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Rejected by the Twin Alphas

Rejected by the Twin Alphas

Evelyn Bennett


"Their fathers must be assholes!" Here is the consensus of the triplets, Mia, Elijah, and Levi. Otherwise, how could they abandon their mate after having sex, leaving only a note calling her a simple "she-wolf." Their mom Olivia Miller had them when she was 16. After a party, she had relations with the twin Alphas of the Blood Moon Pack. Unfortunately, they rejected her as their mate. So Olivia ran away and created the Miller Organization to help homeless rogues. Misfortune befell her once again, she was kidnapped by the hunters. But her children escaped, and they had to ask for their bastard fathers' help...

Chapter 1 Chapter 1 - The Origin

Olivia's P.O.V.

Looking at myself in a mirror while wearing a tight, black dress is not what I wanted to do with my night. This is all Amelia's fault. Even if she is my best friend, she is pushing the limit of my indulgence with this party. It was all her idea and I am being forced along with it. My wolf had been antsy all day and harder to control, giving me another reason not to go to this stupid party. Unfortunately, Amelia doesn't seem to have an understanding of the word no

The worst part is that the party she is dragging me to is one thrown in the honor of the two visiting Alphas, Alpha Logan and Alpha Sebastian. They were twins and ruled the Blood Moon pack together. They had just signed a treaty to help protect my pack in exchange for some of our land. Given the fact that many of our wolves were dying due to rogue attacks, this was a smart thing. However, Alpha Logan and Alpha Sebastian are notorious for making treaties with packs and then taking them over. I don't like them.

Also, I hate parties and have had a problem with most authoritative figures, something about me being insolent or something. I don't see it. This party was a combination of the two, but I have no choice. I wasn't going to have fun even if Amelia disagreed. She always ditched me at the entrance to go dance.

"Damn girl, you look smokin' hot," comments Amelia who is looking me up and down. I grunt in answer, still not happy about this situation.

She shrugs in the face of my wrath, "C'mon let's go, we will be late."

I mumble, "Would that only be a bad thing though."

By her lack of answer, Amelia didn't hear me. Despite being only sixteen, she is a party animal. I am sixteen too, but not interested in any of that stuff. Amelia always says that I should live my late fully before I find my mate. I mean technically I am old enough to find my mate, but that won't probably happen this soon. Like the twin Alphas, they are 20 and still don't have a mate. Twins share one mate of course and it is always harder to find a mate for their situation.

I follow Amelia out of the house and down the street. I live pretty close to the pack house where the party is happening. Amelia knew I was upset, so she didn't even attempt conversation. I am well known for my temper. As my best friend, Amelia isn't at the receiving end of it and usually encouraging my fights. But now she might in the unfortunate position of me losing my cool, there is only so much I can take. Once we arrived at the party, I lost Amelia in like two seconds. I already saw that coming and I found myself on the dance floor. I love dancing, so I honestly don't mind. Throughout the night, my actions became mechanic: take the shot of vodka and dance. I am really drunk, but I didn't care. It was the most fun I had in ages, maybe Amelia I was right. I do need to get out more and if every party is like this, count me in!

I am dancing alone or with a partner, it didn't matter to me. At one point, Amelia came back around to me, dragging a man behind her. Seeing her, I stopped and slipped out of the embrace of the woman I had been dancing with to meet my best friend. Her smile went from ear to ear and I assumed the best

She told me, "Liam, meet my best friend Olivia. Olivia, meet my mate!" I guessed right, I'm so happy for her! Finding your mate at 16 doesn't tend to happen that often and she is lucky to have that. I just hope Liam can keep up with her. I shake his hand, "Nice to meet you."

He takes Amelia's hand in his own, "Nice to meet you too. I am Liam, Beta of the Blood Moon pack." I already figured that out by his dominance and Amelia sort of introduced him. I kept my smile on my face as I was too drunk to care. Without further ado, both of them took off, leaving me alone. I thought about stopping drinking. I dismiss the thought. I am alone and what better way to numb that pain then drinks? Not my smartest moment, but as a werewolf, I can usually hold my alcohol. So, I kept drinking. My sober self would be yelling that I am putting myself in a potentially unsafe situation. My drunk brain didn't give two shits about that. I am upset at the fact that my best friend is leaving me. Don't get me wrong, I am happy for her. I just felt so alone right now. I'm not the most social person and Amelia had always been there for me. Wobbly, I returned to the dance floor.

Soon enough, I felt two intense stares burning holes into my body. My curiosity practically made me turn around and stare back at the strangers. And damn, those were a pair of fine strangers. I We stared at each other as I continued dancing, but my mouvements changed. They became less random, more seductive. Apparently, my drunken brain thinks it's a good idea to get laid. Gone was the idea of waiting for my mates. My dance must have encouraged them to come over because that's exactly what they did. In the back of my head, my wolf instincts were basically yelling something. However, the alcohol stopped it from truly hitting me. All that was on my mind is my two handsome strangers.

