

I looked down not daring to look up at the monster I called a stepdad. It then I realized that the liquid poured on me was a cold water.

I felt my hair being dragged forcefully and I released a Yelp because it hurt, it really hurt my scalp was burning from the forceful hold. I tried holding his hand to release or ease the pain in my hair but he didn't relent.

He held my hair even more painfully and dragged me out of the store room that smell like rotten things or animal bodies that was my room. He continued dragging me not even easing his hold on my hair .

He dragged me to the kitchen and used my hair to drag me up and pulled me towards the refrigerator. He opened it and it only contained six eggs and some pancake mix left.

" Why didn't you buy some food stuff when you know that there isn't much left in here". He said.

"I...I...There is no money to buy the food stuff ". I said but I was given another slap that sent me falling on the cold floor before I could even recover from the slap my hair was held tightly again and my head was being slammed again the kitchen cabinet again again and again.

"Was that the reason You didn't buy food stuff at home". He said not relenting in smashing my head continuously.

I Whimpered not daring to scream in fear of suffering more losses but I know that was a big lie because he will make it more painfully.

" Did you think I don't that you have started working, aren't you collecting money or did you want to spend it all on that bastard brother of yours who is nothing but a disappointment ". He said before he started punching me mercilessly not giving me a second to breathe.

I couldn't cry out for help because once I did it before he used my brother has a punching bag and beat him until he was in a coma for two months. I couldn't beg for mercy because it will only result in more pain and endless beating.

I heard the sound of bone breaking In my ribcages when he gave me a hard blow I could only bear it all in .

I close my eyes and breathe through my mouth in gasp because of the burning pain I was feeling in my ribcage area.

After beating me to his heart content, he stopped but not before cursing and telling me that he was going out I better go and buy some food stuff or if he comes back and didn't see them it will result in more beating for me only.

After 5 minutes I struggled to get up but I ended up falling back I leaned against the foot of the kitchen counter and finally managed to get up after 10 minutes but not without hissing, groaning and moaning because of the pain in my side.

I crawled back to my room and searched through my duffel bag and brought out a pain reliever ointment and applied to my burning side after that I took 20 dollars out and went downstairs to the living room I walked out of the door into the street it was so dark outside only the street light and some light from some house that light up the street.

I hurried to the grocery store praying they haven't close for the day yet.

Luckily they're still there. I quickly make my way to the items racks and pick up some vegetables spices,pasta and some fruits and medication for my little brother Jordan grace. He's everything I have left after the death of my mom .

After picking them out I went to the cashier area to pay for the items.

I look at the time on the calculating machine and it was around 11:42pm in the night almost another day breaking out.

" That will be 18.46 dollars ma'am " a voice brought me back from my spacing out. I paid the money and collected the change which I kept in my hind pockets at the side of my torn dress.

I hurried passed the alleyway on my way home. I got home and arranged the food stuff items in the refrigerator then I walked quietly back to my room not to wake up his beloved daughter or am in for another beating.

Fifteen minutes later, he came back home screaming and breaking things . I guessed he must've been drink. After some minutes there was silence and I heard footsteps going upstairs and the master bedroom door being slammed close. I heaved a sigh of relief and went back to sleep with my body aching from pain but I couldn't sleep much.

I woke up at 5am not that I slept much. I first head to the living room to clean up the broken bottles from last night.

After that I went to do all the chores. Then I cook pasta and tomato sauce with some sandwiches for Jordan.

" Hey maid, where is my food" . I heard a high pitched scream. I quickly ran to set the table if I don't want another trouble.

" You better hurry up before I report you to my dad and you get a beating Sophia said, she's my stepsister.

She s

I placed her food on the table on the table and sat down eating.

"Why didn't you cook a different dishes". She asked while giving me a scornful look.

I almost said to her that if she didn't want to eat the food, she can order a food out.

But I dare not talk to her in that manner because she is the princess of the house.

"There isn't much money that why" I said through gritted teeth because all she knows is too party and bring boyfriend's home.

"Am going to the school now, you better go to my room and take my clothes to the laundry room, they must be neat and dry when I come back home okay". She said before going out closing and slamming the door hard behind her.

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