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King's Royal Order

King's Royal Order

Nora Hayes


Ten years ago, he was forced to escape from the wealthy clans. Since then, he had been living in exile. He was as panicked as an ant, and everyone could bully him. Until that day, he dialed the familiar but strange phone number. If you choose to hold my hand, I must give you a bright future…

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

"No, I don't think you understand what I'm getting at," I hiss, watching the man lean back in his chair, crossing his arms. "I'm not someone who can be pushed around like this, I've worked hard here, harder than anyone else here!" I yell, watching as my boss sighs, shaking his head.

"Listen, Lyra, we have to make these cuts, besides, this business is going under in a matter of weeks."

I nod, feeling the tears well up. "I know this is your only source of income, but Lyra, your resume is beautiful and you're a hard worker, I'll make sure to give you a great recommendation letter."

Sighing, I grab my purse and last paycheck, leaving his office as my eyes well up quickly. Damnit! Just when I thought fate was being nicer, allowing me to find a job that paid the rent and bills. Just when I was getting accustomed to the big city of New York City, just as I was settling down-BAM- I got let go of because of some stupid money mistake for the business that the owner had made.

Checking my watch, I begin my usual walk back to my small apartment located in the basement of a married couple's house.

Ever since I was declared rogue, it hasn't been a walk in the park. Goddess, heat was a miserable experience, not just the pain of rejection, but the pain of being in heat and no one to aid you. I was all alone.

My parents come up twice a week, driving two hours to see me, making sure I'm safe and taken care of. Next semester they have me set up to do duel credit at a community college, allowing me to have the rest of the semester off from my rejection. As for that bastard, I want to watch him burn. How could the goddess pair us together?

I take a left turn, deciding to instead spend another hour at the park, just to probably do people watching or read a book online. Pulling the jacket tighter around my body, I find a bench after a short stroll, taking a seat next to the bridge were people pass bye. There's the usual workout group of women here, the typical gym gurus, no sweat showing, there's a number of moms with their children, men on break from work as they have from food, and your usual tourists.

Leaning back on the bench, I pull out my phone, and right away I see a missed call. Mom.

I ignore it.

For a good thirty minutes I'm reading some science fiction novel, and then, as a strong breeze makes it way past me, I catch the most heavenly scent I've ever smelt. No, not like a mate's, for if he was here, I'd be willing to chop off his dick. It's a scent that reels you in, one that entices you in a mysterious smell. I can't place my finger on the exact scent, as it's mixed with so many beautiful smells, but the scent forces my eyes open right away.

I look around for the man or woman who carries the scent, only to remain unsuccessful as the people around me all smell completely different.

Goddess, that's got to be my favorite scent in the whole world.

Getting to my feet, I try and pick up a trail of the scent, holding my head high as I take in deep breathes, only to find no trace.

My wolf grows impatient and I find myself groaning, placing my phone back in my purse and walk back to the street I need to head back home on.

As I try and squeeze through a few tourist groups, someone grapes my purse from me, dashing off with it.


People turn their attention to me as the male runs off with my purse, me pushing through as I see the man in the gray hoodie and black hat running away.

As I get free from the group, I call after the man. My legs begin to burn as I want to shift into my wolf. Lucky for him he has a head start.

"Hey, jackass, get back here you mother fucker!"

Some are shocked by my language as I run after the man, seeing him jump over a small creek, only, as he does, he meets the fist of a man, sending him back into the creek as the man takes hold of my purse.

I don't even look to the man who stopped the thief as I rush over the rest of the fifteen yards, landing a swift and painful kick right to the man's balls. "You fucking jackass," I yell, landing one more blow.

"Christ, lady," the man groans in pain as I step on his leg, walking over to whoever got my purse.

However, just as I look up, just as my eyes meet his, I know I'll never be the same.

Golden brown, a color I'll never forget, the bright flakes in the orbs just making me fall head over heels even more. The man is breathtaking as I just stare into his eyes, him doing the same, and as I take a deep breath of his scent, I recognize it instantly. The scent that had me obsessed earlier, that had me searching.

And that's when I realize it, not just the scent or the eyes, but the other bit of his presence, the authority, power, the ranking.

He's wolf, but not just wolf, but someone who could have me beheaded without anyone questioning him.

Right away I bow my head, thinking of if he'll have me hanged for not bowing before, if he'll hang me for being rogue. But then, only packs care about rogues, only if on their lands. Hell, the royal family rather likes rogues, those who are strong.

The royal family.

Oh no.

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