If I was truly sober, I would have taken note that they were twins or the fact that it might be wrong to take two guys my first time. But I am drunk and didn't give two fucks. There is a proper reason why I rarely head to parties. Without Amelia here to stop me, I am about to make some of the best worst decisions of my life. The two handsome strangers sandwiched me between them. My wolf felt safe there like it was the place we were meant to be. That's the only thing I really got from my technical wolf. My instincts were yelling something else too, but I didn't really care. All I wanted was to get with these two hot twins next to me.

The one on my left said, "If you keep dancing like that, you might get hurt." It was an obvious attempt at flirting, not the best I've heard, but decent nonetheless. I kept dancing, now more like grinding on them. They both groaned and the one on my right told me, "We need to get somewhere more private fast, don't ya think?" He had a slight accent to his words, but I found it more hot than anything else

I nodded, unable to make words without slurring due to lust and drunkenness. The three of us made it upstairs and into the bedroom. I made out with the one in front of me while the one behind me trailed kisses up and down my neck. This is going to be fun!


The next morning, I awoke in a strange bed naked and alone. I shot up at the realization I was not at home. Laying back down on the empty strange bed, my memories of last night came flooding back. I can't believe that I just lost my V-card to two random werewolves! I blame Amelia for dragging me to the party. I always had wanted not to sleep around before my mate, but too late now. Then, a sudden realization came to me, the reason my wolf felt so safe in their presence. The two twins from last night were my mates. Now that I was sober, I could remember their intoxicating smell and the sparks whenever we touched. Those were the two foolproof ways of identifying your mate and there had been both. Along with the connection forming with eye contact that most likely happened, but I was drunk. But then why would they leave before I wake up? As destined soulmates, we were supposed to spend the rest of our life together. I got out of the bed and wrapped the sheet around my body to hide myself. Seeing a note on the night stand, I reached out and grabbed it before opening it to read it:


This was just sex, nothing more and nothing less. Do not get the impression just because we fucked you that you are our mate. You are not her and don't come looking for us. Last night was a one time thing and we will never take you to be our Luna.

- Alphas Logan and Sebastian of Blood Moon

It dawned on me what that meant. Rejection. To them, I had been an easy fuck. I curse myself stupid, I was so stupid. No wonder I was so happy to give away my innocence last night. I knew subconsciously that these were my mates. They didn't give a fuck anyway.

I felt incredibly sad. I couldn't face Amelia like this. I couldn't face anyone like this. The worst part was that Amelia was with their Beta too! I could definitely not see her again or her mate. Where their Beta was, the Alphas would be too. I will accept my rejection with grace and leave them alone, even if it meant avoiding Amelia at times. I won't let them humiliate me again.

However, there was another issue, I couldn't stay at the Crescent pack, my pack. As part of the alliance, this territory would be taken by the Blood Moon pack. This is why the party was here. In all, my home place would become part of Blood Moon as well as the wolves on it. There had been the option to move, but my parents refused. I would have to face the Alphas nearly every day, see them fuck different females under my noses, make someone else their Luna. I'm not that strong, I would break at that. I just wanted my mates and not have to deal with these problems. I just wanted a simple, normal life. Was that just too much to ask?

I needed to leave. I needed to run far away from here and not be the pitied, rejected mate. I would never get over them if I stayed. With a plan in mind, I got up off the bed and rummaged through the random closet of the room. If I went down in my dress, nothing else would scream more 'I just got laid'. Packs usually had extra clothes in case of a random shift or something. We destroyed our clothes when we shifted. I found a huge T-shirt and some jeans that about fit me. I was ready to leave the house. I tried to be sneaky, making sure no one ever knew I was there.

I ran to my own home and quickly packed a bag. My parents and I were not close at all. They were always out on patrols or doing their duties. I wasn't really raised by them, I raised myself. That's partially why I felt so abandoned when Amelia had her mate, she would leave me. I really had no one else as sad as that may seem to others.

I still didn't want to cause any worry, so I left behind a note, an explanation to my actions:

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am sorry to leave you like this. I just want you to know that I love you more than anything in the world. At the party, I met my mates and they rejected me. I can't stand living here, so close to them. I need to get away. I won't come back, but I will try to send word of my health.

Love you,

Your daughter Olivia

P.S. Amelia, I am sorry I left you without saying good-bye. I was just worried that I would run into my mates if I came to see you. Best of luck with your mate, Liam. To reassure you, I promise that I will see you again.

Now, I am good to go. Leaving my house, I ran to the woods. I need to make it to our border in human form to shift afterwards. I had a map, stolen from my parents, and I planned to head to No Man's Land. Maybe there I could make something of myself. I could be a normal human, start a new life.

It was a peaceful run to the border. I love the forest, it was where I felt free. I knew all the paths that could avoid other people. I am sad to leave my home, but I hope that there is something better out there. If I was pessimistic, I might as well kneel over and die. When I reached the border of my pack, I said the ritual words, "I, Olivia Miller, hereby cut all of my ties with this pack to henceforth be rogue."

I felt the connection break and the confusion of my pack mates fade. Until someone read my letter, no one would know what caused me to go rogue. I felt slightly guilty not to have spoken to Amelia face-to-face before running. But I really didn't want to run into my mates. Call me coward, but public humiliation isn't my sort of thing. I shifted into my white and black wolf, putting the pack on my back. I start to run towards my new destination. I simply hope that there would be something more for me out there, anything.

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