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President, Your Wife Is Getting Remarried

President, Your Wife Is Getting Remarried

Ella Mitchell


Leyla Morrison had liked Everett Morrison for more than ten years. Knowing that he had a childhood sweetheart, she hid her love deeply in her heart and never had any expectations. After his childhood sweetheart went abroad suddenly, Leyla became a substitute for the marriage between the two families. After marriage, Everett was a perfect husband. Even if he learned that Leyla was infertile, he still protected her. Three years later, when Leyla was immersed in happiness, Everett filed for divorce and asked her to agree. "I'm pregnant." "Don't lie to me. You are infertile." After Leyla took the medicine for two years, she finally had a child, and she wanted to keep their marriage. However, Everett said, "Our marriage was originally a mistake, and we must break it completely." Leyla loved Everett humbly, and his words hurt her much.

Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Secret Love

Hearing the sound of a whistle coming from outside the villa, Leyla Morrison ran out happily.

"Honey, you're back!"

Everett Morrison watched his wife standing in front of him with a smiling face through the windshield.

During the three years of their marriage, he left in the morning and returned at night every day, while his wife sent him out and welcomed him back every day.

When he thought that after this marriage ended, he would no longer be able to enjoy her pick-up, Everett felt a little upset.

"Honey, give me your bag."

When he got out of the car, Leyla took over his computer bag.

After entering the villa, Everett pulled Leyla to sit on the sofa.

"Leyla, I have something to tell you."

"Well, you say."

Leyla was gentle and sincere.

When Everett was about to speak, the nanny, Patricia Murray, came with a bowl of soup.

"Mrs. Morrison, it's time to take your medicine."


Two years ago, Mrs. Eileen Morrison took Leyla to the hospital for a check-up when she saw that Leyla didn't get pregnant for a year after marrying Everett.

When it was found out that Leyla was infertile, Mrs. Eileen Morrison was furious and wanted Everett to divorce her.

But Everett didn't. He comforted Leyla and treated her more tenderly than before.

Leyla was full of joy even if she knew that their marriage was not what he wanted.

Everett had done what a husband should do after marriage.

Now, Leyla only hoped that she could conceive Everett's child as soon as possible.

During the two years, she drank the bitter medicine soup every day.

Gradually, she got used to it, and she was full of expectations.

Patricia left with the empty bowl.

As Everett looked at Leyla's frown, he took out candy as usual.

"Thanks, honey!"

After Leyla opened the candy and ate it, she had a happy smile.

Everett smiled involuntarily. "Is it sweet?"


She was like a child who was easily satisfied as she looked at Everett with her beautiful eyes.

"Honey, what do you want to tell me?"

Everett swallowed, thinking about how to tell her.

Leyla's expression was calm, and she was full of anticipation.

Tomorrow was the third anniversary of their marriage. Was Everett going to give her a gift, or would he take her on vacation?

As long as she was with Everett all day tomorrow, she would be happy with whatever they would do.

"Leyla, when you married me three years ago, we were both forced by the elders.

"I remember you told me that if you can, you want to have a process from falling in love to getting married to the person you like."

Leyla blinked. "Well, what's wrong?"

She knew him when she was young, and she fell in love with him for more than ten years.

She always hoped that he could fall in love with her too, and they would have a process from falling in love to getting married, but the person he liked was not her.

Leyla's cousin went abroad suddenly that year, so she became a substitute. Otherwise, Everett might never look at her for the rest of his life.

"I will give you freedom. You can find someone you like, date him, and then get married. When you get married, I will attend your wedding."

"What did you say?"

The smile on Leyla's face disappeared, and she looked at Everett in disbelief.

Everett lowered his head and pulled out the cigarette case. After he took out a cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth, he quickly glanced at Leyla.

When he thought that she didn't like him smoking, he took the cigarette out of his mouth and stuck it between his fingers but didn't light it.

He said softly, "Perla is back."

As Leyla frowned, she tilted her head and bit the tip of her tongue, trying to calm down.

"Is my cousin back?"


"So, are you going to divorce me?"

"Our marriage was originally a mistake. You know that Perla and I are childhood sweethearts. I want to start again."

"What about me?"

Leyla didn't know what to say. Three years ago, Everett said that their marriage was a mistake, and she was the one who took it seriously like a fool.

However, in the past three years, he had been a perfect husband.

Didn't he have any feelings for her?

"Leyla, I hope you can agree that."

Everett looked at Leyla with deep eyes.

As Leyla opened her mouth, her eyes were red and her nose was sore. She couldn't hold back her emotions anymore.

"I have a stomachache. I'm going to the bathroom."

"Okay, we'll talk about it when you come back."

Leyla got up in a panic and hurried into the bathroom.

After closing the door and turning on the tap, her tears fell down.

Their marriage of three years was very happy for her.

They lay together every night.

They were like a normal couple, eating and reading together.

When they had sex, he would desperately want her, as if he wanted to rub her into his bones.

But why was the happiness so short?

Why would he want to divorce her?

He didn't love her at all, did he?

He didn't love her, so he was so ruthless.

But if he didn't love her, why would he be so obsessed every time they had sex?

Leyla wouldn't have sex with someone she didn't love.

Did he love her or not?

Perhaps, he liked her a little?

After calming down her mood, Leyla returned to the living room with a smile.

She didn't sit next to Everett, but sat alone.

Everett threw the cigarette that was cut off by his fingers into the wastebasket. "Leyla, three years ago, I said that when we get divorced in the future, we won't interfere with each other's marriage."

"Well, you did."

However, from the moment she became his wife, she had long forgotten his words. She loved him desperately and regarded him as the only one in her life.

In the past, Leyla loved him, and she never had any expectations when she watched him and her cousin love each other, and she kept her love for him a secret.

She didn't tell anyone, and she didn't dare to look at him in crowded places, for fear that her secret would be discovered.

She was a country girl, and how could she compare to Ms. Peters from the Peters family?

Her cousin had a high degree. She was a famous lady in Phoenix City and was also a pianist. She was the only one who was worthy of Everett.

As he said, they would start again.

Just like when she loved him secretly, as long as he was happy, Leyla would continue to hide her love.

Being married to him was a gift in her life.

"The divorce..."

Before Everett could finish speaking, Leyla hurriedly said, "Okay, I agree."

She lowered her head, not daring to look at him, and she felt cold in her heart.

During the three years of marriage, she had drunk the medicine soup for two years. Fortunately, she was infertile and did not conceive his child. Otherwise, what would she do?

Everett noticed that her eyes were red. "Are you alright?"

"I have a stomachache. It will be fine after taking some medicine."

"Let's go."

He grabbed her wrist and got up.

Leyla asked, "Where are we going?"

"I'll take you to see a doctor."

"No need, it's not serious."

"Many serious illnesses are caused by a small problem. You must go."

On the way to the hospital, Leyla turned her head to look at the scenery outside the car window, not daring to look at the man in the driver's seat.

She was afraid that she wouldn't want to leave him if she looked at him too much, and she would humbly beg him not to divorce her.

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