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The Secret Billionaire Son-in-law

The Secret Billionaire Son-in-law

Nelson Huerta


Her mother said, "Good son-in-law, please don't leave my daughter!" He was the matrilocal son-in-law who received countless insults. He waited for her to care for him so that he could let her have the world!

Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Endless Humiliation

"Lawrence, pour the footbath water..." Mother-in-law, Paula Bailey, kicked the basin on the ground.

"Wait a minute. I'll pour it for you after I finish washing the dishes..." Lawrence Shaw, who was washing the dishes in the kitchen, bowed in response.

"Are you f*cking deaf? I had said that pour the footbath water right now!" Paula was very upset when she returned home with a dull face that day.

Lawrence trembled. The fire in his heart rose, and he clenched his fists. Before he could speak, his wife, Patricia Ellis, spoke again from the living room.

"Lawrence, didn't you hear what my mother said? Do you want to make my mother angry?!" Patricia's voice was extremely cold, with strong disgust and disappointment in her tone.

Patricia was very pretty. She was 5.5ft tall with fair skin and long legs. She had finished washing her feet and was rubbing body lotion on her slender, white legs. Without looking up, she yelled at Lawrence who was finishing washing in the kitchen.

"What a loser! Lawrence can't do anything right! I'm going to play with Linda Cox and the others. Her son-in-law is an executive of a big company, and he has a car and a house. Lawrence has nothing. Every time I see him, I get angry! He is worse than a beggar! Loser! Waste! It's better for us to have a dog!" Paula, the mother-in-law, kicked the bath away, and the water from the footbath splashed all over the floor.

"Lawrence! Are you going to piss my mom off? Come here and wipe the floor! Marrying you is the biggest mistake in my life!" Patricia was also angry and thought, "Lawrence, a good-for-nothing, has been in my house for a year, and he can't even go out to work, which embarrasses me so much. I dare not tell my friends that I am married to Lawrence, a loser! What a shame!"

Lawrence, in his apron, was finishing cleaning the kitchen, and he trembled. His fury could be restrained no longer, and he slammed the dish he had been washing on the ground.

He shouted, "Shut up!" Lawrence yelled at them in the living room.

When Paula and Patricia saw Lawrence losing his temper for the first time, they were stunned for a while, and they dared not say a word.

Lawrence clenched his fists and thought, "I'm a matrilocal son-in-law of the Ellis family, but I'm also the heir of the hidden and wealthy family in Babweand! As for why did I come to the Ellis family to be a matrilocal son-in-law with my superior status?"

"That's because I was in the same class as Patricia in high school. At the time, my family wanted to train me, so they only gave me a small stipend. At that time, I often did not get enough to eat. My living expenses were often robbed by the ruffians. Patricia used to give me the food of her own, seeing that I was in a pitiable condition. So I fell in love with Patricia when I was in high school."

"After graduating from university, I inherited the family company, and I wanted to come to Kisouth City to pursue Patricia and give her a happy life. A year ago, Patricia's father fell ill. When he was dying, he feared that no one would be able to care for his daughter, and he could not rest easy. He recruited a matrilineal son-in-law in order to allow Patricia to inherit his fortune in the Ellis family. So I came here to become a matrilocal son-in-law."

"In the past year of marriage, I used my monstrous power to block Patricia from many troubles. Fearing that Patricia would not recover from the loss of her father, I gave up my career to devote myself to being by her side and caring for her. Washing and cooking for her, taking care of her in all aspects!"

"I thought that Patricia would be able to see what I had done, but for my dedication, I would be looked down upon by her again and again, and what I would get in return would be an insult! I see now that it never ends well to be flattered! I'm disappointed in her, so I don't want to keep pretending!"

"It is true that I still love Patricia, but Patricia has already broken my heart..." Lawrence took a deep breath, threw away his apron, and walked into the living room.

Only then did Paula in the living room come to her senses, and she shouted, pointed at Lawrence, and cursed, "You, you, you... What are you? You b*stard! How dare you throw things! Who gave you the guts? Divorce Patricia if you have the guts, and get out of the Ellis family!"

Lawrence ignored Paula, but turned to Patricia and said with red eyes, "Patricia... I had expected that my devotion this year would at least make a favorable impression upon you, but I did not expect that you and your mother would in exchange vent your endless ridicule and contempt upon me. Am I, Lawrence, trash? Divorce? You want me to get out of the Ellis' house? Okay!"

Patricia looked at Lawrence, frowned, and said, "Lawrence, think twice before you say that. Do you want to divorce me?"

"Well, do you think our marriage still exists?" Lawrence said with endless grief in his eyes.

"Okay, let's get a divorce tomorrow morning..." Patricia nodded and spoke.

Paula also nodded. "Fortunately, you have let this trash sleep on the floor in the living room all this time, and you haven't let him touch you. Do not worry. I have plenty of friends now. I can find some nice guy from a wealthy family for you."

Then Paula shouted at Lawrence and cursed, "What are you? You are a f*cking matrilocal son-in-law! Divorce? If you want a divorce, our Ellis will kick you out! Do you still want a divorce? Never mind, you came a year ago as a matrilineal son-in-law, and Patricia's father gave you twenty thousand dollars. Give it back to us. Do you have any money now? You trash!"

Lawrence stopped looking at Patricia and looked at Paula, the vicious woman, and thought, "I have endured enough. I still can't understand why Patricia has such a mother! Paula is so vicious and snobbish."

He took a bank card from his pocket and threw it at Paula's face. "Twenty thousand dollars, right? I will give you forty thousand dollars, and the password is Patricia's birthday..."

"Who knows if you have any money in this card? Where did you get the money, you trash!" Paula continued to mock.

Lawrence glanced at Paula with murderous intent. "You should be lucky that you are Patricia's mother!"

Paula felt a shiver run through her. She shuddered, and her mind was filled with unending terror.

Lawrence stopped talking to Paula but said to Patricia with a complicated gaze, "I will wait for you at the gate of the court tomorrow morning..."

After Lawrence finished speaking, he turned around and left, but when he was about to reach the door, he paused and said to Patricia without looking back, "By the way, throw away all my things. I no longer need them. I won't come back either..."

Lawrence drew a long breath. "Patricia, I... really regret knowing you..." after Lawrence finished speaking, he slammed the door and left with endless grief in his heart...

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