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The Legendary Son-in-law

The Legendary Son-in-law

Raymond Conrad


The talented heir of the top family was poisoned and accidentally became a stupid son-in-law that everyone despised. But after he recovered, the world was shocked because of him. His name was Lenard Welch. He was a man who was motivated to live a long and legendary life.

Chapter 1 Chapter 1 I'm Married

In a luxurious manor in the western suburbs of New York.

In the center of this luxurious manor that occupied 700 thousand square feet, there was an indestructible iron house. The entire house was made of high-quality iron. Even the beams of windows and doors were made of iron. It stood in this elegant manor, so different from the others.

At noon, Fiona Fritz, who was known as the richest woman in the country, carried the food in her hands and walked slowly toward the iron house.

Just as Fiona came to the iron door, a deep male voice came from the iron house, "Just put the food at the door."

"Let me in," Fiona stopped outside the door and said.

"No," the man inside said decisively.

Fiona didn't give in. She said, "I just want to see you. If you let me in, I will leave in a while."

"There are too many traps in my room. You will be injured if you come in." A cold voice came from the iron room.

"Son, our manor is full of surveillance and security. You have been practicing martial arts since you were young. You also have extraordinary abilities. Is there a need to be so cautious?" Fiona was speechless.

Actually, the person in the iron room was Fiona's beloved son and the heir of the top family in the country, Lenard Welch.

After hearing his mother's words, Lenard slowly said, "We have to be wary of the enemies in the dark. It's always right to be careful."

Fiona didn't know what to say. "It's right to be cautious, but ever since you became the heir of the family, you have been staying in this house and not coming out. I haven't seen you for four years. Aren't you a little too cautious?"

Lenard answered casually, "Mom, do you know how many people outside are envious and even hostile to me as the heir of the Welch family? How many people are jealous of me? I am now in the middle of internal and external troubles. Don't you think I should be cautious?"

Lenard cared about his life the most. Since he was young, he had been motivated to live for a hundred years.

As Lenard's mother, Fiona naturally knew Lenard the best. Her son was extremely smart. He was extremely good at everything he learned. Up until now, he was already an all-rounder in both art and science. Since he was too outstanding, he was appointed as the heir of the Welch family when he just grew up as an adult.

However, there was something wrong with him. He was too cautious.

Fiona really didn't know how to deal with her son. Seeing that her son was stubborn, she could only sigh, put down the food gently, and then turned to leave.

Only when Fiona completely disappeared did Lenard take the food outside the door and be concentrated on eating.

After he ate some food, Lenard's expression suddenly changed greatly.

"It's poisonous!"

Realizing that something was wrong, Lenard immediately put his hand into his throat and tried to spit out the food.


A large mouthful of blood sprayed out of Lenard's mouth. His body fell to the ground, and his expression fixed on shock.


Three years later, in a psychiatric hospital in Washington.

Lenard, who was lying on the bed, slowly opened his eyes. He stared at the ceiling above his head, motionless.

In the silence, Lenard suddenly clenched his fists. Inside his body, there was a strong power flowing rapidly. His eyes shot out a ruthless light.

Lenard had been cautious all his life, but he had never expected that he would fail because of a bottle of poison.

The more he thought about it, the more vicious Lenard became.

"Are you dead? If you aren't, change your clothes and leave the hospital with me!"

Just as Lenard was immersed in the past, a female voice suddenly sounded. Then, a tall woman strode into the ward.

This woman was called Aurelia Byrne, and she was a famous beauty in Washington.

Lenard immediately released his fist and looked at Aurelia.

After looking at her for a few seconds, Lenard couldn't help but ask, "Who are you?"

"Are you so stupid that you don't even know your own wife?" Aurelia shouted at Lenard angrily.


Lenard was instantly stunned by this word. He wondered, when did I get married?

He tried to recall, but this memory seemed too horrible. The more he thought about it, the more pain his head felt. He painfully reached out and covered his bandaged forehead.

Aurelia looked at Lenard, who looked like a fool. She was even angrier. She frowned deeply and complained, "I really don't know what my grandfather is thinking. He insisted that I marry you, a fool!"

Three years ago, Aurelia's grandfather, Craig Byrne, asked his beloved granddaughter, Aurelia, to marry Lenard. Later, Craig died, and he told Aurelia not to divorce in his last words.

Aurelia did not understand her grandfather's thoughts, but she followed his last words. She did not divorce but lived in pain.

"I am actually married." Lenard suddenly sat up from the bed and murmured.

The memory fragments combined together made Lenard slowly remember everything. After he woke up from the poisoning, he was in Washington a city strange to him. At the same time, he lost his former memory, intelligence, and force. It was as if he had become a fool without any background from the genius successor of the first family overnight. And Aurelia married him, a fool, and they lived together for three years.

At this point, Lenard recovered all his memories.

"Get up and follow me!" Aurelia was speechless at Lenard. She was too lazy to explain everything to him. She shouted and walked out of the ward.

Lenard looked at the back of Aurelia. His eyes were filled with complicated feelings. He paused for a moment, then took off his hospital gown, changed his clothes, and followed her out.

