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Born into a long line of alphas, and royalty always comes with expectations. Alpha Chris had to take the pack before he had his wolf, the strongest and youngest Alpha around. When he found out who his mate was he did nothing, hesitant on making a move for what fate give him was not what a man of his status should have... according to other. While Chris was busy sorting out his feeling, others made plans for him about his future. Unknown to them what fate has already given, they went a found another. He hated her with everything he had, yet still did not revel his fated .. this started a war inside Chris, him and his wolf want one thing. But other and his status demand another.. how long can he hide his mate?

Chapter 1 CHRIS POV

Hello my name is Chris Thomas woodland, I am the 5 generation alpha of Blue lake pack. I am the only child to my parents, I was supposed to take over the pack at age 19 but my father said he was no longer able to control the pack and stepped down when I was 16. I got my wolf at 18 but I already went to many wars without my wolf.

People call me possessed because I was a killer long before I got my wolf. Most alphas are feared because of the strength they get from having an alpha wolf. While I was strong, long before had one.. now with my wolf no one dares to stand in my way or attack my pack. I am currently 25 years old and the elders are waiting with anticipation for the day I find my mate.

My beta is my life time best friend, Roman Riley Brown. His been my best friend ever since I could walk, we are always together. I enjoy his company and I trust him with my life. We are currently at a meeting with other Alphas, we were supposed to be discussing peace and allience but instead they are trying to force me to take one of their daughters.

Roman- I don't know how much longer I can take this.

Chris- you? I am the one they are turning into a object for sell here.

Raman- huh? What are you talking about?

Chris- the alpha's . Ain't you?

Roman- fuck no... That's your domain, i am talk about he girls who keeps trying to charm me to get to you. It's annoying.

Chris- oh... Tell them to fuck off?

Roman- can't.. I might need one as a mate one day.

Chris- and your fated ?

Roman- I am tired of waiting for my fated.

I felt my wolf groaning in pain in my head, I hate it when he talks like that. The meeting went on, there was no common ground found so we had to end the meeting early before the fighting started. We drove back home, Roman was quite. He hate driving, rather run but we have not slept in two days so I forced him to get us a drive who will take us to the Golden Rob pack where the meeting was held.

We drove in silence the whole way back, about 8 hours of no talking. When we got home it was late, around 3 in the morning. Roman wasted no time in getting to bed, I was tired but I was not sleepy. This meeting are not getting us anywhere instead it gets me blind dates with annoying beta and alpha's daughters.

I went to my office and went through some paperwork, I did not do much of anything as I passed out. I was waken up by the sweet smell of coffee, I got up and I found Ronny standing at the door. I don't use his full name Roman, I feel like it's too long. And I am the only one who calls him Ronny.

Roman- you slept in here?

Chris- had work... Is that for me?

Roman- did you get anything done? And yes it's your.. you know I hate coffee.

Chris- not much but most of the important thing and thank you for the coffee.

I got up and went to take it, I took a seat on the couch while Ronny went to clean up my table. He had minimal or rather careful hidden OCD. I watched him clean up, he looked all serious and shit. Then out of nowhere my father showed up.

James- ah there you are.

Chris- father?

James- I went to your room and you weren't there.

Chris- jeah I had work to do.

James- beta can we talk in private please?

Chris- no!... you can say what you want in front of him or you can leave father.

James- very well, your mother and I have been talking and we got to a decision... We have arranged for you to take the alpha's daughter of Bloody stone pack. They are they have money, it will solve-

Chris- and who asked you for help ? I am the alpha here father. You said it was too much, and forced me to lead at 16. So please by all means stay the FUCK out of pack problems. And as for arranged mating , I am not taking anyone but my mate.

James- where is she? They won't stop coming for our pack because of it, it makes you weak to rule alone. Your wolf need it's mate close to it!

Chris- dont try and use my wolf for your stupid games father, and I have kept us save for two full years without my wolf and I will keep doing so even without a mate!

James- Chris this is-

Chris- we are done father!

He looked at Ronny up and down.

James- your his second, tell him he needs a mate unless your planning on taking the title for yourself!

Chris- what? . How is me not wanting to take some random bitch his fault? Leave him out of this father I am warning you!

My father looked at me and got up and walked away, he was busy cursing under his breath but I was not in the mood. I turned around to find Ronny, he looked hurt. I wanted to go over to him and embrace him in a hag but I was not sure of how he will respond to it.

