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Albert Cadwallader Alpha who was forced to marry Luna, who was not Mood Goddes' choice. Luna, who becomes Mate Albert, is Katty Collies, a Mafia leader in her previous life, and wakes up in the body of a beautiful woman known as Elanor Callister, who is the daughter of one of Beta who was previously disabled and unable to speak. Katty who is in Elanor's body. Forced to marry an Alpha who came to her parents' residence, according to them, Elanor, the owner of the body, was rejected by one of the Alphas, which in the end, Elanor tried to commit suicide by drowning herself in the lake the night before. Albert Alpha who rescued Elanor from the lake. He wants Elanor to be Luna's candidate to replace Mood Goddes' previous choice. Albert must have offspring before the full moon. If Albert and Elanor don't have children before the full moon, it will all be a curse. Katty, who was in Elanor's body, tried to escape. But what happened was that he became even more involved in Elanor's problems. revenge, and rejection even the alpha who betrayed him previously came and regretted rejecting Elanor.

Chapter 1 ONE

Thunder was heard several times on a night when the moon was full. Rolling up her sleeves, Katty jumped off an old building with only one rope to hold on to.

"Shit! How did they know about my plan." Katty cursed, annoyed that her plan had failed tonight.

The police arrived with their secret agents, trying to hunt Katty down like an animal. Katty kept running and hiding in the bushes as she stared at her surroundings before she ran to get into her car.

She continued to speed up her car across the slippery road. The rain suddenly began pouring down, and Katty was still trying to drive her vehicle quickly. Katty's eyes looked in the rearview mirror, where there were four police cars behind her.

"Shit! They're all catching up," Katty said, lowering her rearview mirror and shooting the car behind her with one hand while Katty's other hand was still tightly holding the steering wheel of her car.

The car behind her was successfully paralyzed, and Katty shot right at the car tire. Unfortunately, the person also hit Katty's car in front of her; she slammed the steering wheel to the left. How surprised Katty was when she saw the steep ravine before her.

"Am I going to die like this?" Katty thought to herself.

The car was halfway between the cliff and the ground. Just once, Katty pressed the gas, and she fell with her car into the ocean.

"The water is cold, for sure!" Katty was still talking to herself, her eyes looking at the police officers already floating in her car.

"Kattynia Collies! Get down before we forcibly pull you up."

Katty, who heard the shouting, only smiled slightly. She would not willingly surrender herself like a star to the police; Katty Collies lived for 29 years, choosing to die honorably rather than die like an animal.

Without saying much, Katty pressed the gas. The car she was driving fell into a ravine. Katty closed her eyes as the sound of water was deafening.

She immediately opened the car door, holding her breath, swimming away from the car that fell deeper and deeper. Katty tried to swim for her life, even though she couldn't see anything but darkness.

"I have to live!" Katty shouted in her heart; her legs kept swimming, following the moonlight slowly closing in.

"What's wrong with my legs?" Katty felt her legs getting heavier like a weight was binding them. Katty was pulled down to the bottom until she couldn't see. Her chest felt full of water; Katty didn't remember anything else but only the darkness that witnessed her drowning.

Meanwhile, in the Beta kingdom of Redmoon, they are shocked by the loss of their daughter. Carlie Callister is a Beta constantly looking for their daughter, who has a defect named Elanor Callister.

Carlie prepares to leave with other Omegas in the middle of a moon night.

"Shut up, Alana! You're only confusing me if you keep crying." Carlie snapped at his wife, who was crying on the royal balcony.

"Elanor, our daughter, must be feeling disappointed because she was rejected by the alpha she liked." Alana was still talking about what had happened a few days ago.

"We will be able to force them together." Carlie kissed Alana's forehead. "I'm leaving."

Alana watched her husband leave. Alana not only had one daughter but two, and Elanor Callister was forced to keep her birth a secret due to a defect that was said to be a curse.


Albert Cadwallader was hunting with Beta, who had been with him for several years. With his eagle eyes, Albert immediately kills a tiger that passes before him.

The night of the full moon should have been, Albert was in his residence and waiting for the Mood Goddess. Determining Luna would be his mate, Albert never wanted to marry Luna of Mood Goddess' choice. He tried to avoid and find ways to prevent himself from marrying the Mood Goddess' choice.

"You go hunting; I'll come back alone." Albert, the Alpha, told the Beta, who came with him, to leave alone.

"But... What if there is a dangerous Rouge," Aron, who was Beta, was afraid to leave Alpha because of how many Rouge were wild wolves that month.

"Aron! Do you still doubt my abilities?" Albert stared sharply at Aron, who finally left Albert.

Albert continued to walk alone; he found a lake. His eyes stared at the beautiful woman in her nightgown at the edge of the lake; as Albert looked at her, the woman jumped into the lake.

"She swims at night?" Albert still waited a few minutes for the woman to float.

Albert grew suspicious when there was no sign of the beautiful woman. With a quick movement, Albert entered the same lake; he continued to swim more profoundly and more profoundly and found the woman floating.

Albert's hand pulled the woman to the bottom of the pond and placed the body on the grass surface. With only the full moon shining, Albert's eyes gazed at the beautiful, pale face.

Albert tried to bring his lips close and give the woman artificial breath. Within seconds, he got the beautiful woman to her senses: blue eyes with a mane of bright brown hair.

"Who are you!" Katty was shocked when she opened her eyes and found the man with bright blue eyes staring at her face at close range.

Katty looked down at her clothes, which were just thin pajamas that looked like princess pajamas.

"Where are my clothes?" Katty thought to herself as she looked around and was even more surprised to see a lake with many leaves and lotus flowers.

Katty's eyes looked back at the man in front of her who was staring at her sharply, blue eyes that pierced Katty's heart, causing instant fear.

"I saved you; you were trying to kill yourself, weren't you?" Albert stared at the woman he saved, looking confused.

"Trying to kill me?" Katty repeated the question.

"You jumped into the lake, and I saved you." Albert recounted the events.

"But I wasn't trying to kill myself! I was being chased," Katty said, trying to explain what had happened.


Katty was startled when a loud voice called her name. She turned around and saw an older man approaching her and hugging her tightly.

"Elanor, Daddy's looking for you." Carlie made a sign language that her daughter could understand.

"I don't understand sign language." Katty immediately answered the older man in front of her, who looked surprised.

"Elanor! You can speak." Carlie was surprised to hear her daughter's voice for the first time.

Katty was silent as she became increasingly confused with the people around her. Then, the older man in front of her immediately bowed to the young man who saved her.

"I'm Carlie Beta of Redmoon." Carlie was surprised to see the Alpha, who was with her daughter.

"I'm Albert Cadwallader." By just saying his name, people would know he was an Alpha.

"What an honor. It turns out that an Alpha saved my daughter."

Katty raised her eyebrows; she only heard two people talking about Alpha and Beta. Katty knew at a glance that Alpha and Beta were only used in wolf terms.

"Am I a werewolf?" Katty laughed again after asking in her own heart.


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