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My Stubborn Ex Wants Me Back

My Stubborn Ex Wants Me Back

Maelle Bloom


Before getting married, Sloan Rojas knew that Jorde Lius unrequitedly loved someone in his heart, but she still married without hesitation. Not for anything else, just because he is also the person in her heart. Then one day, Jorde’s sweetheart returned to his arms, and Sloan Rojas thought that carrying his child would finally stabilize their marriage, but it collapsed in front of their dramatic love. She chose to divorce without hesitation. Having loved him for so many years, she lost youth, lost heart, and gave birth to a child, so she can no longer lose dignity. After the divorce, Sloan Rojas was indifferent to Jorde Lius, and struck back when she disagreed. Every time they meet, Jorde Lius is always half dead by her. He protested against her rudeness towards him, and she coldly laughed, “Jorde, how can you expect a divorced woman to have a good temper? It's already good enough that she's not mentally unstable.” But why was he starting to like her more and more? He even wanted to get back together with her and repair their broken relationship?

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

At nine o'clock in the evening, Sloan Rojas went downstairs after putting her daughter to sleep. Just as she was about to pour herself a glass of water, the door was kicked open with a loud bang, and her husband Jorde Lius came in angrily.

Jorde Lius rushed in front of her in a few steps, raised his hand and grabbed her collar, and shouted at her with red eyes, "You went to find Yuuna Spark today? What did you tell her?"

Facing the furious Jorde Lius, Sloan Rojas chose to calmly confess, "I went to find her, and I told her that what she is doing now is destroying my family, and if she continues like this, I will Expose her and let everyone know that she is a shameful mistress!"

"You poisonous woman!" Jorde Lius roared angrily, throwing her away.

Jorde Lius was so strong that the slender Sloan Rojas staggered a few times before falling heavily to the ground.

The tailbone hit the cold and hard marble floor, and the pain caused Sloan Rojas tears to swirl in his eyes.

Jorde Lius didn't care about her condition at all, but stood there condescendingly, and declared to her word by word, "She swallowed sleeping pills and went to the hospital, if something happens to her, I will definitely make you pay the price!

After Jorde Lius yelled like this, he turned and left in a hurry, and Sloan Rojas' tears rolled down silently.

What did she do wrong?

Was she wrong to defend her marriage?

Yuuna Spark is the white moonlight in Jorde Lius' heart, and is Jorde Lius' favorite. Sloan Rojas knew about it when they got married.

Sloan Rojas didn't take Yuuna Spark seriously. First, Yuuna Spark lived abroad all year round. Second, Sloan Rojas felt that she could warm Jorde Lius' heart with her sincerity and make Jorde Lius fall in love with her.

But the scene she encountered a few days ago made her unable to deceive herself any longer.

A few days ago, she accompanied Jorde Lius to a dinner party as Mrs. Lius, but at the corner coming out of the bathroom, she bumped into the picture of Jorde Lius hugging Yuuna Spark.

"Jorde, the person I love the most is you."

"Five years ago, I broke up with you and stayed with your elder brother. It was becausethey forced me. I have a last resort!"

"I don't care if you're married, even if I'm your woman outside, I don't care, as long as I can be with you."

"Jorde, I really love you, I love you very much, every moment I'm apart from you, I miss you..."

Yuuna Spark buried herself in Jorde Lius' arms crying heartbroken, while Jorde Lius was silent without saying a word.

As a married man, Jorde Lius did not push Yuuna Spark away.

At that moment, Sloan Rojas hid at the corner in pain, and Jorde Lius did not push Yuuna Spark away. In the eyes of Sloan Rojas, it meant that he had made a decision in silence: he would give up her and his daughter, and opened his arms Come take on Yuuna Spark.

That's why Sloan Rojas went to Yuuna Spark today. A woman confessed her husband so sincerely, and even said that it doesn't matter if she is a woman outside him. Can she not settle accounts with Yuuna Spark?

