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A New Life After Divorce

A New Life After Divorce

Lila Belle


Belinda Purcell had been Ableson Seymour's wife for three years. She had thought that she could warm his heart with her affection. It never occurred to her that at the end of the three years, he proposed a divorce to marry the love of his life. Disheartened, she decided to divorce him, and she became the noble daughter of the Purcell family overnight. She was loaded, and she was a billionairess, a divine doctor, a top-level hacker, and a fencing champion. Ableson, her ex-husband regretted it. "Honey, I was wrong. Let's get married again." Belinda curled her lips coldly. "I am not short of love or money or a man, only a watchdog." Ableson leaned closer and handed the tie to her. "Honey, I'm here to guard your door. Woof!"

Chapter 2 Chapter 1 Can We Not Divorce

Camilla Nyerere looked at the divorce papers on the table where he had signed his name.

She then looked up at the window. In her misty eyes, Ableson's tall and straight figure was so stunning against the afternoon sun, making him no different from a deity. He was cold, proud, and overbearing, and even his back looked so cold.

"I've signed it already. You should sign it as soon as possible, too. Before Nellie comes back, I want to go through all the legal procedures with you."

Ableson placed his hands behind his back and didn't look back. "We had our property notarized before marriage, so now our divorce does not involve the division of property. However, I'll still give you 3 million dollars and a villa in the western suburbs as compensation.

"After all, if you leave with nothing, Grandpa might be mad at me."

Ogden Seymour was Ableson's grandpa. Hearing Ableson's words, Camilla felt that she was struck by lightning, and her heart sank. "Does ... Ogden know that you want to divorce me?"

"So what if he doesn't? Will that affect my decision?"

She was so skinny, and she could barely stand straight. Clutching her hands tightly to the table, she asked in a very soft voice with tears in her eyes, "Ableson, can we ... not divorce?"

Finally, Ableson turned around and sized her up, his gaze strange.

He had thin lips, deep eyes, sharp eyebrows, and a clear outline. He could still easily take her breath away.


"Because ... I love you."

Her eyes were redder and redder, filled with tears. "I love you, Ableson. I still want to be your wife... Even though you have no feelings for me..."

"I've had enough, Camilla. A marriage without love is torture for me every second."

Ableson waved his hand. He didn't even have the patience to continue listening to her words. "Marrying you was a mistake. You knew that I was just trying to piss Grandpa off and that I had someone I loved. It was just that we couldn't be together for some reason.

"Now that the three years are up, and Nellie has returned from Canada, I will marry her. So, you need to step down from the position as Mrs. Seymour."

Camilla bowed her head, and her glistening tears landed on the table. Then she wiped her tears away secretly.

Yet Ableson saw her tears away. His eyes darkened.

Suddenly, his phone rang. Seeing the caller ID on the phone screen, he hurriedly picked it up.

"Nellie, have you boarded the plane?"

Camilla thought, he sounds so gentle. Is he really the same as the cold man I know?

"Ableson, I have already arrived at Harrisburg Airport," Nellie Ross said, sounding so cheerful.

"What? I wasn't expecting you until tonight..."

"I want to surprise you, Ableson."

"Wait for me, Nellie. I'll go and pick you up right now!"

After saying that, Ableson walked past Camilla quickly like a gust of wind.

The door to the study closed, and the air was filled with sadness.

Camilla thought, I had a crush on Ableson for ten years, married him for three years, sacrificed everything for the family, and loved him passionately. Yet, in the end, he thought that our marriage was just a torment to him.

Now he acts like he has been released from prison. He abandons me mercilessly and can't wait to marry Nellie, the love of his life.

It hurts so much. Even though I have been nothing but affectionate and devoted to him, I can't change his mind whatsoever.

Camilla took a deep breath and shook her head with a bitter smile. Her unwilling tears blotted Ableson's beautiful signature on the divorce papers.


In the evening, Ableson took Nellie back to Tidal Manor.

Nellie, the delicate, gentle woman, was held in the arms of Ableson, the second son of the Seymour family. He walked into the villa with her in his arms, holding his head high, attracting everyone's attention.

"Ableson, you and Camilla have not divorced yet. I don't think ... we should be too intimate. If Camilla sees us, she might blame me," Nellie stroked his chest and whispered.

"She won't."

Ableson said without hesitation, and his eyes were cold. "Besides, I don't love her. We are bound by nothing but a contract, and she should know her place."

The Seymour family surrounded Nellie, expressing their concerns for her, as if she was the apple of their eye. Camilla was the only one setting the table in the dining room.

Amid the crowd, Ableson caught sight of Camilla's lonely figure, and he sneered, curling up his thin lips.

He thought, she is still trying to win my family's favor till now. Does she think that by doing this, I will change my mind about divorcing her?

How ridiculous.

"Mr. Seymour! Mr. Seymour!"

After a short while, the housekeeper ran over in a hurry. "Mrs. Seymour... Mrs. Seymour has left!"

"Left? When?"

"Just... Just now! She didn't take anything. She just took off the apron and walked out the back door. She was picked up in a black car!"

Ableson hurried back to the bedroom, which was clean and tidy. A signed divorce agreement was placed on the bedside table, stained with tears.

He frowned, went to the window, and looked out.

A Rolls-Royce pulled out of Tidal Manor at an extremely fast speed. Soon, even the taillights could not be seen.

He thought, wasn't she still reluctant to leave this afternoon? How come she is now fleeing away faster than a rabbit?

Ableson felt fooled. He unhappily took out his phone and called his secretary.

"Find out the owner of the car with the license plate EPA9999."

"Yes, Mr. Seymour."

Five minutes had passed.

"Mr. Seymour, I've got it. The car belongs to the CEO of KS Group."

Ableson thought, what? KS Group? The car belongs to the eldest son of the Purcell family?

Camilla is just a girl from a village with no money and no background. In the three years we've been together, she doesn't even have her Timeline. And now she is capable enough to hook up with him?

Good for her. She throws herself into his arms right after I dump her.

"But, Mr. Seymour, did you ... really ask Mrs. Seymour for a divorce today?" his secretary asked tentatively.

"What is it? Am I not allowed to do that today? Why would I want to waste another second?" Ableson was furious.

"It's just that ... today is Mrs. Seymour's birthday."

Ableson was stunned.


In the back of the black Rolls-Royce, Edwin Purcell, the eldest son of the Purcell family, gently grabbed Belinda's hand and held it tenderly.

"When Dean heard you were coming back, he had already had fireworks worth 160 thousand dollars ready. Why don't we set it off for you tonight to cheer you up?"

"I'm really not in the mood for fireworks."

Right now, she was no longer Camilla. She had once again become Belinda, the daughter of the Purcell family. Edwin was her eldest brother, and Dean Purcell was her second brother. She leaned on Edwin's shoulder and sighed with tears in her eyes.

She glanced at Camilla's phone. The last message wasn't from Ableson. Instead, it was from Nellie.

"What did I say? You took my spot, and I would get it back sooner or later. Ableson is mine. Stop fantasizing!"

She curled up her lips bitterly and shed the last drop of tear. She finally thought it through.

"What's wrong? After all this, you still can't get over it?" Edwin hugged Belinda in his arms, feeling sorry for her.

"Edwin, it's my birthday today."

"I know. And Ableson just had to do it today. What a complete asshole!"

"So, there's nothing for me to linger on. Ableson killed Camilla himself."

When Belinda opened her eyes again, there wasn't a trace of affection for Ableson left in her firm eyes at all.

"I finally got to the end. If I turn back, I'll be the biggest fool in the world."

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