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Letting Me Go, Jerk Ex

Letting Me Go, Jerk Ex

Elina Valenzuela


She loved him with all her heart and soul for seven years, and all she had in return was his indifference and framing. Her manuscript was stolen, she was accused of plagiarism by everyone, and her life was ruined. Kristen Stafford, who was forced into a desperate situation, wiped her tears, made up her mind to get a divorce, and left. When she appeared again, she was spirited and charming. The wine glass in her hand made people tingle. Trey Barrett felt his heart ache, and somehow, he regretted it, yet he still appeared to be indifferent and unruly. The truth came out, and Trey immediately went to Kristen, asking for her forgiveness, wanting to get her back. "Honey, would you marry me again?" Kristen turned around decisively and said with a smile, "Piss off!" When he tried to get her back, she already had someone more powerful and fearsome protecting her. When the rivals in love met, who could win her back?

Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Trey Is My Husband

At the venue of the final of Shine.

Kristen, in a white dress, took her design draft and went on stage with the model to explain her piece named "Starlight".

It was what she started preparing for the final six months ago. She stayed up countless nights, revised countless drafts, and went through countless final drafts before finally coming up with the piece in her hands.

However, before she finished her design concept, someone shouted out.

"She plagiarized!"

"I have seen this work on foreign websites. I can find pictures online."

"Kristen plagiarized!"

The audience was in an uproar.

Shine was the top design competition in the country, which was held every three years and brought together countless elites in the design field.

If one made it to the finals, they would make a name for themselves in the design world even without an award.

Kristen was supposed to be the favorite to win the championship.

"What happened?"

A judge's face turned cold, and he scolded angrily, "Kristen, how do you explain it?"

"I didn't plagiarize. This is the work that cost me half a year of hard work. I stayed up countless nights before finalizing it.

"I have my design concept. I did not plagiarize!"

Kristen's hand holding the microphone was trembling, and her delicate face was already full of anger.

Plagiarism was too heavy a crime for an original.

"Everyone, check this foreign official website. They have published this piece. It's the first-prize winner's work no less.

"You dare to plagiarize such a famous work. Do you think we don't pay attention to foreign works?"

The girl who accused Kristen of plagiarism trotted to the stage and took out her phone to show the same work as Kristen's, and the other party won the award yesterday.

"Gosh. She's right."

"She plagiarized at Shine. She ruins her career. She can never be a designer."

"Bah! A designer? A plagiarist doesn't deserve such a title! I wish I could tear her hypocritical face apart!"

The audience cursed.

The judges on the stage quickly made a decision.

The host asked Kristen to get off the stage with a cold face, "We don't tolerate thieves like you in the design world. Please leave now!"

"No! I did not plagiarize. My work..."

"Get lost!"

The girl who accused Kristen of plagiarism angrily pushed Kristen off the stage.

"Kick this plagiarist's ass!"

"Drive her out!"

"Bah! You disgust me!"

Someone took action and threw whatever they had in their hands at Kristen, including bags, books, and hats.

The scene was in chaos.

Kristen ignored their attacks. She tried to go on stage to explain, but she was mercilessly kicked out of the venue by the security guards.

"I didn't plagiarize!"

Kristen sat slumped outside the venue, her hair disheveled, her clothes crumpled, and her white dress stained.

There were many wounds on her hands, all scratched by nails. It was the masterpiece of those angry people who attacked her.

Kristen bit her lips and cried hard.

Being a designer had always been her dream. Otherwise, she would not have worked so hard to enter the design college at New York University.

The work that she worked hard for half a year was won by someone outside the country first! How was that possible?

Kristen took out her phone and searched for the website. She saw the name of the designer. It was Emilee Mayer.

It was Emilee!

Kristen's expression suddenly changed, and she froze.

Emilee was the woman Trey loved, Kristen's nightmare for more than ten years.


Kristen managed to get up.

She remembered that the only person who had seen her draft was Trey, who had come home early that day and gone into her study...

Thinking of this, Kristen suddenly rushed to the road without hesitation and stopped some random car.

"Go to the Barrett Group."

On the way, Kristen lowered her head and murmured to herself with her eyes closed, "No. No way. How could it be you?"

He was the man she had loved for seven years. How could he be the one who destroyed her?

Although he had always been cold to her during the year they were married, he wouldn't be this heartless!

An hour passed.

She arrived at the Barrett Group.

"Sorry, you can't see him without an appointment. Mr. Barrett is very busy. You can't just walk in and ask to see him like this."

The receptionist looked at Kristen with contempt and refused Kristen thoroughly.

"Trey is my husband. I want to see him!"

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