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My Reincarnated Heiress Luna

My Reincarnated Heiress Luna



"Never! I won't let you go this time, no matter how many times more I will search for you through 1,000 worlds and 10,000 lifetimes until I find you. I'll wait for you in all of them"- Ethan proclaimed passionately. "I disconnected the call and turned my phone off. What the fuck!? How did he get my number? Why is he calling me now? What does he want from me? Is he stalking me??" I was feeling dizzy. Several thoughts crowded my mind. My heart was pounding so fast like it will burst!! "Milady!!" "Huh!", I flinched with the sudden call of Mrs. Susan. She came to my room with my breakfast. "Milady! Why are you looking so terrified?", she asked me while putting my breakfast on the table. My legs were still trembling little bit. I tried to dodge that question, "Ahh it's nothing, just morning sickness!! Don't worry!" ****** Tyla, the sole daughter of a powerful business tycoon, was reborn with an opportunity to start anew, free from the sorrowful demise that haunted her previous existence. The pain of her past heartbreak molded her into an eternal disbeliever in love. On the contrary, Ethan, is an Alpha of the Sterling Moon Pack and a titan in the business world. He's a man with lots of mysterious secrets. However, beneath his ruthless facade, there exists an Alpha who endured unspeakable hardships during his childhood. Destiny intervened and their paths cross once again. Tyla trembles with fear, for Ethan bears a striking resemblance to the one who shattered her heart in her previous life. Surprisingly, Ethan has no recollection of their shared history, yet his heart inexplicably yearns for her. Will this unexpected reunion ignite Tyla's desire for revenge against him? Or will she find the strength to release the burdens of her past and embrace the possibility of love once more?

Chapter 1 Blind Date

Tyla's POV

Today's weather is cloudy, and it feels like my life is reflecting that too. By the way, nice to meet you! I'm Tyla Sweet, the sole heiress of Sweet Merchandise Pvt Ltd. My father, Mr. Sweet James, is a business tycoon of the marine jewelry industry in New York City.

So basically, I am leading a princess lifestyle with an ice­ cold heart. Due to my picky nature and cold attitude, people call me "Frozen Princess".

People often look at me and think I have it all - the looks, the lifestyle, the status of being an heiress. I won't deny that I enjoy the privileges that come with it. I have everything one could desire in life - beauty, wealth, fame, power, and a life of luxury. But here's the thing, behind this seemingly perfect exterior lies a hidden secret. It's a dark and mysterious side of me that remains veiled from the world.

I have reincarnated again after 30 years with the same face and all the memories of my past life. In my last life, I was born as the daughter of a poor farmer in a small town named Athens. My name was Shirley, which my mother gave me.

We had no money, no luxury, almost nothing which I can afford in this life easily. But there is something which I am devoid of in this life- that's love and happiness. I had a younger brother, Jake Parker; I loved him so much.

But sadly, in this life, I am a neglected child. To the outside world, I am an heiress, but my real truth is my parents never took care of me in this life. With their business trips, tours, and meetings and they totally forgot there is a lonely child, waiting for their return at home.

I never had a chance to celebrate my birthday or my graduation day with my parents. On my birthday, I used to receive lots of flower s, gifts, cakes from renowned pastry chefs, and a letter from my busy parents.

But, I patiently always waited for the letter on my birthday more than any gifts as a token of their love. One day I learned a bitter truth. The letter which my parents send me on my birthday was always written by Mr. Cole, my father's personal assistant, that depicted my parents never sent me any token of love from their side.

This bitter truth broke my heart into a thousand pieces. I understood that to them, I am only an heiress, who will take care of the Merchandise and its employees in the future; I don't have the right to seek their love. All these harsh truths and neglectful behaviors forced me to form an iced armor around myself so that no one can hurt me anymore.

I became the "Frozen Princess". One more thing I forgot to mention, I hate love. To be specific, I don't wanna indulge myself in the emotions of love. My sad fate is I am born with all the memories of my past life.

Even when I tried hard to forget my painful scars which I got from loving someone so much for 1O years from the past life, I couldn't do it. The memories became the nightmare of my life which caused me to despise this feeling forever.

That doesn't mean that I haven't tried dating. I have dated many guys in order to get over my trauma but every time I failed miserably. My despise led me to have trust issues with everyone, except Mrs. Susan.

Mrs. Susan is my caretaker, the only person who cares and loves me unconditionally. She never let me be alone all by myself whenever I needed someone to wipe my tears. On my birthday, she always baked a cake and bring colorful balloons for me. She is probably the only person I trust and rely on in this lonely life.

But I want to live my life happily this time without any regrets. So I am making the best use of my power and money. I will be so strong that nothing can hurt me anymore. Although I am an heiress, I am the owner of a luxurious cafe in New York ," Sweet De Cafe". I have more than 30 staffs to run this place.

All over, I am happy with my life as it's going now. But I really don't trust my fate. (Phone ringing) I looked at my mobile screen, my Mom was calling me. Wow She had called me after two months, generally, she calls after 4-5 months, I guess there is some reason this time. I picked up.

"Hello, Tyla!"

"How are you honey?", she asked in a soft voice.

I remained silent for some time and then asked, "What's the reason you had to call me for?"

"Oh my baby! Why are you saying to me all this sweetie? Does a mother needs a reason to call her child?"

I smiled. I felt glad that she still considers me as her child, not an heiress.

"Sorry Mom if you felt bad, I am just happy that you called me", I said with a small grin on my face.

"Aww, my sweetheart I am so happy to talk to you too. I am sorry we couldn't visit you for 6 months, but we will come to you soon. Before that,there is something your Dad and I have decided for you." "What Mom?".

"Today at around 5 pm you have a date."

"What?" I was shocked. "Sorry for the sudden announcement honey. But I and your Dad have picked up the right partner for you. He is the only heir of Sterlings Industries; I think you know honey how much big an industrial complex it is. "But Mom I don't need anyone, I am happy alone!" I opposed it.

"No dear, you are 29 now. Women should get married within this age!"

"But Mom what's all this sudden announcement?" "Honey, we have just set up the date. Today you first go and meet him, after that you can decide whatever you want. But from our sources, we have learned that he is really a good guy. And your father has many business deals with their companies!"

"Mom, are you trading your daughter with them to increase Dad's business?" I asked her harshly.

"Why are you saying all this honey? How can we think of such a disgusting thing! We just want you to settle with someone good for you. Every parent wants that for their children...", she said in a low voice.

I felt a bit bad for speaking so harshly with her. "Where I have to meet him? And who is he?", I asked softly . "You don't have to go anywhere honey, he will come to your cafe place at 5 pm. His name is Ethan Sterling. He is tall, handsome & totally your type.

Your dad has given your picture to him, so he will come and find you! Have a good time sweetie. Mom loves you." She disconnected the call. I sighed. "Damn! What a nuisance! But don't worry, I will reject you soon Ethan Sterling" I thought with a proud smirk.

Little did I know, that an incredible surprise was about to unfold before me. I couldn't even fathom the idea that my life was about to take an unexpected twist, changing everything forever. It was a moment that caught me completely off guard, and I had no clue what was in store for me.

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