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His Ex-Wife's Dangerous Charms

His Ex-Wife's Dangerous Charms

Ella King


The mistress lived in her house and usurped her place. She did not hesitate to divorce and run away with the baby in her belly. In three years, she came back to the country, with the kid, in her high profile. With tears in his eyes, the man said, "You'll never escape from me." She sneered. "Have you forgotten the divorce agreement? Dream on." With admirers crowding around her, jealousy got the better of the man, and he did everything to keep her at his side. "I'm the kid's father!" "It doesn't matter. Mother is the best."

Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Forced to Divorce

The scent of disinfectant permeated the air in the hospital.

Selena Yates left the doctor's office with her test results in hand excitedly. Just as she was about to make a call, her phone rang, so she answered it first. The voice of her maternal uncle, Wallace Yates, came through the receiver. "Selena, are you and Christopher all right?"

"We're all right. Why are you asking?"

"I just heard that Christopher took a pregnant woman to a prenatal checkup the day before yesterday..."

She quickly laughed. "Are you suspecting that Christopher has a mistress outside?"


"Don't worry. Even if all the men in the world cheat, Christopher never will!"

After hanging up, Selena called Christopher Morris. The phone rang for quite a while before he finally answered it, saying, "I'm very busy. If there's nothing important, don't call and disturb me! That's it!"

The voice on the other end of the line was cold and emotionless, and before she even had a chance to speak, the line went silent. Her enthusiasm instantly plummeted to a freezing point as she clutched the lab report in her hand.

Throughout their three years of marriage, Christopher had always been gentle toward her, but his attitude had changed drastically in recent days. Not only did he become distant, but he also grew impatient whenever she called him. What on Earth happened to cause such a significant change in Christopher?

While pondering, she turned around, and a figure appeared ahead of her. A tender voice resonated in her ears. "Ms. Yates!"

Selena looked over, only to see Josephine Shurmer and a middle-aged woman who had unknowingly shown up beside her at some point.

Upon seeing Josephine, the daughter of a homewrecker, Selena furrowed her brows, and a look of disgust washed over her face. Her voice turned frigid as she responded, "What do you want?"

Josephine wasn't mad, either. She smiled at Selena and asked softly, "Selena, are you here to consult about your infertility again?"

"What's it to you?"

"Aren't you going to ask me why I'm here for a prenatal check-up?" Josephine raised an eyebrow and beamed. "I'm pregnant! It's Christopher's child."

Only after these words were said did Selena realize that Josephine's tummy was a little round. The latter's feelings for Christopher had always been exceedingly obvious. Before Selena and Christopher got married, Josephine had tried every possible way to get close to him. "Are you out of your mind?" sneered Selena.

"Don't believe me? Just take a look at this!"

Josephine held up a medical report in front of Selena, who recognized the familiar, elegant handwriting on it. The latter's expression changed in a trice. How could this signature be Christopher's?

"Four months ago, I got together with Christopher. The child was conceived that very night!" Josephine stated with a smug grin. "He was so ecstatic when he found out I was pregnant. Now, you, a barren woman, can step down and let me replace you!"

"You slut!" Selena trembled with rage as she slapped Josephine across the face. Right on cue, the latter abruptly fell to the ground, exclaiming, "Ouch, my stomach!"

Although Selena had only slapped Josephine's face, bright red blood flowed down Josephine's pant leg as the woman fell down. Selena was aghast. How could this have happened?

Josephine was then rushed to the emergency room by medical staff, and Selena, not daring to leave, went along too.

After waiting at the door for some time, she heard footsteps approaching. It was her mother-in-law, Yvonne Lane. Yvonne's eyes revealed ire when she saw Selena. "What happened? Why is Josephine in the emergency room out of the blue?"

"Ms. Yates... No, wait. It was Mrs. Morris who pushed her!" replied the middle-aged woman accompanying Josephine.

