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Accidentally fell for a baddie

Accidentally fell for a baddie

Authoress Cinderella


❀✿✼❀✿✼❀✿✼❀ Does destiny begin with a coincidence or choice? In a series of coincidences and choices, we may stumble on destiny some day. That destiny may be benign on you, or it may be the exact opposite. OR...what destiny will you choose to make? RUBY BRIDGES HIGH SCHOOL... That name is well known all around Arizona. It is popular because of the magnificent building and the number of students whose parents own a cluster of incommensurable things. This school is owned by two families, but one has more affluence than the other. The first family is the Hernandez family and the second is the Gainesville family. The school is mainly for the rich. Once your family's name is common among the general public and highly thought of, then you'll receive a warm welcome. And now the main reason for the school's popularity... The Incredibles. They're a group of students, hotties, meaniés and cuties whose parents are business tycoons and influential politicians. The boys amongst them make girls faint and scream till they pass out, once they show up in school. While the girls finds it fun to búlly others. Francisco Hernandez. Cisco for short, but he doesn't like people calling him that. He prefers to be called by his full name. He is a pulchritudinous young guy of 18 years, judging by his last name, you'll know that he was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. He's a casanova, he's bad tempered, gets angry easily and he doesn't believe in the shít called LOVE. He doesn't like associating with many people, apart from girls though, that's why he has no friends. His dad owns 60% of the school's shares. Tyler Jackson. Popularly known as TJ, his dad owns A Splash of Red LTD, which has more than twenty branches all over the world. His mother diéd while giving birth to him and his father hasn't thought of remarrying since then. He's a big flirt, he smokes, he drinks and loves going to midnight parties. He changes girls daily and his everyday anthem is “I don't fúck a girl twice“. Milo & Noa Walton. The crázy twins, they're calm, hilarious and they're just a typical example of a “Prince Charming“. Their parents are out of the country, cause they own many companies, estates, clinics, banks in countries like Spain, France, etc. They have a junior sister, Luxury Walton. Capricorn Gainesville. The leader of the girls musical group called “CSA“. The C stands for Capricorn, S for Sabrina and A for Ashley. They are her friends and also her partners in the crimé, búllying. She's aggressive, saucy, rude and very full of herself. She enjoys making fun of other people. Her parents own the remaining 40% of the school's shares, which gets to her head. She tops the list of girls crushing on Francisco. ••• On the other hand, we have Echo Campbell. The first daughter of Darby and Robert Campbell. She's gentle, sweet, virginál and pretty naive.. so naive that she believes everything she reads, which makes her susceptible to the harsh dangers of the world. She comes from a very poor family. Her mother owns a small grocery store, while her father works as an Uber driver to earn a living. Ever since echo was born, darby turned her to their maid. She maltréats her, accuses her of what she didn't do and even goes to the extent of beáting her like a thíef. For some reason, she hatés her so much, but always tries to hide it when her husband is present. Echo has always dreamt of becoming a student of Ruby bridges high, but as a result of their financial situation, her parents didn't have enough money to send her there. Fortunately, luck was on her side because Ruby bridges changed their system and gave out free scholarships to the first thirty students, so she decided to give it a try. And she came out in flying colors. So,,what happens when a commoner has to attend this school, with no name to justify her presence? What'll take place between her and The Incredibles? More importantly, what awaits her there? Find out ✍️


The fragrance from the jasmine scented candles hung at the end of each seated aisle, filled the air of the beach.

Spread down the aisle were white leaves, as far as the eyes could see, slightly moist so they wouldn’t crack when you stepped on them.

On either side of the aisle, families, friends and guests sat in white chairs set up for them on the sand.

The priest came out and asked everyone to stand. It was echo's turn!. All eyes would soon be on her.

The flower girl lined the path with white rose petals as the music started. She only took two steps out, before she was greeted by her father.

He escorted her down the aisle, which seemed longer than before. He became her strength, without him she would have fainted.