Chris- Ronny?

Roman- maybe you should do as he says.. maybe he and the rest will stop talking about how it's my fault and how I am after your title. I don't want to lead I hate being responsible for everything, I love being a beta and I don't wish for such power.

Chris- I know, I know. But I will not take anyone but my mate.

Roman- hmm you won't take anyone at all, you know your mate but you are just disappointed on what you were given... Reject your mate and take who your comfortable with!

He said that and then got up and left, I was so hurt that it give me physical pain. My chest was so painful that breathing was hard, the whole room was spinning and I felt like I was going to vomit. I felt super cold that I actually got chicken skin and was shaking. I laid on the floor and closed my eyes, I tried to link Ronny but he was too mad to have his link open to me or anyone else.

When his like this he usually go home or go for a run. I kept trying but nothing, I felt myself slipping into darkness. I tried to get up but I was too weak to stand on my own, someone opened my office door and I couldn't recognize who it was nor hear what they were saying. I just give in to the darkness now tht I knew I was not alone in my office.

All I could think about as I laid down was the pain in Ronny's voice. His suggestion of rejecting my mate, he sounded like he meant it. I blacked out and when I come to I was in my room with my parents, mother was crying. father was talking to the doctor and an elder was present.

Josephine- james his up!

Chris- what, what happened?

Josephine- you had a heart attack, thank the moon goddess I found you. I don't know what I would have done if-

Chris- I am fine mother. Ah where is Ronny?

James- in the cells where he belongs! He was the only who was supposed to be there and he was not, if your mother-


James- it's his fault!

Chris- how so? My health is not his responsibility. I don't understand why you suddenly hate him! His my best friend he would never hurt me, he saved my life many more times !

Josephine- baby, your father and some of the elders think his-


josephine- Chris!

Chris- NOW!

They got up and went out, my father was very mad. I could tell from how hard his feet hit the floor as he walked out. Mother whispered " you need a mate to calm you down baby" they left and I tried Ronny but still no answer. The door to my room opened and my room and nose were filled with the most delicious smell ever. I turned around and there he was, my beautiful and peaceful MATE.

I walked over to him slowly, he stepped back and closed the door. He looked at me with hurt, confusion and a hint of relief. I did not have any words so I hugged him and he hugged me back. We stayed like that for a few minutes then we broke the hug, he went to seat on my bed and I followed.

Ronny- they said you were dead, I-i I would never hurt you Chris!

Chris- I know, my father is just being too much. Are you ok?

Ronny- yes, I just need to get cleaned up. Am I excused ,?

I was not sure if I wanted him out of my side, I don't know what father might do. But he was still mad and with good reason, so I allowed him to leave even though it was hurting. But his presence did calm chase down enough.

I know what you're thinking, why don't I just tell my parents? Honest answer I don't know. I don't know if they will approve of me being gay or if they will approve of this relationship. Having two alpha's and no Luna meaning no kids. I don't know what the elders will do either and I was afraid I will be the first ever Woodland to fail.

Ever since I found out Ronny was my mate on my birthday, I have been afraid. Afraid of losing him and the pack. Ronny is a day older than me so he knew I was his mate before I did, when I found out I was happy then terrified. No don't get me wrong, I love him but I have a duty and legacy to protect.

We kissed a few times but I broke the kiss each time. I have forbidden him to train with anyone but me, it gives me no peace knowing someone is looking at what belongs to me. He has his office but I prefer he stayed in mine, his scent calms me down and he doesn't seem to mind.

One day we were working and he lost his balance, he hit his head and started bleeding. I carried him to my bed, it was unnecessary because he healed even before we got to my room but it did not stop me. My room is,3 floors up from my office and in that short time I was hard as a rock from having him that close to me.

His open about it, there are a lot of bisexual, gay and lesbian wolfs around... But they are not royal, they are not alphas. I am and certain things are expected of me. I enjoy watching him clean up my table that I make a mess knowing how he was OCD, He will clean it. His parents unlike mine are happy and proud of what and who he is.

My father looked at LBGT wolfs with disgust and almost hate in his eyes. That look is what I am afraid of, but it makes me wonder. Have they not yet notice? I mean it's pretty much in their faces, a grown ass man spends all the time he can with another man rather than to look for his mate? I will never understand but ok.

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