"You bitch! Just because you're a barren woman who can't have children yourself, you won't let others have kids too?" Yvonne slapped Selena across the face. She had never liked this daughter-in-law, so she hadn't been merciful in this slap at all. In no time, Selena's face began to swell.

If Selena had thought Josephine was lying before, Yvonne's attitude had now made everything clear.

A wave of despair overwhelmed Selena, the suffocating feeling almost making her faint. Yet, at this very moment, the operating room door opened, and a nurse walked out, announcing that they'd failed to save the baby in Josephine's womb.

This infuriated Yvonne to no end, and she rushed over, grabbing Selena by the hair to punch and kick the latter relentlessly.

Selena was hit so hard that she saw stars and passed out soon after.

When she awoke, what came into her sight was whiteness. She attempted to sit up, but her body ached all over. As she leaned against the headboard to catch her breath, the door was pushed open, and a man wearing gold-rimmed glasses entered the room.

"Hello, Ms. Yates. I'm Mr. Morris' attorney!"

"Attorney?" Selena looked at the man in front of her in stupefaction.

"Yes, I'm Mr. Morris' personal attorney. He has entrusted me to discuss the matter of divorce with you, Ms. Yates."

"Divorce? Christopher wants to divorce me?" She presumed there must be something wrong with her hearing.

Lionel, the attorney, walked up to the bedside and handed her a document. "Here are the divorce papers. Do take a look."

Selena's hands quivered. Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine that Christopher would hand her divorce papers someday. She didn't even look at the document and, instead, turned her gaze to Lionel, demanding, "Tell Christopher to come to see me! Let him tell me in person!"

"Mr. Morris has his hands full and isn't free!"

"Has his hands full? Not free?" The woman chuckled humorlessly. When did Christopher and I become so distant that I can't even see him anymore?

She shut her eyes briefly, then grabbed her phone from the bedside table and dialed a number. Unfortunately, the call failed to get through.

When did things between us get to this point? Infidelity... Divorce...

Lionel was still waiting for her. "Ms. Yates, please take a look at the papers. I'm hard-pressed too!"

The attorney's attitude gave Selena no room for rejection. During her three years of marriage with Christopher, everyone around him had always treated her with the utmost respect. Yet now, Lionel's demeanor was stand-offish and unyielding, making it evident that this must be due to Christopher's orders.

She picked up the divorce papers, her gaze landing on the asset division section. Her eyes immediately welled up with tears when she realized that all the assets were Christopher's pre-marital assets, so she was not entitled to receive anything.

The man had once said that she was his everything and all that he had belonged to her. However, in just three short years, their love had turned to dust. Has Christopher finally revealed his true colors?

He's secretly keeping a mistress outside and even impregnated her!

So, it's really time for an infertile woman like me to step down from being Mrs. Morris, huh? Selena didn't read the document any further, for it hurt too much. She raised her eyes to make eye contact with Lionel, who had been staring at her all along. "Give me the pen!"

The attorney opened his briefcase, took out a pen, and handed it to her. As she took it, he informed her, "Mr. Morris also says that you are not to take away a single piece of jewelry that he bought for you!"

Selena stared blankly ahead, not moving for quite a while. Just when Lionel guessed she would refuse, she answered slowly, "All right!"

With that, she picked up the pen swiftly and signed her name on the divorce papers with grace.

Lionel took back the document, glanced at it, and turned to leave without delay.

In the hospital parking lot, a luxurious Aston Martin was parked with its window rolled down, revealing an exceptionally handsome face that could mesmerize anyone. Lionel hurriedly took a few steps toward the vehicle and said reverentially, "Mr. Morris, Mrs. Morris has signed it!"

"She signed?" The man in the car uttered those two words slowly, his deep gaze fixed on the attorney's countenance.

Lionel observed the man's ever-changing expression and felt a little apprehensive, wanting to say something but unable to utter a single word. The man's deep gaze shifted from Lionel to the dark night sky. A long time later, he stated, "Let's go!"

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