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The Billionaire’s One nightstand

The Billionaire's One nightstand



In a whirlwind of passion and consequence, Andy, a struggling pauper finds herself entangled in a one-night stand with a billionaire Drake, leading to an unexpected pregnancy. But there's a chilling twist- a curse on Andy's lineage makes abortion impossible except the father of the child is ready to die, leaving them both in peril. As Drake's impending wedding with Stephanie looms, he must show between protecting his future and confronting the dark secrets lurking within his soon-to-be wife, Stephanie. An unexpected twist occurs when the billionaire's wife happens to be Andy's father's first love and reason his manhood was destroyed.In a table of love, betrayal and the sinister forces of fate, who will emerge unscathed in the ultimate battle for survival? Will the child be killed? Will the wedding hold? Will Stephanie's dark secrets be revealed before the wedding? Will Andy's father get revenge? Read on to find out!

Chapter 1 Aftermath of the nights

It's been almost two months since Andy's one-night encounter with the stranger she had met, a young billionaire who happened to be Drake , in the bar where she works.

Taken aback by how hot she looked that night, he had offered a $1000 for a night of pleasure which she jumped on being a poor girl and needing the money direly.

Lately, she started displaying diverse symptoms of pregnancy and she decided to take a test. It came out positive. Leaving her heart pounding in her chest, like a drumbeat that wouldn't stop.

She reached out to Drake but his number, which she had taken from his phone the morning after their encounter, wasn't going through.

Then she decided to check him in the place she thought was his house but was Frank's house, she had to break the news of her sudden pregnancy to him, she couldn't bring herself to having a baby alone.

Frank didn't give her an audience in his house and asked that they meet somewhere else instead she insisted the matter needs urgent attention and after so many appeals he decided to give her Drake's business card as he thought she's probably in need of money or another nightstand.

Andy finally met with Drake after a week of booking a series of appointments through his secretary.

"I'm already six weeks pregnant and won't consider getting rid of this baby!," Andy declares resolutely handing over the pregnancy result to Drake to see for himself.

"Didn't you hear me?" She asked, irritation laced in her voice.

"I already said what I said. If you cannot terminate that 'thing' then be ready to take full responsibility for "it"!," Drake retorted

"How can you say that??" Andy paused with tears threatening to spill down her eyes.

"You're free to leave me if you wish. Our relationship was a mistake and I regret it deeply. But our child deserves both parents in their life. Growing up with just one parent is difficult; believe me, I know firsthand." She added amidst tears.

"Then you had better spare it from experiencing such stress by terminating its life presently." Drake said, ignoring her tears.

"You're referring to our child as "it"??." Andy asked, tears threatening to spill down her eyes.

"Let's wrap up this discussion here and now. You need to prepare to assume responsibility for the child, and under no circumstances are you permitted inside this residence unless you will be carried out as a lifeless body," he warned.

She quickly stood up and grabbed her bag from the chair in a blur of motion.

"I knew it would come to this," she said with pain as she walked out of the house.

Full of deep regrets and frustration, she walked out of the house silently.

Drake escorted her out of the house to be sure she was really gone.

He murmured in a low trembling voice and tense body language "She wants to spoil my wedding.


As a silent symphony played out within Drake, the world continued around without notice. Melodic bird chirps filled the air, gentle breezes swayed branches back and forth. In his mind lingered thoughts of his cancelled wedding; would she follow through with it? Would she ruin everything he had worked for? What about if she insisted on keeping their child? These questions consumed him as he whispered them to himself but received no answer in return.

A phone rang and shattered the silence, interrupting his peaceful thoughts. At first a distant noise, it gradually grew louder until it pierced through his reflective state of mind. His gaze became sharper as he snapped out of his daze to grab the device with hesitation-conflicted between indulging in stillness or addressing what demanded attention away from him at that moment. The screen reflected on his face like an apparition while he struggled to come back into reality after being lost within himself for so long.

Drake Bills speaking. May I know who's on the line? He said firmly.

He screamed, "Where? I'm on my way!"

The nurse stated that a few minutes prior, an individual who is currently in the reception brought Andy to their hospital after she collapsed."

Before the nurse could say another word, Drake ended the call.

"He screamed 'Driver'."

The driver emerged from a newly acquired black Rolls Royce Spectre in no time.

Without hesitation, Drake jumped into the vehicle. The driver received the signal promptly and accelerated like a ravenous lion hunting its prey. Throughout their journey, Drake was in distress; his breathing became rapid while sweat droplets appeared on his forehead as he persisted with unwavering resolve. Time felt compressed as seconds ticked away harmoniously with each beat of the car's motor.

Fears of Andy's demise flooded his thoughts, causing him to feel frightened. Silently he pondered, "I barely even know this woman". He began to question if it was fate for him to only have one child and what would happen if the baby wasn't his. Despite not using protection during their encounter, there was no certainty that a child would result from it. The idea of fatherhood overwhelmed him as he didn't believe himself ready for such responsibility nor prepared for breaking Stephanie's heart; someone whom he deeply cared about. How could she ever forgive him after discovering how careless and reckless he had been with some low-class sleaze-bag? While acknowledging being intoxicated on that fateful night may have played a factor but still couldn't make sense out of time which led them into each other's arms without any hesitation or regret thus leaving multiple questions in Andy's mind unanswered.

In just a matter of minutes, the vehicle pulled up to the emergency wing of the hospital. Drake stepped out and as he closed his door, he was struck by how flawlessly urban sophistication blended with success in the gleaming facade that mirrored the surrounding cityscape. Taking a moment to appreciate its grandeur, he made his way inside whereupon immediately addressed reception regarding Andy's recent arrival at their facility.

He was escorted by a good-looking nurse who was of medium height to meet Andy, but upon arrival, he encountered an individual in his fifties exuding restrained assurance and poise that only experience can bring. The man's countenance bore the evidence of a fulfilled existence traced with wrinkles conveying tales of happiness, hurdles overcome, and fortitude. Though laced with silver strands intermingling through it, his hair still retained its lushness and texture indicative more of maturity than decay.

The sight before him revealed Andy utterly unaware--an observation he noticed immediately.

"Go-g-good day," Drake said, stuttering.

"Hi there, young man. I'm Mr Philips. Could you tell me your name?"

"I'm Davis, Andy's boss" he lied trying to conceal his identity and avoiding eye contact.

He quickly added, "I came to check on her but since you're here, I'll leave now."

"Don't worry, I shouldn't be the reason for your departure," he kindly stated with a wide grin before Drake reluctantly said, "Unfortunately, I cannot wait. There are important tasks that demand my attention at work."

"Thank you. I need to get back to work," he quickly said, leaving the hospital as fast as he could to avoid any further questioning from Andy's father as he wasn't ready to answer any questions.

As he journeyed home from the hospital, his thoughts were consumed by Andy. "If she truly has a partner then I'm sure she won't want to leave her partner for a guy she met just once if not for the pregnancy" he said to himself. "Then she must be telling the truth." A sense of worry began to set in as he added, "What kind of predicament have I gotten myself into now?"

"I must have a serious conversation with Andy once she returns, as there are many unknowns. I need to be discreet about it because this must remain between Andy and me. After all, Stephanie must not find out. I plan to check on her tomorrow but hope her intrusive father won't be around," he fumed.

There was a loud, strong knock at Drake's room door.

"Who is that?" he asked wondering who could be looking for him at this time of the day

No response was received.

He repeated his question, "Who is that?"

He was now irritated and vexed.

He repeated the question the third time, "Who is that?"

The door was flung open.

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