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Loser Queen

The all-powerful Queen of Assassins was reborn in another universe as a muggle, Dugu Muyou, the Ninth Lady of the Dugus. Being unable to gather Qi for cultivation, she was abandoned by the family. Later, she met an arrogant man who claimed her to be the girl of his own! She became a different person since then and would no longer allow herself to be bullied again! With the support of high-level cultivation and the cold-faced man, she stepped on a path of revenge!

Chapter 1 Volume I The Stronger Take All - Chapter Betrayal

She didn't have a name, but people in the organization called her the "Black Angel".

In a black suit, she was right now crawling outside the walls of the Xildon Hotel like a lizard.

The target this time was well protected by aces, which was why she, the Queen of Assassins, was here, with three others as her backup.

She was moving up slowly. The time bomb was ready, and she had done the math. After making only two floors, she would get to the rooftop and leave this building. And then the bomb would finish the job, destroying the target.

Powerful as those aces were, they would not make it facing such a modernized weapon.

A faint sneer crossed her beautiful face, which was rarely seen. However, it immediately froze as she saw the two people on the penultimate floor through the window. She just could not believe it.

There was a young couple holding each other tightly and kissing heart and soul. And then they slowly lay on the bed, twining around each other and having s*x.

As an assassin, she had been through a lot. But when she saw that the two were her beloved younger sister and her boyfriend, who had promised her love for a lifetime, she was shattered.

She had almost died many times to be the Queen of Assassins. The reason behind it was exactly to protect the two, the most important people to her.

However, ironically, she caught them betraying her and making a fool of her.

The urgent voice from the mini headset was now completely shielded. The scene in front of her had already torn her heart out.

"Black Angel, what are you doing? You're running out of time!"

By the time she came back to earth and finally heard the voice, she had already knocked on the window, unconsciously.

Distinctly startled and panicked, the two separated from each other. Outside the window was a woman who looked pale and weak.

The man looked astounded and ashamed while the woman was complacent and pleased.

"Black Angel, leave!"

As soon as she heard the warning, she was flooded by a hot wave. The boom forced her to fall from the wall. The heartache was way too strong so that the pain from her body became negligible. Before she closed her eyes, she saw the man's frightened looks.

"If there's an afterlife, I don't want to see you anymore."

"And I won't trust anyone or have any relationships."

This was her only thought before she was unconscious.

With a breeze drifting, the new moon shed its dull light over two figures on the stage.

Under the moonlight, the black cloak of Nangong Xun fluttered, making him a veritable devil from hell.

It was dark, but his presence was so oppressive that people couldn't help but get on their knees before him.

The hair fell over his shoulders as if it had been a part of his cloak. His face looked freezingly cold, threatening the guy who got on his knees before him so much so that he couldn't utter a word.

It was after a long time that Nangong Xun spoke, "I will find Blood Fox myself. You stay here, dealing with those people."

The man on his knees raised his head. In his eyes a trace of resolution flashed across, "Please rest assured, Master. I will let them pay the price."

The Blood Fox was Nangong Xun's greatest treasure, but it had been attacked during his absence and was now nowhere to be found.

All of them deserved to die.

Nangong Xun closed his eyes and released his spiritual sense, searching for Blood Fox. The man before him realized that and left quietly soon.

After quite a while, he opened his cold eyes, from which one could read his perplexity.

"Not here? Is it possible that..."

The Valley of Magical Animals was a place of horror on the Lingyuan Continent.

At the periphery of the valley, where one could still hear the roars of all kinds of beasts, lay a woman with a slender figure.

She had passed out, no doubt. Mighty as the roars were, she didn't even move a finger. She was barely dressed. The holes in her broken clothes exposed some serious wounds.

Suddenly, she moaned in pain, deeply frowning.

She had woken up for a long time. She didn't move not because of the injury. It was just that the memories of another person were so overwhelming that she couldn't handle it.

Not long before, she was the Queen of Assassins, but now she had to be the Dugu Muyou, the ninth lady of the Dugus, a widely acknowledged muggle.

In spite of that, she forced herself to calm down and opened her cold eyes. Now, her name was Dugu Muyou.

She raised her head with difficulty, observing the surroundings. And then something as red as blood rushed towards her all of a sudden.

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Loser Queen