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The Ex Maid Gives Birth To Twins

The Ex Maid Gives Birth To Twins

Elsie D


Synopsis Chantel was employed as a maid in the household of Andrew and Claire Smith. Unbeknownst to her, Claire was actually her stepsister, a fact that had been obscured by the passage of time. Claire, who had discovered her own infertility, conspired with her husband Andrew to have a child with Chantel, who they viewed as less fortunate. Chantel had been driven out of her father's home years earlier by her stepmother, who feared that Chantel would inherit the family's wealth upon learning a dark secret about her. Chantel eventually became pregnant and gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl, but was unaware of the father's identity due to being drugged by Claire and Andrew. Upon realizing their true intentions, Chantel fled the Smith household, only to be accidentally struck by a car driven by Henry Williams, a childhood friend who harbored feelings for her. Andrew, upon learning of Henry's desire to adopt the children, revealed that he was their biological father, much to Chantel's surprise. Meanwhile, Claire had long harbored feelings for Henry, complicating the situation further. As tensions rise between the two couples, a fierce battle ensues over the children, with the ex-maid, the barren wife desperate for motherhood, and the two fathers caught in the middle.

Chapter 1 Claire’s Dilemma

The doctor enters his office, clutching Claire's test results. He returns to his seat and gazes into Claire's eyes, with both Claire and Andrew seated across from him. They are puzzled by the doctor's silence. "Doctor, what's wrong? My husband and I came here for the test results," Claire says, her eyes fixed on the doctor, hoping for positive news. Unfortunately, the results turn out to be negative, making it a terrible day for both Claire and her husband. Claire is shocked when the doctor reveals the contents of the results.

"I'm terribly sorry, ma'am, but the results indicate that you are unable to conceive and have children of your own," the doctor says.

Claire can't believe what she's hearing, her heart racing. She looks into the doctor's eyes once more, realizing that he can't be lying. Tears well up in her eyes as she turns her face to Andrew, her expression filled with shock. "Doctor, are you sure those results belong to my wife?" Andrew asks, holding Claire's hand tightly. The doctor nods in confirmation. "Yes, sir," the doctor replies, and Claire still can't fathom the reality of the situation. "No, Doctor! This can't be true. I can't be infertile," she says, tears streaming down her face. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but that's the truth. If you don't mind, I have other patients to attend to," the doctor says, rising from his chair. Andrew and Claire also stand, tears in their eyes. The doctor and Andrew shake hands, and Andrew leads Claire out of the office, where she continues to weep.

Andrew tries to comfort her, wiping away her tears and soothing her. "Listen, baby, it's going to be okay," Andrew says, but Claire continues to cry. "Darling, I am unable to bear a child, I cannot grant you the gift of a child of my own. The weight of this burden fills me with overwhelming guilt, for I know how disappointed you must be," she utters, her voice trembling with sorrow as tears stream down her face.

Andrew, ever the pillar of strength, pulls her close in a comforting embrace. "My love, no matter the circumstances, I will forever stand by your side. My heart is filled with love for you, and in this moment, we must focus on finding a solution," he declares, his gaze unwavering as he locks eyes with Claire. Overwhelmed by his unwavering support, Claire reciprocates his embrace. "I love you," she whispers, her voice filled with gratitude and affection. Andrew tenderly wipes away her tears, guiding her out of the hospital. Together, they enter the waiting car, and Andrew drives them away. An hour later, Chantel hears the familiar sound of a car approaching. She knows it is her employers, Claire and Andrew. Remembering Claire's request for her favorite dish, Chantel becomes anxious, fearing Claire's potential anger due to her preoccupation with other household chores. Nervously, she awaits their arrival. Chantel, a young woman of only 22, was cast out from her father's home at a tender age by her cruel stepmother during her father's prolonged absence. Her stepmother, harboring a deep-seated hatred for Chantel, fabricated lies to poison her father's perception of her. Having lost her mother at a young age, Chantel endured a life of hardship, surviving from one street to another until she grew into a resilient woman and secured a job as a maid in Claire and Andrew's household. As Claire and Andrew step into the house, Chantel notices the tears glistening in Claire's eyes. Concerned, she wonders about the cause of her distress but hesitates to inquire, fearing Claire's potential outburst. Hastily, she rushes to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water for Claire, returning to the living room with the intention of offering solace. "Ma'am Claire!" Chantel calls out, causing Claire to lift her head and meet Chantel's gaze.

Unbeknownst to Claire, Chantel holds a glass of water, ready to serve her. In that moment, Claire erupts in anger, unable to perceive Chantel's well-intention. "What's wrong?" Claire snapped angrily, causing Chantel to become frightened. In response, Chantel quickly lifted the glass of water and nervously locked eyes with Claire. "Oh, Ma'am Claire! I brought you a glass of water," she said, her heart racing with anticipation. Who knows, maybe Claire would still yell at her. Andrew took the glass from Chantel and gestured for her to leave. Chantel left, wondering what could be the problem with Ma'am Claire. "Hey, calm down, baby. Take this glass of water and have a sip," Andrew said, trying to soothe Claire. She took a small sip and accidentally dropped the glass. "Take me upstairs, baby," she requested, standing up from the couch. "Of course, baby," he replied, leading her upstairs. Once they reached the bedroom, Claire sat on the bed, still crying.

The television was on, playing an intriguing movie about a billionaire's wife who was unable to conceive. In desperation, she asked her sister to sleep with her husband, secretly drugging him so he wouldn't know. The plan was for her sister to pretend to be pregnant, give birth, and then be paid off and sent away, never to return for the children. Lost in thought, Claire had an idea but didn't have a sister. She considered Chantel as a potential candidate. Andrew noticed her distraction and gently tapped her hand, startling Claire as she stared at him in fear. "What is occupying your thoughts, my dear?" he inquired, causing Claire to rise from the bed and fix her gaze upon her husband. "I was contemplating a solution for us to have a child," she responded, piquing Andrew's interest and prompting him to inquire further. "Please, do share your thoughts," he requested, as Claire approached him cautiously, fearing his potential rejection of her idea. "I was actually considering the possibility of using Chantel to conceive our child," she revealed, causing Andrew to stare at her, realizing that she had drawn inspiration from a movie they had watched on television. "You must be joking, my love. Please, tell me that you are," he pleaded, storming away from her in anger and taking a seat on the bed. Claire moved closer to him, attempting to bridge the emotional gap between them. "Darling, I am serious about what I said. Chantel is an orphan whom we have provided shelter, assistance, and employment to ensure her survival. So, why can't she help us in return?" she reasoned, hoping that Andrew would also see the potential for them to have a biological child. "I believe your idea has merit, but I don't think we should involve her in our plan," he suggested, leaving Claire puzzled as to his intentions. "What game are you attempting to play?" she inquired, to which Andrew smiled and locked eyes with Claire.

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