However, the behavior of Jorde Lius just now made her difficult and humble heart that loved him die instantly.

Yuuna Spark swallowed sleeping pills, is she the one who is wrong?

Is she going to be called a poisonous woman by him?

If something happened to Yuuna Spark, how would he treat her?

Let her pay for her life?

Sloan Rojas sat on the cold marble floor, crying and laughing like a neurotic.

Jorde Lius didn't come home overnight, and Sloan Rojas knew without a second thought that he must be in the hospital with Yuuna Spark.

Early the next morning, Sloan Rojas sent his daughter to kindergarten gently as always, and went home to pack his luggage.

Tonight is Jorde Lius mother's birthday party, and she decided to file for divorce from Jorde Lius in front of all her relatives and friends.

To tear her face apart without leaving any room for regret, this is also the most decent way for her to leave.

She doesn't want anything but her daughter, so Sloan Rojas packs a suitcase containing a few of her and her daughter's seasonal clothes and some IDs.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, Jorde Lius returned home with a gloomy face, ready to change clothes for his mother's birthday party.

When Jorde Lius entered the bedroom, Sloan Rojas had already changed into a bright red dress, and was sitting in front of the vanity mirror drawing narrow eyeliner for himself.

When Jorde Lius saw her complacent look, he immediately became angry, and his tone of voice was unconsciously tainted with anger, "Are you still in the mood to put on makeup?"

Yuuna Spark went through a wave of gastric lavage last night, and her whole life was a life-and-death struggle, but she dressed herself up here in a coquettish and eye-catching way, and she didn't know what she was going to do.

Sloan Rojas put down the eyeliner in his hand, looked back lazily and smiled lightly, "Why am I not in the mood? Today is your mother's birthday party, of course I have to dress up."

Today is also the day when their marriage ended, so she naturally wanted to dress up and bid him farewell.

Perhaps Sloan Rojas put on too much makeup today. When she tilted her head to look over, the eyeliner at the end of her eyes was flying, and Jorde Lius felt a little bit of her extremely ungrateful and ungrateful taste.

He couldn't help but sarcastically said, "No matter how you dress up, you can't hide your nature as a viper!"

In the past, if he said such nasty things to her, her eyes would turn red with grievance in an instant. He hated her pitiful appearance so much.

If she was really pitiful and innocent, she wouldn't have climbed into his bed while he was drunk, and she wouldn't have forced him to marry her by taking advantage of her pregnancy.

But this time, she didn't show any hurt expression at all. Instead, she smiled arrogantly to meet his gaze, "Why am I so vicious? Is your sweetheart dead? Or is she unconscious and unable to wake up?"

These few words used by Sloan Rojas can be described as extremely harsh and mean, Jorde Lius stepped forward and grabbed her neck, shouting angrily, "Sloan Rojas!"

Is she crazy? He actually cursed Yuuna Spark to die!

Sloan Rojas was almost suffocated by him, but she still taunted stubbornly, "If you have the ability, strangle me, if you strangle me, you can live together with Yuuna Spark."

Jorde Lius was so angry that the veins on his forehead swelled, he didn't understand why Sloan Rojas, who had always been sensible and generous before, was so mean and mean now.

He stared at her bright red lips, and then glanced at the eye-catching dress on her body. The design of the tube top set off her fair and smooth skin like cream, and the exquisite figure wrapped in the tube top was even more beautiful. It makes people think about it.

He rolled his Adam's apple up and down, loosened her neck and pressed her hard on the bed behind him.

Sloan Rojas was suddenly treated like this, and instinctively shouted, "What are you doing!"

Jorde Lius sneered and said, "What else can I do? Naturally, I will teach you a lesson and let you know what it means to be obedient!"

After he finished speaking, he tore off the dress from Sloan Rojas' chest and fell over.

Sloan Rojas struggled palely, "Jorde Lius, let me go!"

"Are you crazy? We're going to your mother's birthday party!"

Jorde Lius was furious, and the more she struggled, the more he aroused his strong desire to control.

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