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Reborn Of A Slave Omega

Reborn Of A Slave Omega



....I ran through the forest barefooted on my tiny legs while it was still raining. The lightning and thunder have not stopped but only intensified. There I was, in the middle of the wood terrified. I had no clue about what to do. I only kept running as long as my strength could sustain me. I did not rule out that the men who killed my parents and massacred all the members of my pack will not come after me. I knew I was next in line to die. The enemy was bent on wiping us all off... Fourteen years have passed but I'm yet to regain my freedom. A slave Omega I will remain....one that is maltreated and abused by the evil Alpha. My only shot at redemption is finding my right mate.

Chapter 1 The Massacre

It was written in the ancient text; an eye for an eye, an ear for an ear and life for life. That was the type of Justice I seek ever since my father was killed in cold blood, and my mother was beaten and abused right before my eyes. I was only a child and could do nothing but watch and cry as the gloomy night unfolded with evil.

The heavy rainfall, thunder and harsh lightning marred the horrible scene of that unforgettable night.

Yes, such it was that every time it rains heavily with thunder and lightning, I will be reminded of the horrors of that fateful night.

I could go on and on and tell you all the pain in my heart. But that wouldn't be appropriate without telling you my name and who I am.

My name is Elena and this is my story. I'm 22 years old and the only surviving member of my pack. Life has never been kind to me ever since I arrived in my new pack where I was abused, cursed and beaten almost daily.

Of course, it has never always been like this, it all started the night Alpha Khan's pack invaded ours and massacred everyone who stood on their path.

I was only 8 years old at that time and had no idea my pack had a rival who was bent on wiping them off the face of the earth. All of that happened just because Alpha Khan was obsessed with to posess an item that has always been in our pack's custody.

That night was as peaceful as always. Not long ago, mother had given me butter pie which I munched with pleasure and happiness.

It was raining heavily which means that every member of my pack was inside, fantasizing and wishing the rain could stop soon.

I did not think that the rain should stop. I like it but I hate the sound of thunder and indiscriminate flash of lightning. Nothing makes my heart leap in fear like hearing those harsh sounds. Nevertheless, I endured the whole show.

I had just finished eating my butter pie and was heading straight to the kitchen to demand more from mother when I heard her scream.

I was terrified. I have never heard my mother scream that way before.

I stood still in shock and await what happens next.

Father ran past me on his way to the kitchen to find out what happened to mother.

About half a minute after my mother screamed, and more screams were heard across the members of my pack. It could only mean that there was trouble in paradise. It was only when I heard the sound of a battle cry did I realize that we were under an attack.

Terrified by what was happening, I could have fled. Nevertheless, I inched closer to the kitchen door. I saw my father being brutalized by some men with scary faces. Mother was not left alone either, she was pushed and beaten until she stopped moving.

Father tried to defend her by fighting back but he was outnumbered and could barely save himself let alone save my mother.

At the slightest opportunity he got, he turned towards me and told me to run.

"Run, Elena! Run my dear daughter.... save yourself!" shouted father. That was the voice of a desperate dying man.

I was only a child, and lacked the will to flee. I was weeping loudly and so were the other members of our pack who were being killed one after another.

He repeated his words this time with a fading voice yet, I couldn't obey him.

How can I part from my loving father and mother in the face of death?

I watched as the scary men beat father before one of them stabbed him in the belly right in front of me and said. "This one is for you poor little girl!"

"You are next!" said the second man.

I needed no more explanation about what he meant. It was at that juncture, I took to my heels. It was an escape to no defined destination.

I ran through the forest barefooted on my tiny legs while it was still raining. The lightning and thunder have not stopped but only intensified.

There I was, in the middle of the wood terrified. I had no clue about what to do. I only kept running as long as my strength could sustain me.

I did not rule out that the men who killed my father and mother and massacred all the members of my pack will not come after me.

I knew I was next in line to die. Whoever the enemy was, they were bent on wiping us all out.

Having exhausted all my strength while running away to save my life, I paused, to catch some breath.

I assumed it was safe to take some breath under the heavy rain with flashes of lightning and the rumbling sounds of the thunder.

I never knew I was making a big mistake.

Suddenly, I began hearing strange footsteps approaching my location from all corners.

It must be them, I thought. They must have come after me.

l took to my heels again but I was unaware of another danger waiting for me.

As I was running, I slipped my foot down a sloppy ground in the woods. I fell into a pit. It was pretty big, I landed very hard on the ground and passed out.

The only thing I remembered next was waking up with a tiny stream of water running down my head.

Strange men were surrounding the pit which I had fallen into. With them, were fire torches in their left hands

I was only recalling my memory and so could not ascertain who they were until one of the men spoke.

"Daddy's Little girl has awoken!" scorned one of the men. The rest of the men began to laugh.

It dawned on me that they were the barbarians.....Yes, the barbarians who have taken my pack out.

I knew I was next to kiss the edge of their swords.

Left with no options, I began crying in great fear. It was obvious I was going to be killed. It was one of the tensest moments of my life.

"Take her out of the pit, and I will have the honour of plunging my sword through her belly myself," continued the man who had scorned me earlier.

They picked me out from the pit like a little ant. One of the men grabbed my hair with great force. They cared less about my young age....they were simply inhumane monsters, who were out to kill.

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