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An Exciting Cheat

An Exciting Cheat

Emma Adams


When I found my mate cheating on me, I left my country, rejected him, and refused to be Luna anymore. Actually, I'm happy. My secret will never be exposed after I abandoned him. As it is quite a big secret, thanks, my mate.

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

Jacqueline's POV

I walked into the pack house; I just got back from the pack doctor's house. With the news I got, I was happy and completely oblivious to what was going on. The beta and his mate were looking at me in shock, guilt and pity. Ok what the hell? "Jacqueline, what are you doing home so early?" Rachel, the beta female asked.

"Well one, I live here. Two, I have some news for Alexander." I said. What is up with them? I didn't have time to worry about that right now. I have news to tell Alexander. Then we have to decide when to tell the pack. "By the way, where is he?"

"Um...he had an uh...um...an alpha meeting." She stuttered. That's not like her. She is normally always calm and collected, now she is just plain nervous.

"Rachel, why are you so nervous? It's like you're hiding something from me." I said. It was really out of character for her, and annoying to me.

"I can't say." She says looking guilty. I look to her and her mate, Bill, to see him looking the same way.

"Ok. Well, when you want to tell me you know where to find me. Anyways, when Alexander gets here, tell him I need to speak to him. I'll be in our room." I said as I walked away.

I walked upstairs towards our room. Our room was on the second floor, it was one of 2 rooms on the second floor. The other room was the beta's rooms. Once I am standing outside our room, I hear moaning. WTH??? Who is in our room? I listen closer, I know the woman's voice, I also know the man's voice. What the hell are Alexander and Monica doing in our room? And why are they moaning? I then open our door to see...MY mate in bed with my 'best friend'?

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?" I shout letting my alpha and Luna tone out. Alexander looks up guilty. And guess what Monica is doing... Come on guess... Wanna know?? She's fucking smirking at me! This bitch has some nerve, I thought to myself. My wolf just growled. 'I told you'. My wolf said. 'Told me what?' I asked. 'You'll find out soon enough.' She replied.

"Baby, it's not what you think! I slipped!" Alexander said. Really, that's the best he can come up with? He slipped? Ha, it must have been a hell of a fall. And they just happened to be naked when he 'slipped'? I doubt that.

"Cut the bullshit. You slipped? While naked? And what her vagina miraculously caught you? Did it cushion your fall too? Do I look like an idiot? How long has this been going on?" I asked. I was seeing red, I was so mad. But I didn't want to lash out, yet. I was trying to stay calm and collected so I could hear everything they said. Like my wolf was. 'Why are you so calm?' I asked my wolf. 'Because, I feel nothing for him. Well, maybe for his wolf, but his wolf is a part of him and I can't forgive them. I'll tell you why after everything is over.' She said. Then she turned around and told me, 'Think happy thoughts to calm down so you don't fight.' The only happy thought I could think about was what the doctor told me not even 30 minutes ago.

"It's not bullshit. No you don't look like an idiot, well to be honest, you kind of do, but that's beside the point. And it's been going on since the day I found out you were my mate." He said.

"Two years? Two fucking years? This is why you wouldn't mark me? Why Alexander? Why did you do it?" I asked. Now I was pissed. He has been cheating on me for 2 years? Yet, he still had the audacity to sleep with me after sleeping with that whore?

"Yes. Two years. And yes, this is why I wouldn't mark you. You see, I love you but I'm not in love with you. My wolf is in love with you. Other than that, I feel nothing for you. And, besides, I did it for the thrill. What thrill? The thrill of not being caught. And because I'm in love with her." He said. She looked kind of smug at me. Well, he admitted that part, too bad he couldn't tell me that 2 years ago. I mean really? Boy played me like a fool.

"Is there anything else you want to tell me?" I snarl. He better think carefully before he speaks. I am ready to kill them both. 'You can't do that. Remember what the doctor said?' My wolf said. Yeah, yeah, the doctor just notified me of some surprising news, so I can't fight. Well there goes that thought. But I can make them regret ever doing this.

"She's pregnant." He said. He then started smiling. He's happy that this whore is pregnant. I wonder if it's his or someone else's.

"Congratufuckinglations!" I said sarcastically. What else was I supposed to say? It's not like he would believe me if I told him what I know about Monica. But, he will find out on his own, one day. Hopefully she doesn't ruin this pack. "Is it yours or someone else's?"

"It's his, you're just jealous because he loves me and not you." Monica, aka the whore said. She really thinks I'm jealous? I'm not jealous, I'm hurt but not jealous. He betrayed me, if he didn't want to be with me all he had to do was say so. But no, he has to cheat on me.

"I wasn't talking to you, whore. And you forget Monica, I got more shit on you than you think. If I were you, I would shut the fuck up. You used to tell me everything, especially when we first met. So I know all your secrets, even the ones you don't want anyone knowing about. Now, Alexander, is the child yours or not?" I asked, but then I couldn't bring myself to care, so instead I said, "You know what? I don't care. I wish you both the best. And thanks for my gift too. Now, I, Jacqueline Stevens, ex Luna of the Morning Star pack reject you, Alpha Alexander Hamilton. I reject all bonds and ties to you and this pack." I said.

"You can't do that! You're the Luna!" Alexander shouted at me. Looks like his wolf is fighting for control. Oh, now he worries for the pack? He is going to be the reason this pack crumbles. But, I won't be here to see it, so I don't have to worry about it. But, my consciousness was telling me, you'll always worry about this pack. That may be true, but it's out of my hands now.

"You should've thought about that before you cheated on me." I said, angrily. What am I gonna do? I know I'm going to leave, but where will I go? I could always go to dad's, but that would be too obvious, that would also be the first place Alexander looks when he finds out I'm gone. So where can I go? Oh, I got it. I'll go to the place where dad took me, my brother and mom for vacation. After figuring it all out, I looked around and Alexander, along with Monica, were gone. So, I got a suitcase and I packed some clothes and stuff I would need for my move. I packed 5 outfits, bras, panties, shoes, credit/bank cards, electronics and some money. Then I drove to the airport and caught a last minute flight to Paris.

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