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The Omnipotent God of War

The Omnipotent God of War

Finnegan Guzman


The man standing in front of you is, the evil doctor who brings the dead back, the first person at the peak of martial arts, the master behind the scenes of the Empire Group, the savior of the King of Mercenaries, the Heavenly Master who changes the fate, the domineering man of the entertainment circle, the nightmare of the criminals, the glory of US, the opener of the new world, the end of the dark empire and the founder of the new era... ... He also has a code name that makes the whole world tremble - Cook, the Heavenly God!

Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Dad, do you not want Emily anymore!

  "Mr. Cook, stop the treatment. You already owe 300,000 medical fees. The hospital is not a charity. I hope you can understand!"

  "Dr. Dowling, I will find a way to make up the money! My child is still breathing. He's just sleeping. He'll wake up! He will definitely wake up! He is still so young...... Please!"

  A sturdy, nearly sixty-year-old man grabbed the doctor's white coat, his voice trembling, his face covered with wrinkles, his turbid eyes lingering with crystal tears.

  "Mr. Cook...... I really did my best, I'm sorry!"

  The doctor in the white coat shook his head, shook off the old man's callus-covered hands, and turned to leave.

  "Hahaha! Finally, is this waste about to die! Uncle Cook, I told you three years ago that Alan couldn't wake up! Now you see, it is this spoilsport, causing your Cook family to lose all your money, causing our famous beauty Ashley in New York to become a widow, and causing Emily to lose her father at a young age!"

  It was at this time that a man dressed in gorgeous clothes walked in, took a look at Alan lying on the hospital bed, and sneered repeatedly.

  "James, you get out!"

  "Uncle Cook, don't. Now you're at the end of your rope. The house is sold, and your relatives are avoiding you. If you can't get money, Alan will really die. How about this, you kneel down and beg me, maybe I can give you a sum of money, so that Alan, this punk, will die a few days later."

  "Uncle Cook, don't look at me like this. Do you remember once arrested my father? My father has never forgotten about it. As long as you kneel down and give me a kowtow, I will give you 100,000, which can let Alan live half a month more. This deal is not a loss, right?"

  "Are you ...... serious?"

  "Of course! Nowadays, 100,000 is nothing to Martin family!"

  "Okay, I will kneel down!"

  Jay, the tough retired soldier, bent his knees and knelt in front of James.

  As long as he could save his own child, he didn't care this humiliation.

  "Hahaha! Uncle Cook, you haven't even opened your mouth to beg me. Wait a minute, I have to record this. My father will be very happy when he sees it." James said smugly.


  At this moment, the door of the room was pushed open. A woman with a white shirt and a professional skirt pushed the door in, hurriedly helped Jay up and raged, "James, get out of here!"

  "Grandpa, don't you kneel down for someone! Emily don't want grandpa to be bullied ......"

  A five-year-old girl jumped on Jay, with some sobbing in her voice.

  "I wondered who is it. It turns out to be Miss Moore who spent three years to take care of Alan, the waste. It must be very hard, right? Your love is so firm. I am touched. What about the thing I have told you yesterday? If you are decided, I'm waiting for you at Hilton Hotel room 808!"

  James looked at the Ashley who had splendid figure and face with a touch of obscene, whispered.

  James turned around, glanced at Jay, laughed: "Uncle Cook, in fact, I am lying to you. Even if you kowtow to me a hundred times, I will not give you a penny! I can't wait for Alan to die early!"


  Jay was furious and his face was pale.

  "Grandpa ......"

  "Dad, it's okay, I'll find a way to solve Alan's medical expenses. Emily, take care of grandpa, mom will go out for a while." Ashley said softly, her expression couldn't hide her exhaustion.

  "Ashley, our Cook family feel sorry for you. You should have left a long time ago, but we dragged you down. Alan does not deserve you. You should go and do not care about these things ......" Jay sighed, as if aged ten years in an instant.

  "Dad, don't say it. Now I'm still the daughter-in-law of the Cook family. Everything will be fine." Ashley's voice was magnetic. She glanced at the motionless Alan, and then left the ward.

  For Alan's medical expenses, she could only agree to James' request.

  This was the only way now.

  "Daddy, why don't you wake up yet!"

  "Emily hates daddy! Grandpa and mom are lying to Emily. Daddy you are not a big hero! Everyone is bullying Grandpa and mom. Everyone is saying that Emily doesn't have a father! Emily is not doing well at all! Not happy at all!"

  "Emily wants Daddy to wake up so much! Emily does not want a sleeping father!"

  "Mom said Dad will wake up to protect us. Dad, when will you wake up? Emily is now so scared. Grandpa was bullied, Mom is so tired every day ......"

  "Emily has been very understanding, Dad ...... you do not want Emily, you do not want Mom and Grandpa!"

  "Daddy, Emily got a big red flower today, Emily is good ......"

  "Daddy, just now Emily said hate you is lying to you, Emily misses daddy everyday ......"

  Emily lied on his own father's body, using the sheet to hide her tears.

  Wake up!

  Wake up!

  Alan, wake up you punk!

  Wake up for me!

  Alan, who had been lying in a hospital bed for three years and had become a vegetable, was ranting and raving! Roaring!

  His own father, full of pride, a soldier who had been to battlefield, was now kneeling down for him!

  His own five-year-old daughter, his sweetheart, not even dared to cry loudly. How much did she suffer these years!

  His own wife, three years without leaving him, now was about to be bullied by this trash James!

  And himself!

  Can't move a muscle!

  Three years ago, because of a car accident, Alan fell into a coma, and after that was put under a curse. He had been in a vegetative state, but his perception was normal. He can feel everything that happens in the outside world.

  Therefore, Alan knew these three years, his own father, his wife and child suffered a lot!

  Alan's heart seemed to be smashed with a hammer again and again!

  Pain through the heart!

  Anger rushed to the sky!

  Alan can be sure that the car accident three years ago was definitely not an accident!

  It was a conspiracy!

  Wake up! Wake up!

  Please wake up!

  Alan screamed at the top of his lungs silently!

  Endless hatred filled his chest!

  "Do you want to make a deal with your life as a trade!"


  A hoarse and chilling voice rang out in Alan's mind.


  "I am the nightmarish devil that lives with you. I feel your hatred and deep powerlessness. Now, I can not only revive you, but also let you inherit the power of the Heavenly God, let you master medicine and martial arts. However, to get what you want, you need to pay. Everything in the world has its price!"

  "What do I need to pay!"

  "Life! If you are willing to trade, you only have three years to live since your awakening, and once the three years are up, your life is mine!"

  "Three years? ......"

  Alan did not have the slightest hesitation: "I'll trade with you!"

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