On the road, Aurelia drove her Audi with a cold face.

Lenard sat in the back seat of the car, silent.

In the past three years, Lenard had done many incredibly stupid things, becoming the famous stupid son-in-law in Washington, and suffering all kinds of ridicule and humiliation every day.

Because of him, Aurelia had become a joke in Washington.

It was no wonder that she had a bad attitude toward him.

Lenard understood her and felt sorry for her.

"No matter who you meet later, don't say a word. I'm begging you, don't embarrass me anymore," Aurelia, who had been driving, suddenly spoke coldly.

Lenard pursed his lips and replied, "Okay."

At six in the evening, Aurelia drove to the Byrne family's villa.

As soon as the car stopped, Aurelia's mother, Erica McGowan, came over and said to Aurelia anxiously, "Aurelia, why are you so late? The banquet is about to start."

Aurelia got out of the car and explained, "I went to pick up Lenard."

While they were speaking, Lenard had already gotten out of the car from the back seat.

When Erica saw Lenard, she felt annoyed. She shouted angrily, "Aurelia, why did you pick up this fool again? Are you trying to anger me to death?"

In this world, the one who hated Lenard the most was Erica. Ever since Lenard married into the Byrne family, Erica had been living an annoying life. She was almost angered to death by Lenard, and she was tormented every day, which made her seem to be older.

In the past three years, Erica often sent Lenard to the psychiatric hospital. However, Aurelia would bring him back every time. This time, Lenard fell ill and hit the wall with his head, causing the walls of the house to crack. Erica originally thought that Lenard would be able to stay in the psychiatric hospital for a long time, but Aurelia brought him out again. This really made Erica angry.

With a straight face, Aurelia said seriously, "He is my husband. He should participate in the family banquet." After that, she brought Lenard into the villa.

The Byrne family was a second-rate family in Washington. The Byrne family was prosperous. At this family banquet, all the members of the Byrne family gathered in the big villa.

As soon as Aurelia and Lenard entered the door, someone immediately exclaimed, "Everyone, look! The stupid son-in-law of the Byrne family is here!"

After that, the sound of ridicule came one after another.

"Lenard, I heard that you took your home as a garbage dump and often took garbage from outside. Is this true?"

"It's not worth mentioning. I heard that he washed his face with water from the toilet."

"I once saw him fighting with a dog for bones."

"This time, it is even more hilarious. He directly hit the wall with his head. What else will he do next time he falls ill?"

People talked and laughed. Aurelia already knew that her relatives loved laughing at Lenard. She originally thought that she could turn a deaf ear to these voices, but the truth was that she still couldn't bear it. With such a stupid husband, she would never gain their respect in front of others.

Unconsciously, Aurelia lowered her head and walked quickly towards the empty table.

Lenard glanced at the fleeing Aurelia and silently followed.

At this time, Aurelia's cousin, Kolton Byrne, suddenly stopped Lenard and said to Aurelia in a stern voice, "Lenard can't eat at the table."

Kolton was young and promising. He was favored and valued by Nola Byrne, Aurelia's grandmother. Because of this, Kolton was fearless in the Byrne family, arrogant and domineering. He often took the lead to bully Lenard. In his eyes, Lenard was an animal for him to play and entertain. He had never regarded Lenard as a person.

Aurelia's face was already gloomy. After she heard Kolton's words, her expression became even uglier. She retorted unhappily, "He is my husband. Why can't he sit at the table?"

"A fool who snatches food from dogs does not deserve to eat with us," Kolton said righteously.

These words were unanimously approved by the other members of the Byrne family. They all shouted that Lenard was not allowed to sit at the table.

Although Aurelia did not like Lenard, she could not tolerate these people bullying Lenard so brazenly. Therefore, she raised her voice and insisted, "Lenard and I are engaged by my grandfather. He is the son-in-law of the Byrne family. He is qualified to attend the family banquet."

Kolton laughed disdainfully and teased, "Well, I didn't expect you to protect this stupid husband. He can eat there if he wants to." Kolton pointed at the corner of the hall.

In the corner, there was a Samoyed who was eating the food in the dog pot.

Obviously, Kolton wanted Lenard to eat dog food. Lenard could indeed do such a thing, but this was an extreme humiliation for Aurelia. Aurelia was so angry that her eyes turned red. She scolded Kolton angrily, "Kolton, don't go too far!"

"Am I going too far? It's not like your stupid husband has never eaten dog food before. The dogs in the Byrne family can also enjoy fish and meat."

After that, Kolton said to Lenard, "Lenard, hurry up and eat there. When the dogs finish eating, you will have nothing to eat."

In the past, Lenard was most afraid of Kolton. Lenard would do whatever Kolton ordered him to do. But at this moment, Lenard was completely silent, as if he had not heard Kolton's words.

Kolton instantly felt that he was ignored. He raised his hand angrily and threatened Lenard, "I told you to go over and eat. Did you hear me? Do you believe that I will beat you to death?"

Lenard, who had been silent all this time, suddenly shouted, "Go away!"

His tone was extremely domineering.

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