The guests looked at her, taking pictures of her alluring dress, waving at her, smiling, one thing was for sure, though… no one made a sound. Up ahead she saw him, justin.

Her future husband, the love of her life, her everything. He stood taller, his shoulders back and his eyes on her. If she wasn’t mistaken, she could have sworn that tears filled his eyes.

Unlike him, her nervous kicked in ten-fold. The attention felt like too much for her to handle, good thing she only had ten more steps to go.

At the end of the aisle, her father hugged her.

"I'm so proud of you sweetheart” He pecked her cheek and then presented echo to her groom. He placed her hand in justin's and smiled. As a couple, justin and echo stood in front of the priest.

Before her father walked away, he patted justin on the shoulder. That was his way of welcoming him into the family.

Standing next to her love felt overwhelming. Was this really happening? Will she soon be Mrs. Bieber?

"You can now be seated" The minister said to the guests. Her friends and family followed his request.

"Dearly beloved" He began, "We are gathered here this evening to witness this man and woman join together in holy matrimony" He said the speech and afterwards they exchanged vows, tears filling both their eyes.

The ring bearer came forward and presented the rings. Echo placed justin's ring on first, then he placed on hers.

"If anyone objects to the marriage speak now or forever hold your peace" The priest asked. As assumed, no one said a word.

"With the power invested in me by the State of Arizona, i now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride"

Justin leaned in, their lips almost touched when...

"Beep beep, beep beep, beep beep” The alarm clock kept beeping, signalling to echo that it was 7AM, time to wake up and prepare for her first day at her new school.

"Ahhh!!! Stúpid alarm, stúpid morning. Why did it have to beep at that exact moment??. I could have gotten a kiss from Justin bieber goddámnit!!" Echo groaned and spranged up from the bed, before turning off the alarm.

Once she got up, she opened the curtains and felt the sun's rays beem through the blinds and touch her eyes. She felt that it's going to be a beautiful day.

"I wonder what my first day at ruby bridges high would be like. Damn! am so nervous" Echo pouted and ruffled her hair messily.

She yawned and stretched the upper part of her body, then tied her hair in a messy bun. She picked up her phone and switched it on, before playing her favorite song, “Romantic Devil” by Coldin.

🎼 Kamkamhan ujureul hemaeideon challa

🎼 Taeyangeul copy hae maeiri balga

🎼 You got me stuck, you got me stuck

Alright, alright (Alright)

🎼 Gureum wiro pyeolchyeojin colorful sky

🎼 Maeil bam ssodajineun beautiful star

🎼You got me stuck, you got me stuck

Alright, alright

🎼Knocking on my door, unlocking on my door

🎼 Knocking on your door, unlocking on your door

🎼 Step into my heart, and you've become my world

🎼 Oh, you're 'Romantic...

Echo was dancing to the rhythm of the music while brushing her teeth. She whined and twisted her tiny bútt while brushing her teeth.

🗣Breaking news…

Echo hissed in anger, she spat out the paste and rinsed her mouth and face before going to her phone.

🗣 Young Francisco Hernandez, the son of billionaire Charles Hernandez was spotted at the cinema with a lady, which we…

She turned it off immediately.

"Like i wanted to listen to some dúmb news about others life. If it has nothing to do with justin bieber, then it's absolute bullshít" She hissed and picked up her towel, then went into the bathroom to shower.


Echo walked out of her room while adjusting her spectacles on her face. She's clad in her usual black baggy skirt, a red baggy cardie that swallows up her whole body, with her only pair of black flat shoes.

"Good morning mom" Echo greeted, while walking in the kitchen where her mother was making scrambled eggs. It's actually for her younger sisters, Heaven and Nevaeh.

"What's so good about the morning??. Keep your stvpid greetings to yourself...curséd child" Darby's inhumane voice boomed, and echo just shrugged. She's so used to this, her mother's ill-treatment towards her.

