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What if I make you mine?

What if I make you mine?

Uche victory


Nora Robinson being the only daughter of her father, was a spoilt and pompous girl, what happens when she falls in love with a male cleaner Karl,in her father's shopping mall?,will her father ever agree to this relationship?, how will this end for Karl and Nora.

Chapter 1 Nora Robinson.

What if I make you mine?

Chapter one

Nora Robinson,a first class graduate of the most prestigious Harvard university, also with a degree in one of the largest business schools in the world I mean, Harvard business school Boston, I deserve an accolade you know right?, over joyed.

You go girl, Caroline Marcus, my cousin praised me, the loud music blasting out of the speakers, adding to the richness , and beauty of the exclusive VIP lodge the party was taking place, the excitement in the air was exquisite,as we swing our hips to the rhythms and melody of the music,it is an amazing sight to beyond.

It is really nice to be back home, taking a sip from the glass of Champagne in my hand.

It is really nice to have you back Annabelle and love, dancing closer to me, I have missed you ladies, I said barely audible.

Swaying in time with the rhythms,as we sang along,CUFF IT By Beyonce, played repeatedly.

You have slept for too long,a worried voice spoke across the room, my eyes flash opened as I try to sit up, recognizing the voice at once dad I tried saying, but I felt a great pain on my head, with my two hands place on my head,i could feel my head burning, it hurt so much, just relax and closes your eyes,my dad commanded with a strict voice , how many times have I warned you to stay away from alcohol, but you refused to listen to me he scolded me with displeasure.

The door opened a maid came into the room with a bowl of water with a small towel.Kim, my personal maid, stood close to me resting my back on some pillows. She helped me sit.

As the wet towel touched my face I felt the coldness of the water relaxing and refreshing.

I think she has caught cold,sir. so let me call the doctor.

She will just take some painkillers, that will be all,doctor Sam, our family doctor assured my dad, as I just watched.

“You must not try this again”,I am sorry.

In the next few days,I was in doors as my dad gave strict orders for me to be reminded in my room,I had no objection because I really needed it. School was very stressful,at twenty five, I just graduated from Harvard business school, the labour market was already opened for me.

That is another conversation my dad has refused to listen to.

I wanted to start my own company, daddy has paid a deaf ear to my request,I have more than enough companies, and businesses for you to take over, he always reminded me.

I have an elder brother,he will take over the companies not me, this has always been my defence, but since my brother has refused coming back to home, there is no escape route for me, Patrick Robinson my beloved elder brother, has refused to come live with us, even as he schools at the university of Michigan, studying medicine and surgery, he's too soft to handle dad's temperament so he stayed away.

Dad has always wanted him to study business so he could take over the family businesses .But he went and pursued his career as a medical doctor, which did not go well with dad, they were always arguing and so he refused to come live with us.

Coming out of my room the aroma of a freshly baked bread came rushing into my nostrils, making my tummy sing at loud and my mouth salivating, I have not eaten since morning, but it was already lunch time, walking closer to the kitchen two maids came standing by my side, what should you want to eat madam?

Do you want me to help you with anything? the other one asked .

I waved my hand, dismissing them, get me Kim I instructed them so I worked back to the living room, immediately Kim came running to see me,

You are awake ma, how are you feeling now? Do you still want some painkillers?.

Am fine Kim, just get me my food, yes ma, she hastily left heading back to the kitchen.

I have never entered that kitchen neither do I know where things are kept in the kitchen. I found myself thinking about it.

It does not matter, what will I be doing in the kitchen? Where we have up to ten workers in the same house as me, the house is that big.

The food is ready ma,Kim brought me back to reality,as I stood up and followed her to the dining room, The varieties of food I saw there was as if a feast was going on, who gave this order?,I ask. Did I ask you to prepare all these meals? I yelled at her, your father.

I asked her, dad interrupted Kim.

You may excuse us, good day dad, you shouldn't have bothered ,you don't have a choice Nora, you have not eaten since morning so start eating he commanded.

Sitting close to me,it seems as if someone was watching me,I raised my head to see dad staring at me. I quickly stopped eating, dad what is it?

I just spoke with your brother and he will soon be back home, he said but there was this other thing in his mind that he has not said ,as a mind reader that I was,i will wait for him to continue but he stopped.

Dad spilled it already ,I know there's something you wanted to say apart from my brother coming home, so let me hear it.

You know me so well he's sigh, You are going to the shopping mall to run some errands for me ,dad an arrand? for you? I was shocked.

When did I start running errands for you daddy?

Well it's not an errand but an order, what do you mean dad?.

You'll be taking over the leadership of the shopping mall, as the new executive director. so you'll be going there for inspection, after you done eating.

All right dad, I did not even argue ,or put up a fight. I just agreed and continued eating. He raised an eyebrow as if trying to ask why I did not protest, I pretended as if I did not see him, as I continued with the delicious meal Kim had prepared.

An hour later I was on my way to the shopping mall, on getting there the manager and some top staff were already waiting for me outside.

Welcome back from school, Mr Zack the manager said, first class graduate of Harvard business school ,you did so well, thank you Mr Zack can we all go inside to discuss the business of the day?.

Sure. Few minutes later, the head of staff was taking me on a tour around the shopping mall and its departments. The staff greeted me as I passed every department.

30 minutes later, the meeting was over as I was invited to my new office as the executive managing director of Brickyard, one of the best shopping malls in Chicago.

Carry my bag, I handed my bag over to a cleaner that walked past me,

He stopped and looked at me immediately our eyes meet I froze.

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