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The Billionaire's Deception

The Billionaire's Deception



In a shocking twist of fate, Samantha Fernandez's world crumbled when her supposed soulmate, Liam Sanchez, shattered her heart at the altar. Determined to heal her wounds, she embarked on a journey with her unwavering mother, leaving behind the painful memories, for a fresh start in the United States. Little did Samantha know that fate had more surprises in store for her. As she stepped into her new life, she unexpectedly crossed paths with her ex-boyfriend, Tristan Castillo, who had transformed into a powerful billionaire and CEO. Tristan's love for Samantha had never wavered, and he saw this reunion as a chance to win her back. Caught between her desperate need for financial stability and a green card, Samantha reluctantly agrees to Tristan's audacious proposal – to become his wife. However, as she delves deeper into their marriage, Samantha uncovers a web of secrets and deception. Tristan is not the man he claims to be, and Samantha finds herself entangled in the clutches of a dangerous billionaire. Will Samantha summon the strength to survive the treacherous game set by the enigmatic Tristan? In this gripping tale of love, betrayal, and survival, Samantha's resilience will be tested as she fights to reclaim her life and protect her heart from the claws of the billionaire.

Chapter 1 Prologue


Samantha's POV

I sat on the stairs, my small frame trembling with fear and confusion. Tears streamed down my face as I watched my mother, her voice filled with desperation, pleading with my dad not to leave. He stood there, his suitcase packed and ready, his face hardened with anger.

"Please, don't go," my mother sobbed, her voice cracking. "We can work this out, we can fix things."

My dad's eyes were cold as he looked down at her, his voice filled with bitterness. "There's nothing left to fix, Eliza. I can't stay in this toxic environment anymore."

"But what about us? What about our family?" my mother cried, reaching out to touch his arm.

He pushed her away, causing her to stumble and fall to the floor. "I don't care about this family anymore. It's over."

I gasped, my heart breaking at his words. How could he say such things? I wanted to run to my mother, to comfort her, but fear rooted me to the spot on the stairs.

My mother struggled to her feet, her face streaked with tears and pain. "Please, think about our children. Think about our daughter," she pleaded, her voice filled with desperation.

My dad's eyes flickered with a hint of remorse, but it quickly vanished. "I've thought about it, Eliza. This is for the best. I can't be the father she needs, not in this toxic environment."

I couldn't understand what he meant by "toxic environment." All I knew was that my parents were fighting a lot lately, and it scared me. I just wanted them to stop fighting and be happy again.

My mother's voice trembled as she spoke, her words barely audible through her sobs. "Please, don't do this. We can change, we can make things better. I love you, please don't leave."

My dad's face remained impassive as he zipped up his suitcase. "Love isn't enough, Eliza. I need more than that. I need peace, stability, and happiness."

I watched as he turned his back on my mother, on our family, and walked towards the front door. My heart ached, and I couldn't hold back my tears any longer.

"Daddy, please don't go!" I cried out, my voice filled with desperation.

He paused for a moment, his hand on the doorknob, but he didn't turn around. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I have to go."

And with that, he walked out of our lives, leaving behind a shattered family and a little girl who couldn't understand why her daddy didn't want to be with them anymore.

As I sat on the stairs, my mother's sobs echoed through the empty house, and I clung to the hope that one day, things would be okay again.

I sat there, my heart heavy with a mix of emotions, as I watched my father walk out the front door. He didn't even bother to look back or say goodbye. And just like that, he was gone. The silence echoed through the house, and I felt a suffocating sense of emptiness.

My mom appeared at the doorway, her eyes filled with concern and love. She walked over, slowly approaching me, and wrapped her arms around me tightly. Her comforting embrace offered a momentary reprieve from the ache in my heart.

"Oh sweetheart," she whispered, her voice a soothing balm to my wounded soul. "I'm here. I promise to fill in the void and space your father left. You won't need him anymore."

I looked up at her through tear-filled eyes, trying to make sense of it all. The bitterness swelled within me, as memories of my father's neglect and abandonment overwhelmed my thoughts. I couldn't help but feel a deep hatred towards men, tarnished by the actions of the one man who was supposed to protect and love me unconditionally.

"But why, Mom? Why did he leave us?" I choked out, my voice trembling.

My mom held me tighter, her grip providing a sense of security. She spoke with a soft determination in her voice, as if trying to infuse strength into my fragile spirit.

"Sweetheart, sometimes people make choices that hurt others unintentionally. Your father made a decision, and it's his loss. But I want you to remember that you are loved, and I will be here for you. I will always be here."

Tears streamed down my face, and I clung onto my mom desperately, fighting off the feeling of abandonment that threatened to engulf me. In that moment, I realized that I wasn't alone, that my mom was my constant, steady presence despite the absence of my father.

"But I can't shake off this feeling, Mom. I hate him for what he did."

My mom gently stroked my hair, her soothing touch grounding me in the midst of turmoil. She looked into my eyes, her gaze filled with compassion and understanding.

"It's okay to be angry, sweetheart. It's okay to hate what he did. Your feelings are valid. But I hope one day, you'll find it in your heart to forgive him. Not for his sake, but for your own peace."

As my mom hugged me tightly, I could feel her warmth enveloping me, providing a sense of comfort amidst the chaos that had just unfolded. Tears streamed down my face, a mixture of sadness, anger, and confusion. It was the last time I saw my father, the man who had walked out on us without a second thought.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart," my mom whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "I never thought he would do this to us."

I clung to her, burying my face in her shoulder, desperately trying to hold back the flood of emotions threatening to consume me. "Why did he leave, Mom? Why did he abandon us like this?"

She sighed, her grip on me tightening. "I wish I had the answers, darling. Sometimes people change, and we can't control their actions. But please know that this is not your fault. You are loved, and you will always be loved."

I pulled away slightly, my eyes searching hers for any sign of reassurance. "But how can I trust anyone after this? How can I ever believe that someone won't just walk away?"

Her eyes glistened with tears as she cupped my face in her hands. "I understand why you feel that way, but not all men are like your father. There are good people out there, people who will stay and love you unconditionally. You can't let this define your view of all men."

I shook my head, my anger resurfacing. "I hate him, Mom. I hate him for what he did to us. I hate all men because of him."

She sighed, her voice filled with a mix of sadness and understanding. "It's okay to feel angry right now, sweetheart. But don't let that anger consume you. It's not healthy to carry this hatred in your heart. You deserve happiness, and you deserve to be loved."

I wiped away my tears, my resolve hardening. "I don't need anyone, Mom. I don't need a man in my life. I'll be just fine on my own."

She smiled gently, her eyes filled with a mother's unwavering love. "You are strong, my dear. And if that's what you believe right now, then I will support you. But never close yourself off completely. Life has a way of surprising us, and you never know when someone might come along and prove you wrong."

She pulled me back into her embrace, holding me tightly. "That's okay, my love. We'll get through this together. And one day, you'll find healing and learn to forgive, even if it takes time."

As we stood there, locked in each other's arms, I couldn't help but wonder if my mom was right. Could I ever let go of the bitterness and resentment that had taken root in my heart? Only time would tell, but for now, I clung to my mother's love, vowing to protect myself from the pain that men had brought into our lives.

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