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Fated to the Powerful Hybrid

Fated to the Powerful Hybrid

Marvie Xim


Oh my GODD.....Alice gasped at the sight in front of her. She recalled that her college went on a trip and she was thrown out of the bus into the forest by her worst enemy and bully, Anne Brine. She last remembered that she hit her head on a rock and blacked out. By the time she woke up, it was night. Looking at the thick black clouds and the full moon, she gasped in pain as she tried to get up. Walking deeper into the forest, she felt that she was being watched, the trees were moving vehemently and a howl was heard. Alice shuddered in fear, then she saw shadows creeping up to her, she looked up and was met with different colors of eyes. They were wolves....AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, She tried running away but it was too late. Before she could turn, a huge wolf pounced on her and revealed his set of white teeth. Alice screamed as he approached her neck, then she blacked out......

Chapter 1 Lost in a thick forest

Alice' POV

Ugh, I groaned and opened my eyes, I saw huge trees hovering above me, I was scared to the marrow, Then I recalled that the graduating sets were going on a trip and I was among them.

Our driver had followed the forbidden road because the main road was jammed with traffic.

It was said that weird things beyond human imagination happened there,

Rumors had it that the forests on each side of the forbidden road led to another world and no one who went there alone came back alive.

We, the humans even the so called scientists hadn't figured the mystery behind it. I sat on the last row of the bus looking outside the window and lost in thoughts.

It was purring rain outside and there was a huge storm.

Annie Brine, the worst girl I'd ever met, Of course like her name was, She was a pack of salt poured into someone's mouth and when asked for a solution to the problem she caused provided Water which worsened the situation, She was such a pain in my tooth,

She opened the back door of the bus and pushed me out. I screamed rolling down into the forest and my head hit a tree, then I blacked out but before I blacked out, I heard

GOOD RIDDANCE.............

I tried getting up, I felt a throbbing pain on my head, It was night already.

The dark sky was covered with thick dense clouds like it was going to rain. I looked at the trees, the branches moved, It seemed something was on the tree, I felt anxious.

I looked down and immediately I saw shadows, shadows in the form of animals that surrounded me.

Who, Who is there?...., I stammered, I had nowhere to run to.

Suddenly, I saw a glint of light, I stared on, It, It was 'An eyes',a pair of golden eyes. I screamed in shock and fell down, I looked around me and found blue, red, green and different shades of eyes glaring hard at me.

Then I felt all of them coming towards me.

Under the bright moon light, I saw that they were wolves, I screamed in terror. I have watched wolf movies before and I hated how fierce they looked. I never knew I would encounter one.

"Oh my GOD, the only one and true one, Please save me, I have no one but you. I am encountered by a situation to that will decipher my fate, I have nothing to offer LORD, Even if I die, Please accept my sinful but innocent soul in Heaven.", It was then I instantly learned how to pray.

I couldn't die just like that even though I knew no one, No one would come for me, I was an orphan. My adoptive parents were...............

I jerked up when I heard a loud growl. BEFORE I could make a move, a wolf jumped towards me. It was black and very huge up to my shoulders though I wasn't standing,

Lycans, I thought to myself but not so sure. I screamed as it flashed it's golden eyes and dreary white teeth. I closed my eyes, I don't know if I died or fainted.

Jade's POV

Ace control yourself, She, She smells familiar.....and distinct. She..... Control yourself!!! , I don't want dad to notice it.

We'll talk about it later.

I had gotten information that there was an intruder. The warriors and their leader were already armed and I led them to the forest.

We were surprised to see a girl.

"Is she a rogue"? I asked my future beta. I'm not sure, he replied. I took a close look at the young girl.

"What a pretty girl?" I thought to myself and walked towards her, She looked like a human and had some traits that was similar to that of female wolves but it wasn't possible, I thought.

She smelled just like a normal human, nothing special.

Human girls were so beautiful and tempting that was why some wolf packs accept them as their mates or some pack like mine, We may use and then kill them, but these girl looked special. Just then I began to feel uneasy.

My wolf groaned. Something was wrong, The scent hit me again. She smelt different, Was she a human?

"Prince, She's trying to get away, Should we get her....."

I'll get her myself...."

Before the lady could move, I jumped towards her and wanted to bite her neck. Then I inhaled it again, the strong smell of vanilla and strawberries hit my nostrils.

I threw her neck to the side climbing in towards her as she screamed trying to push me away. She had thick black hair which smelt like magnolia. I was going crazy, her scent did many things to me.

Mate.. I thought I heard Ace say. I couldn't get to eat her, I commanded my warriors to tie her up and take her to the dungeon. Just then i got information that the Alpha King called for me so I left with my guards.


Has the matter been handled?, Yes Dad, I replied and sat on my royal throne beside him. Other close assistants to my dad and elders up had gathered.

They really thought that the matter was that serious. Is it a rogue or....I'll go check it out, I said and left the royal hall after bowing slightly.

I got closer to the dungeon and Ace couldn't stop growling. "Mate..., Mate?", I asked. You know full well that I don't have a mate.

It's just a rumor, Ace argued back trying to convince me. You and I know the truth, I don't have an Alpha Luna. She's either gone or lost. I'm the last Alpha King of my clan, I can't mark someone who is not my fated mate.

You should get a hold on yourself, I told Ace in my mind and walked towards the dungeon gate.

The warriors opened the gate and I walked to the last cell where she was kept. I inhaled that magnolias and strawberry scent again.

Ace growled, I shifted into my wolf form and pounced angrily on the door.

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