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El derion


War is coming....The elves , mages and mystical creatures are all allied against their common enemy....HERAGON


In the land of the Neverland above the Great fall lives the Great king Ashqtorak who has a brother Demion the voyager and a sister minea an acher both live in far distance lands. King Ashqtorak was the great king of the elves and he was a great swordsman, a great defendant of the Union of Magnrun. In this time Neverland has other land that are over it borders and that including the Rogmar mining land of the orcs. The maritinaland of the goblets , the land 'Amiziron of the dwalves and the Orchardland of the human. It has been know since time in memorial that there was a peace treaty be held each by district and landlock to keep them from wars and conflicts and make them work in unity and arms.


It was a very sunny day in Daekdale castle. The king was in his court with his queen lady lyria seated by his side when one of the guards came to him.

'Your majesty a messenger has come from the otherland and wishes to see you sire' . The guard prostrated.

"Let him in" .said Ashqtorak.

'Yes my Lord'

In a few pass of time. Walking across the courtyard was an elf with a long cape and a straw hat,long ears with what seems like a big bag weighing much was strolling by the side of the guard.

"Do walk quickly we don't have much time, the king has some serious meetings to attend" the elven guard looked quiet unsettled with the slow pace of the messenger.

'Aye. You see I got something bigger on me like a sleigh on an horses back or a loads of baggies on a jackass' Orlmon the messenger was just a humorous and jestern as was his nature and /or maybe...name.

When approaching the king chambers both elves bowed.

'Rise both of yui" the king said. " Whats your name and your visit to my castle friend'

" My Lord and my lady, my name is Orlmon son of lerziddorn grandson of Orlax the first messenger of the elven Kingdom of Neverland and i bring good tidings and as same bad tidings, only if my Lord world spare to choose that which suits him first to unravel" . Both the king and queen looked at the confidence exhibited by a funny looking elven messenger who hasnt passed the blossom of youth.

'Well hhh Orlmon ' the king began' ' I think I would go first with the good tidings but before then let my ward bring you wine for I see you came from a distant land and must be tired and a little tasty. Metis'

' Yes my lord' , A young servant came from door behind the chambers and walked pass the guide and the Orlmon.

' Bring fine wine made of grape for this gente elf'

'Ok my lord' the servant left without hesitating.

Few seconds he came to the courtyard with a tray.

' Here is your pint sire' serving Orlmon the silver tray with cup and a silver jug gave Orlmon a little shiver in the spine though he doesn't know if he was really excited or maybe having come from a far journey with little or no water but, here he is been giving royal wine to quench his taste was something most messengers would wish for.

'Thank you' Orlmon poured,took a deep gulp and returned the cup. 'Thank you my lord'

' So what brings you here' king Ashqtorak queried.

'Firstly my Lord, there have been news reaching out to all Neverland that young elves have devoted themselves to learn the skills of archery, mswordsmanship and the rest for that all elves including young and old has sworn to give their quaterly - yearly earnings to the treasury of Neverland to help finance this ambition as required by the Royal council and its members."

Bravo! Bravo! .The king clapped his hands. " You did bring good tidings that Duke mejvir should have given this long awaited time"

'Yes it was him that actually told me to bring you this tidings on my way from the marinalands" Orlmon spoke soberly with sincerity in his eyes.

"Oh was he?". The king was unfazed. 'So what is the bad news?'

'He asked me to inform you that War is coming. That the Peace Treaty has been broken and evil magic is rising in the dark path the otherlands are preparing for war. Sire" Orlmon voice now was more terrified and shaky than his domino before.

"There is but, one thing that you my lad will do for me Orlmon." The king spoke after a thoughtfull silence passed for a while.

'Aye my Lord i am at your service sire'.responded Orlmon with a hand on his heart.

'Tell Mejvir that he should send message across all otherland rulers that we should meet at the field of Gothan at the last sound when the crow croaks before twilight. There we will discuss. And any ruler who is not present at the time or couldn't make should then send word by a representative or thereby face the penance of the Royal council."

The King's words was sounding thunderous than meets his countenance but, one thing was known for sure the assemble of all kings in the realms means definitely war is coming. There is a leader that was bound not attend the gatherings.

'Aye my Lord I will send out word to him as instructed". Orlmon saddled his bag as his back took a bow at the king and queen Lyria who was quiet and observant the whole time; though she was looking at Orlmon thoughfully.And off he went crossed the courtyard and down the hallway that leads outside the castle escorted by the elven guard.

'My lord' it was lady Lyria who first spoke after Orlmon departure. " WHAT do you think of all this '

"Which of them my love' Ashqtorak was having his own thoughtful moment too.

'Of Mejvir talking about war coming. A messenger coming to inform us. Something we haven't seen in ages..."

'Well if war was coming we are better off prepared and know the course to why. That's the reason the meeting must hold and failure to attend without good reason makes one both king or Duke or governor an enemy and treat to the peace Treaty"

The king stood from his seat and left the court.

"The whole world is divided into two parts........ DEJECTION and DARKNESS"- Leo Tolstoy.

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