"Am i perceiving chamomile tea?? Yummy!" Echo grinned hungrily…

Drinking one to two cups of chamomile tea every day supports relaxation, and helps her calm her body and mind for the days work.

"Don't even think about it. I made it for your sisters and not you. Take your leave right now, cause your dad isn't going to drop you off today. He has to drop your sisters at their school, before leaving for work" Darby rolled her eyes, and suddenly smiled when she spotted the twins.

"Morning mom" They chorused, coming from the living room. They took their seats and wasted no time in munching on the delicacies before them.

"Hmmmn. Mom you're the best cook in the world. There's nobody else like you...you're the best!!" Heaven made a food moán and licked her lips.

Echo looked at the time and gasped!

"Ohh my, i’m so gonna be late on my first day. Mum please be quick with my transport fare, i gotta go" Echo exclaimed and stretched out her hands.

She looked up slowly, but immediately their eyes met, darby grabbed her by the hair and pulled her to the living room.

"Do i look like your ATM machine or something??. God gave you perfectly working legs, why don't you put them to use, for once in your miserable life. Idiót!" Darby snapped spitefully.

"Am sorry mom. But it is a very long distance..." Echo pleaded shakily, but a thunderous slap landed on her cheeks, which sent her falling to the ground.

Echo stared wide eyed at her mom, covering her right cheek. Her cheeks are now red, she placed a hand on it with hot tears prickling her eyes.

"If i go back into the kitchen and return, and you're still here. Am so gonna whoop your @ss till it gets bruised. No one is gonna stop me, not even your dad" Darby glared and walked back into the kitchen.

"Bye mom!!" Echo muttered ruefully as she stood up and picked her backpack, leaving the house in a hurry.


Aurora and Carolina came out of the dressing room at the same time, looking stunning in the black fitted skirt and shinny crop tops they're wearing.

They topped it with expensive heels.

They've actually been having fun around together since morning, the boutique is their seventh stop.

They checked themselves out in the mirror and went back in to change into another dress.

Jeans dungarees this time, royal blue , same with the heels.

Aurora and Carolina are both 23 years of age, both beautiful in their own unique ways.

Aurora is skinny, she has a flat belly that every girl wishes to have. In aspect of complexion and skin color, Aurora is white with heart shaped pink lips.

Her bóóbs and @ss are nothing to drool about, cause they're so small.

Carolina on the other hand is a bit chubby, but not fat though. She has this masculine body, and when it comes to her bóobs, hips and @ss, it's to dié for.

In aspect of complexion and skin color, She's brown skinned, just like coco. She's a bit finer than Aurora, especially with her turquoise colored eyes and cute blóód colored lips.

They are both successful family lawyers, working in the same law firm owned by Aurora's father.

"We're the hótest babes in Arizona!" Carolina gushed as they went in to change again.

This time, bum shorts and bra tops.

They continued changing into various clothes till they almost tried out everything in the boutique, then they changed back into their own clothes.

"Pack everything we tried out today, mine differently and hers differently" Aurora ordered the attendants, and carolina's stared at her wide-eyed.

"What??. Aurora it's too much!. We can just.....

"Nothing is too much when it comes to dresses. Don't be such a kíll joy" Aurora pouted.

"You're the best bestie in the world. Saranghae unnie" Carolina hugged her and aurora kissed her cheeks.

"There's one last place we have to go to. It's a little something i prepared for us" Aurora smiled.

"Don't tell me you bought the whole mall. Gosh!!! that'll be çrazy" Carolina chuckled loudly, almost immediately, she got a message on her phone.

When she switched it on to check, aurora saw her wallpaper, it's Blake, a fellow lawyer at their place of work.

It's obvious that the picture was taken recently, and they look all lovey-dovey.

"Bestie i've actually been meaning to tell you something" Carolina suddenly said, biting her bottom lip guiltíly.

