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Alpha's Lost Luna

Alpha's Lost Luna

Brooklyn Carter


He was the mysterious young master of the Stewart Family. It was said that he was sinister, terrible and disabled. The Abyss Villa served as his den. The women who were sent in there were either dead or crazy. She was the elder daughter who had been abandoned by the Morrison Family. It was said that she grew up in the countryside, ignorant and arrogant. When Ava was sent to the Abyss Villa, everyone thought that she would be doomed this time. No one had ever expected that... The noble young master was extremely handsome while he was also arrogant and spoiled to Ava. "There is no limit to the black card, and you can punch it as much as you like." "The property certificate, diamond mine and company are all yours." "And you are mine."

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

*Zena's POV*

I sighed frustrated as I paced around the spacious bedroom. To say I was currently overwhelmed would be an understatement. I stopped my pacing and looked down at the little boy in my arms. He was wailing so loud that I was sure the entire world could hear it.

"Shhh, Aiden please be quiet baby." I cooed to him as I gently stroked his face. It was like he hadn't even heard me though because he kept on crying his little lungs out. I sighed again and set him down onto the floor, as soon as Aidens feet touched the ground he fell onto his bottom and continued to cry. I was pretty positive that he had a stomach ache but I couldn't be sure until I took him to see the pack doctor.

I was about to do just that when I suddenly heard heavy footsteps rushing towards the door, I gulped knowing exactly who it was. The door flew open and in walked my very angry mate.

"Would you shut him up!" Manuel yelled loudly making me cringe. I stared intently at the floor before hesitantly raising my eyes up and peeking at him through my lashes. Manuel was shirtless and his well sculpted chest was rising and falling quickly. His dark brown hair was tousled like somebody had run there fingers through it many times and his deep green eyes held anger.

His eyes snapped towards me and they softened for a mere second before becoming furious again.

"Did you hear me! I said shut him up!" He yelled again motioning towards his son. I again cringed at his voice before taking a small step towards Aiden.

"I've tried. He doesn't feel well, he has a stomach ache." I said quietly keeping my eyes on the ground. Manuel growled angrily and took two long strides towards me. He roughly grabbed my chin and forced me to look into his eyes. He had just leaned down to kiss my lips when Aidens cries got even louder, if it was possible. His fingers tightened on my chin and I knew that there would be a bruise in the morning.

I saw it in Manuel's eyes, the rage, and I knew what he was going to do before he even did it. I ripped my chin out of his hands and threw myself down onto the ground, scooping up my son in my arms as I did so, right before Manuel's fist came down onto my back. All of the air was knocked out of me but I didn't care because I knew that if I hadn't of done that then Manuel would have hit Aiden.

Manuel growled loudly before grabbing me by the hair and yanking me off of the ground, I cried out in pain and held onto Aiden tighter. My eyes widened as I took in Manuel's appearance. His eyes were pitch black from anger and his whole body was shaking. He was furious because I had stopped him from hitting Aiden.

"Put. Him. Down." He ordered through clenched teeth, sounding more like an animal then a human. I gulped and did as he said, gently placing my baby into his crib. Aidens crying had thankfully stopped but I knew what was about to happen to me. Manuel, still having a handful of my hair, dragged me out of our sons room and across the hallway into his room. Manuel tossed me onto the ground and before I even had time to catch my breath his left foot slammed into my body. I cried out in pain but it was silenced my another blow to the ribs.

It felt like it went on for forever, the pain never stopped, it was just blow after blow. He would kick me and punch me, painfully pull my hair, and the yelling, he yelled and yelled. Telling me what a worthless mate I was and that he was disguised by me. It was like a river of tears was streaming down my face and I couldn't stop them, I don't know if I was crying because of the pain from his blows or from the hurtful words my mate was spitting at me.

With one final kick to the stomach Manuel leaned down very closely, right next to my ear and whispered the most painful line yet.

"I don't love you, I never will. The only reason I keep you around is because your body gives me pleasure that nobody else can, and because of Aiden. But I swear if you ever do something like that again I will get rid of you once and for all. Understand?" He whispered cruelly. I nodded my head the best I could and with an cruel laugh he stood up.

"I'm going out with the boys, but you better be awake when I get back." He smirked giving me a lustfull look, I shuddered in disgust knowing exactly what he meant. "Oh and make sure my baby boy feels better." He added this time genuinely concerned. With that Manuel walked out of the room.

