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The billionaires Hidden treasures ( unknown babies)

The billionaires Hidden treasures ( unknown babies)



Xi Quin had just donated one of her kidney to her lover who had a kidney problem, she loved him with everything in her, but he didn't share the same feelings. He was going out with her step sister After the donation the after effect of the kidney donation came on her and she began to swell, finding out about her lover going out with her sister was hard to bear, in tears she went to a popular bar and got drunk. There she had an encounter with a stranger......... She left the country to another country, there she found out that she was pregnant, but not with just a baby, but with Six babies.............

Chapter 1 Heartbroken.....

" What why are you shocked Xi Quin, don't tell me you thought Lu shin was loyal to you all these years, and come to think of it, who would want to stick with a fat fool like you" Xi Chan spatted without pity for Xi Quin who had just barged into them making love

" Shin, tell me this is not true.......tell me what I am seeing is my hallucinations and she is trying to prank me with what she is saying" Xi Quin stuttered hoping in her heart that it was a lie

" Xi Quin, you have always been the dumb one, how could you not notice that tour sister and I love each other, what will I have to do with someone as fat and ugly as you, it would taint my family name" he voiced out

Hot tears rushed down from Quin's eyes, she never imagined in her life that a day like this would come when she had to see the one she had lived for all these years turn his back on her

" I am in this condition because of you Lu Shin......, you promised to continue loving me even in my state" Xi Quin said and Xu Chan laughed standing up from the bed and walking to Quin.......she was only on her panties

" Sister, how did you ever think a man would love you in this miserable condition, ohhhhh you thought giving him one of your kidney would tie him down......we have loved each other for years now and you are just blinded or should I say you are naive.....hahaha......do something better with your life fat fool" She snapped

Xi Quin was furious and raised her hand to slap Chan but Chan held her hands and pushed her down making her fall with her back

Lu Shin walked to them in only his pants and kicked her legs

" You should never raise you hand on the woman I love.......leave we were busy when you came in" he said

" No Lu Shin.......you can't do this to me.....I saved your life.......I am in this condition because of you and you promised to stick by me......" Quin who was seated on the ground pleaded as she cried

As she pleaded they dragged her out, with force, shutting the door after her

Quin remained on the ground as tears flowed from her eyes, how did she get to this point

When she had accepted to donate her kidney for him, her father didn't conscend to it, she went against him and did it, months later it was diagnosed that the surgery didn't go well in her part, she began swelling and became so robust then her usual self.......being the miss of the Xi family. This made her father angry with her as she became a mockery to the outside world

The whole of country Z spoke of her story, how she fell from the Beautiful miss of the Xi family to the hippopotamus because of a man

Because of the way the way she was, she had lost many contracts as a popular model, the people who looked up to her and adorned her began to dislike and dread her because of her new self, but in all this she cared less, all that mattered to her was that the man she did it for loved her regardless, now she got to find out that he had been cheating on her all along

" Lu Shin...........what have I not done for out live to continue to grow......is this how you want you pay me....." Quin continued crying

" Owww.....mmmmm.....ahhhhh........" Quin heard Xi Chan's Moan from inside the house and another round of tears fell

To think Xi Chan would do this to her was disheartening, she knew her step sister and mother never liked her and they did everything to maje sure they spite her, but she always gave them their way....... while growing up Xi Chan would always want to do what Xi Quin was doing......even when Xi Quin went into modelling and acting, Xi Chan fought and strived to become and actress and a model too, now she had taken her man away from her

All these thought made Xi Quin cry more, she carried herself up and knocked on the door, no one minded her, they were busy doing what they knew best and she kept hearing their moans and groans

...........Moments later.........

Xi Quin found herself in a popular Bar, she sat down and ordered plenty bottles of bear to keep her mind from them, she kept drinking and drinking

One of the bar attendant kept looking at her as she drank, she pitied her but when she remembered she was on a mission and it will get her lots of money, she quickly rushed to her bag and took out an Aphrodisiac

She looked at the item in her hand and sighed......if she didn't do this she can't get money to pay for her mother's surgery


Last week, Xi Chan had come to meet her when she was working and asked her if she was the one who always served Xi Quin drinks anytime she stopped by and she nodded

" She comes here everyday to drink, sometimes with her friends and sometimes she just comes to relax in one of our Vip rooms when she has plenty of works to do" She had told Xi Chan

" I asked around and I was directed to you as the person she always calls when she is here, I want you to do something for me and I will give you five million Yuan, it's not hard and no one will know except you tell them....Miss????"

" Fa Zhen" she said

" Fa Zhen, so are you in" Xi Chan had asked her

When she was offered that amount of money, it was pleasing, the first thing her mind went to was her mum surgical fee for liver transplant, then she could take her mum outside the states to start life a new with the rest of the money

" Am in, what will I do for you" she had accepted

" Take this, the next time she comes here out this in anything she ordered and immediately you do it fall me then the rest for me okay" Xi Chan had told her giving her a powdery substance


Fa Zhen walked to Xi Quin's table but it was not the usual Xi Quin who was cheerful and cared less, Xi Quin was in tears and she was saying some inaudible things

" Xi Chan.......Lu Shin........you both are cursed" Xi Quin said

Fa Zhen walked to her " Do you need any other thing miss Quin" she asked

" More bottles of beer......I need more bottles" she said slowly

Looking at the table there were already Seven bottles of beer, how could she demand for more, who was she to refuse, she went in and packaged a bottle, before she served it, she opened it and poured some of the substance on it, looking around carefully to make sure no one was seeing her

Immediately she dropped the bottle on the table, Quin grabbed in, gulping it down as tears left her eyes

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The billionaires Hidden treasures ( unknown babies)

Chapter 1 Heartbroken.....
