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Are you my BF or my BF

Are you my BF or my BF



Jasmine's dating experiences always end in disappointment. She finds solace in her friendship with Lexi, her best friend. After a string of failed dates, Jasmine decides to forgo romantic relationships altogether, except for the companionship she shares with Lexi. However, as she witnesses Lexi's romantic gestures and explores the world of romance through movies, curiosity stirs within her. She becomes intrigued by the idea of kissing, something she's never experienced despite being twenty years old. One playful kiss between Jasmine and Lexi changes everything. What started as a simple experiment transforms into a deep, inseparable bond that questions the boundaries of friendship. They find themselves entangled in a web of emotions and desires. Meanwhile, Lexi, although committed to another relationship, wrestles with his true feelings for Jasmine. Despite his outward loyalty, his heart longs for something more, something he finds in the forbidden intimacy he shares with Jasmine. Join Jasmine and Lexi as they embark on a journey of self-discovery, where the lines between friendship and romance blur, and the true nature of their connection is put to the test.

Chapter 1 Rejection

Jasmine's POV

I applied eye liner as I finished my make up.


I'm so excited.. This is my first date with my boyfriend that lasted 3 days. I checked myself in the mirror as I posed sexily from time to time. I twirled finally and carried my bag, walking out of my room.

I share an apartment with my best friend, Lexi. Every month, we divide the rent into half and pay. Not that we can't afford it alone but we just love doing it that way as our parents doesn't know about it and we keep the remaining halves to ourselves.

"Ouch! Lexi" came from his room opposite mine... Lexi King at duty.


That's probably the voice of Alicia, his girlfriend. Did I mention that I'm very good in chemistry even when I'm in the humanity and arts department? Well yes, I was the one that set up Lexi and Alicia and they're doing pretty well now.

I brought out my phone and texted him.. I better not disturb their make out session.

"OFF TO MEET CASPER" I texted and went out of the apartment. Casper Dean is my boyfriend and I think I'm madly in love with him right now cuz out of the list of my ex.. he has been the only one that didn't break up with me the day he asked me out.

Apart from Lexi, he'll be the most handsome guy in my world. I entered my red Porsche car and checked out myself in the rear mirror.

...Oupps! my lipstick looks too bright. I took out a wiper and cleaned it off, I better not scare him away. After applying a back up lip gloss, I realized it's too plain. What am I going to do?

I got down from the car and went back into the apartment, I'm probably 30 minutes early so I have no worries. I went into my room and brought out my lipsticks but it confused me more. I took two lipsticks and came out to see Lexi and Alicia fully dressed.

"That was fast" I blurted out and Lexi came to me and wound his arm around my neck.

"Alicia.. Ombre or onion?" I asked her, referring to the shade of the lip colourers and ignoring Lexi's hand around my neck.

"Hm have you tried pink?" she shrugged.

"Aren't you over doing this 'date' with the Dean guy, you could've gone natural or played hard to get" Lexi cuts in.

"Great! Now I know my mortal enemy" I rolled my eyes and went on to try pink lipstick and it was perfect.

"I love you Alicia" I came out and said, proceeding to go down the stairs.

"Hey! what about me" Lexi yelled from behind.

"I just said that before she came out, you're annoying" Alicia bickered and I laughed at them before going to my car and driving to the date venue.

I didn't have high hopes in meeting him there first so I selected a table and ordered juice for both of us in advance. Then I began my waiting..

1 minute, 2 minutes... 10 minutes.. 20 minutes.. an hour..

It's alright, there might be traffic on his way.

1hr 30 minutes...

2 hours..

I felt the back of my hand wet, I didn't even realize I started crying, just then.. my phone beeped.

'CASTO LOVE' it displayed a message notification and I clicked hurriedly.

"Of course.. of course, that's what they all say, Sorry.. sorry" I cried to myself. The contents are similar to the other ones I read.


"I hate all boys!!" I shouted.

'except Lexi' my Inner mind retorts.

"Of course" I replied to myself and the people in the restaurant started looking at me like I was some lunatic.

"Mind your business!!" I yelled and stood up.

Do I smell? no I don't think so. Is my b^tt small and my b^obs shapeless? no! it doesn't seem so... am I too short? is my skin purple? am I a virus?

No! No! No! I'm not a disease but they all run away from me.. I just need an answer.. I just need to know why they keep toying with my feelings.

I drove to a red light house and took a few shorts of liquor.. when I started seeing fog, I hurriedly dialed the first number on my contact list - Other half.


Unknown POV

When I saw her walk in with a dejected look, I felt a hard pang on my chest. I watched her drown herself in alcohol.. Maybe it's the results of the beer I had earlier but I couldn't keep my eyes off her.

Her beauty was captivating. From the pout on her plump lips whenever she remembers something to the way her big doe eyes rolls. I just wish I could stop her tears from flowing down her beautiful face. Even as her make-up was ruined from her persistent tears, she was still attractive.

"Hey dude what're you looking at?" Today is actually my highschool reunion and my classmates.. ex crushes.. friends are all lined up around me.

"Hm, I just don't feel comfortable here" I swallowed nothing as my eyes begin to wander around again and stop at her again. This time, her head was layed on the bar counter and her eyes were shut. It looked like she fell asleep or fainted.. I really can't know if I'm far away from her.

"Do you remember Chloe? Highschool Bea and every guy crush? surprisingly she said she's on her way and she'd make it"

Chloe was well known for being sassy and rude in my highschool. Yeah, it's amazing that she's going to join us. She rarely participate in low class gathering like this.

Her majesty is here..

She's ever stunning as always..

I guess she's still all guy's crush. I must admit, I liked her too but now.. when there's this girl in the bar, she's nothing in comparison.

Right.. the girl, I should meet her. I stood up to walk to the sleeping beauty's side but I had to stop in my steps when I saw another guy before her and in no time, he scooped her into his arms and carried her.

"My knight in shining armor" she muttered drunkingly. I didn't even have the chance to ask her before I was rejected.. this is too bad.

"Hey Aiden.. You're cute already in three years" I heard a familiar voice mutter in my front. I felt her sexily drop her filthy hands on my chest.

I remember how she used those same hands to embarrass me in the public.


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