I couldn't move and whenever I did it was like fire was ignited inside of me. I laid there for at least half an hour before I found a tiny ounce of energy and slowly, painfully, pulled myself up off of the ground. I looked down at the wooden floor and saw that there was blood every where. I was scared to see myself but with a deep breath I walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror.

My appearance brought tears to my eyes. I had a very nasty black eye on my left side and right under my other eye laid a long and bleeding cut. My nose was gushing blood but I didn't think that it's broken. My lip was busted open and swollen and I could see various black bruises all over my face. I carefully pulled my shirt up and stared in horror at my mid section. Both of my sides were badly bruised and I was sure that I had broken some ribs and my stomach was bruised also bruised. My arms had Manuel's hand prints all over them and like I had thought earlier he had left bruises on my chin.

I still staring at myself in the mirror when I heard Aiden start to cry again from across the hall. I sighed heavily then hissed in pain because of my ribs. I slowly walked out of the bedroom and into Aidens baby blue room. My little boy was seated on his bum looking up at me as I stood by his crib. I clenched my teeth, knowing that it was going to cause me pain picking him up, before gently leaning down and scooping him into my arms. Tears came to my eyes and I let a couple fall as I tried to to hold in the screams that wanted to come out of my mouth.

I figured that Aidens stomach still hurt and I obviously need to be seen by the pack doctor so exited the room and made my way towards her office in the basement. Aiden and I live in the pack house with Manuel because he's the alpha and that's where he wanted us to be. I passed many people on my journey down to the doctors office and there was different emotions on all of there faces. Some of the cruel people from my school snickered and smirked as I passed them while others, the adults of the pack, had pitiful and sad looks on there faces. I had just made it to the stairs that would lead me to the basement when I heard two very familiar voices behind me.

"Zena! My dear, come over here and let us see that beautiful grandson of ours!" Paul, Manuel's dad, exclaimed. Now you see Paul and his wife Cindy are very kind to me, unlike some people in this pack, and they love me as there own so I know that when they see me and find out who did it they will be furious. I took a deep, painful, breath before slowly turning around. Paul and Cindy had happy smiles on there faces but as soon as they saw me it dropped.

I cautiously walked towards them until I was standing right in front of them. Cindy, a very pretty brunette with light brown eyes, had her hand to her mouth looking horrified. But Paul he looked furious, I had to try hard not to flinch back because Manuel was a spitting image of his father and Paul looked exactly like Manuel had not to long ago.

"Honey, who did this to you" Cindy asked in a whisper. I glanced at Paul and I could tell that he already knew.

"M-Manuel." I whispered. Cindy's eyes widened but Paul's didn't change because he already knew.

"I thought we raised that boy better then that! I'll definitely be talking to him about this!" Paul said angrily. My eyes widened and I was sure they could see the fear in them.

"No! I mean its okay, you don't need to say anything to him." I said quietly. Paul had just opened his mouth to argue when Aiden started whining again. I looked down at him and slightly smiled.

"He has a belly ache. I better get down to the doctor." I said quickly. Cindy jumped up and was at my side in an instant.

"Let me walk you down there." She said. I nodded my head and waved bye to Paul, he sighed but waved back nonetheless. Cindy helped me down the stairs and I'm sure I would have fallen if she hadn't been there. Before we entered the small white room Cindy turned to me with tears in her eyes.

"Zena, I really am sorry about what my son did to you. I don't know what's gotten into him, I thought we raised him to be a good person but obviously not." She sobbed. I frowned before placing a hand on her shoulder.

"It's not your fault Cindy, you raised Manuel perfectly. He's a really good person, he was just stressed and I ticked him off, it was my fault really." I lied. Cindy looked up at me and slightly smiled.

"It most definitely was not your fault and stressed or not he had no right to put his hands on you." She stated. I gave her a small fake smile, if only she knew that this wasn't the first time that he had hit me.

"Thank you Cindy but I really should get in there." I say motioning towards the door. She smiles, giving me a small hug, before kissing Aiden on the cheek and walking back up the stairs. I pushed open the door and the first thing I saw was the pack doctor, Rachel, standing by the small bed with supplies ready. I slightly smiled at her before waking over to the bed and sitting down, putting Aiden on my lap.

"Your in rough shape Zena and I'm not even going to ask what happened." Rachel stated with a sad smile. I nodded my head before placing Aiden next to me, much to his dismay, and pulling my shirt up over my head. Rachel studied my mid section before looking back to my face.

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