"What?" Aurora asked, hoping it's not what was flooding through her mind.

"Actually.... Blake and i are uhmm... kinda Engaged" Aurora gushed and brought out a sparkling diamond ring from her purse.

Before she could show it to her properly, Blake came in.

"Blake!" Carolina said shockingly, and he pulled her to himself and pecked her lips.

Aurora tried to look away, but she couldn't. They were practically standing right in front of her.

"What are you doing here?" Carolina blushed, but instead of answering, he hugged her tightly.

"A few hours away from you feels like a thousand years. I missed you so much honeybun" He said, tightening the hug.

"I'll just wait for you outside. I need to make a quick call anyways" Aurora smiled and left the lovebirds to themselves.

"You look hót babe. But you'll look extremely hóter without the clothes. Take my advice" Blake said naughtíly and carolina's eyes widened.

"Pérvert!" She hit his chest playfully.


Entering the school is a dream come true for echo as she tightened her grip on her backpack.

She has a forced smile on her face as she looked at the rich students who kept throwing weird faces at her.

She looked at her map again and sighed. She's lost.

"I think it's this way" She said to herself, but immediately she got in, deafening screams filled the air, as three cars drove into the park.

She kept going but the second car drove roughly towards her, out of fear, she fell roughly to the ground, hurting her knee and elbow in the process.

Francisco was the first to come out of his car, he's wearing a white long sleeved shirt, black skinny jeans and a yellow coat over his cloth. He's putting on expensive earrings and necklaces.

Half of the girls in school fainted immediately

Tyler came down from the second car and tucked his cigarette in his mouth, blowing out a sweet-bitter scent...

Milo and Noa came out of the third and Fransisco made his hair fall all over his face, tripling his séxiness.

Tyler and Francisco exchanged glances and glared hard at each other. They hate each other's @sses.

👥 Gaaaaaaawd!!! How can a human being be so hót?

👥 If beauty was a crime, they'll be in jaíl for the rest of their lives.

👥 Fransisco you never disappoint me!

👥 Gosh!, Francisco I love you!!

👥 The twins are looking so cute.

The guys made their way into the school and girls kept screaming after them like mániacs.

Then a black car pulled up in the park and C.S.A came out of it, chewing their gums bitchíly.

Capricorn and Ashley are wearing same outfits, skimpy skirts and a net blouse, their bras can be totally seen without hassle. While Sabrina is in her usual boyish look...she is a lésbisn.

Their makeup is glittering, and they almost look like wítches with their artificial lashes.

"Hey you!" Capricorn said and echo stood up and dusted her clothes. She has been sitting on the floor the whole time, waiting for an apology, which she didn't get.

She faced Capricorn and furrowed her brows in confusion. Capricorn scanned her dressing and threw her a look of pure disgust.

She walked briskly to her and removed a bottle of water from her backpack. With a smirk playing on her face, capricorn intentionally poured the water on her own shoes.

"Clean it" She ordered.

Echo just stood there watching like a mannequin.

"Is she mád?" Sabrina sneered and balled her hands into a fist. Echo saw this and fear gripped her whole body immediately.

She dropped her bagpack on the floor, and brought out her white handkerchief. She made to clean capricorn's shoes with it, but a glare from her halted her on her movement.

"With your tongue. I have no time to waste. Just hurry up with it, classes can't wait" Capricorn grabbed her hair and made her crash to the ground.

A lot of students are surrounding them right now, obviously making videos.

"I'm...I'm sorry, but i can't do that. I just can't" Echo stuttered and capricorn slapped her.

Ashley gave her a slap too on the other cheek and she bursted into tears.

"How dare you disrespect me you lowlife bitçh. Am going to tell you a thing or two about me, but it's gonna be practised on you" Capricorn made her fall to the ground again, but this time around, she placed her pointy heels on her head.

"Please fo...rgive me!!!" Echo sobbed in pain.

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