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Alphas Competition

Alphas Competition

Rebecca Bruce


An Alpha with a curse. A Created Omega. A Lethal Game... Lycanthropes hold a competition to select the Alpha Supreme once every ten years. Twenty participants compete every ten years. Merely 25% of them make it through. Paloma Brooks has no choice but to accept the gift of freedom in exchange for going on the Run with Alpha Alfred Williams. Will everything ever be the same after eight weeks of bloodshed, mayhem, hopeless feelings, and sinister secrets?

Chapter 1 Run Faster Rosie!

Run Faster Rosie!

The sickening sound of flesh being torn apart filled the air, wide hazel eyes watched in horror as the wolf tore apart the very man they had always looked at with every bit of love in her heart.

The beast raised its blooded muzzle and snarled in Rosie’s direction. With a shriek of terror she instinctively turned to her heel, ignoring the stones bruising her bare feet, and broke into a run.

She could hear the paws of wolves padding on the earth like the thud, thud, thud of a loud drum. The sound of her heart was echoing in her ears like a beat, beat, beat.

Don’t look back. Don’t look back. Don’t look back.

She looked back.

Two wolves were hot on her heels, snapping their blood stained jaws at her. Her stomach throbbed with the effort of running, her legs threatened to give up but just then, three wolves appeared from the front, baring their teeth and fell upon the others. Pained howls and snapping of bones filled her head.

As if in a nightmare, tears streaming down her face, Rosie dashed forward. She ran and ran and ran until she could no longer feel her feet, until sweat covered her like second skin, until she was only going on for her unborn child.

In the distance, she saw light. High walls. The smell of other lycanthropes.


Heaving, stumbling, gasping, she reached the high iron fence that marked a pack’s territory.

“Stop!” a stern male voice barked “Who are you? State your name and purpose.”

Rosie looked at the two tall males that approached her very quickly, even for werewolves.

Her lips parted to say something but her mind was blank, her soul shattering, her energy crushed and darkness was filling her vision.

And she fainted.


Several hours later, Rosie was holding a baby girl in her arms. Hazel eyes, so much like her own gazed back at her.

“Lucas would’ve loved you so much,” she whispered softly, tears pricking her eyes.

A knock on the door of the little room snapped her out of her thoughts. A woman in her late twenties came inside.

“Rosie, Luna would like to see you” she said gently “come along, dear.”

“Yes, let's go.” Rosie nodded at the omega Lycan

They walked through the long, narrow passages of the omega quarters to the wide and glamorous hallways of the Alpha and Luna’s chambers.

The guards let them into the meeting room where the Alpha and Luna sat. The Alpha was a big man with broad shoulders, a proud scar on his left cheek and fierce brown eyes. Luna was a fragile looking woman but her blue eyes were sharp as a hawk, piercing as shards of glass.

“Alpha, Luna,” Rosie dipped in a courtesy

“Mrs. Brooks,” the Alpha said, “We sent troops to your pack territory, but no one could survive the rogue attack. No one but you and your daughter.”

Rosie nodded, feeling her chest constrict with pain.

“Now, we understand you need shelter,” the Alpha continued, “and we would offer you a place here in the estate, as werewolves and Lycans are not so different after all.”

“That would be very kind of you, Alpha.” Rosie replied meekly

“but,” Luna interjected, “you are not part of our pack, hence, you can only stay as an omega.”

Swallowing the lump in her throat, Lainea looked at her daughter’s hazel eyes. With a deep breath, she made the choice any mother would’ve made.

“I accept the conditions.”

After Rosie had been officially converted to an omega by taking an oath and shaking her hand, which she’d cut a bit to draw out blood, with the Alpha, who had done the same. She went out, clutching her baby.

She hadn’t taken more than a few steps when someone tugged at the hem of her dress. She whirled around, her eyes landed on a four year old boy. With his dark brown hair and deep blue eyes, it wouldn’t take a genius to guess who he was.

“Who are you?” he asked, though his eyes were curious, his voice had been commanding

“I, well,” Rosie struggled with her words “I’m the new pack member.”

The boy nodded, craning his neck to look at the child in the woman’s arms. Rosie lowered her arms to let him have a look.

The boy smiled at the infant “Hello there, I’m Alfred Williams.”

He looked at Rosie, apparently to know the name of the child. Rosie blushed, she hadn’t thought of it yet but…

Looking down at her angle, a soft smile tugged her lips

“Paloma,” she said, “Paloma Brooks.”

Alfred grinned and let the baby hold one of his fingers

“Welcome home, Paloma.”

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