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The Self-made Mafia Boss

The Self-made Mafia Boss

Juan Trevino


Those who insulted me, who deceived me, who hurt me, I will pay back to them! Although I am young and frivolous, I know this is a winner-take-all world!

Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Divorce!

"I am sorry, Mr. Cason, your mother is suffering advanced cancer…"

Looking at the doctor who shook his head in front of him, Donard felt dizzy and his eyes turned red.

Since his childhood, he and his mother relied on each other to make a living. To support his study, his mother, Flora worked hard and fell ill due to the long-time overwork before she had a happy life.

"Doctor, please save my mom. Is there anything I can do?" Donard cried in a hoarse voice.

The doctor hesitated for a moment and said, "There is one last chance—liver transplantation. We happen to have resources now ......"

He paused for a moment and glanced at Dona rd up and down. He knew clearly about Donard's current situation after his mother had been in such long-term treatment.

But, he still said, "But ...... it costs a lot and at a conservative estimate, upfront cost is at least 200,000 dollars."

200,000 dollars?

Donard was amazed and he clutched the doctor's hands tightly, "Please, I own 200,000 dollars and please save my mother!"

I could earn money when it ran out. But if Flora was dead, she would never come back.

"You have to raise money as soon as possible. If it’s too late, even the liver transplantation cannot save her."

The doctor nodded, sighed, and turned to leave.

Donard walked out of the hospital. It was drizzling.

Donard returned home in a hurry. Nancy, his wife, curling up on the sofa, was watching TV and eating potato chips.

Glancing at Donard, Nancy said, "How is Flora?"

"The doctor said that if a liver transplantation can be operated on her, there is still hope." Donard seemed to grab the last straw and said joyfully, "It takes 200,000 dollars. Fortunately, we still have 200,000 dollars. There is still one more chance for my mom."

He turned to get the bank card as he was saying.

Nancy's face changed and hurriedly said, "Donard, hold on!"

Donard frowned slightly. He thought of something, and turned to look at Nancy, "Where is the money?"

Nancy was flurried and stammered without speaking.

"You gave it to your family again?" Donard raised his eyebrows and showed a wry smile.

He sat down on the sofa debilitatingly, took out the crumpled cigarette case, lit a cigarette, took a puff, and leaned back on the sofa.

Married for three years, the same thing happened more than once.

"Nancy, I need this money to save my mother’s life." Donard said in a tired voice, "Can you get it back?"

"Get it back?"

Nancy raised her eyebrows and screamed, "Donard, what’s that supposed to mean? I gave some money to my parents. How can I have the face to get it back?"

Donard said frigidly, "The hospital happens to have suitable liver resources, so if we can give the money to the hospital immediately, the hospital will be able to operate a liver transplantation on Flora at once. She doesn't has much time left based on her current condition."

"I don't care. It is your own business. You deal with it by yourself." Nancy cried suddenly with full of tears in her eyes.

"How can I get another 200,000 dollars in a short time?" Donard's head was just pounding and he implored, "Nancy, help me this time, get the money back. Flora needs the money to do the operation to save her life!"

"Donard! I already give the money to my mom. There's no way to get it back." Nancy cried and sat on the ground and her eyes and nose began to stream. "Your mother is dying, and you're still spending money on her. Have you ever thought about our family?"

Donard shocked and made his blood boil when he heared her words.

He suddenly grabbed Nancy's cellphone,"I will give them a call, instead of you!"

The call was answered before Nancy stopped him.

"Vivien , Nancy just gave you 200,000 dollars, right?" Donard pleaded, "I beg you return it to me. It's critical to my mom. She needs the money to do the operation."

On the other end of the cellphone, Vivien, Donard’s the mother-in-law, steeply whistled, "Donard, what are you talking about? Nancy gives the money to us as a gift. How dare you have the face to ask for it back? From the very beginning, I was opposed to your marriage. You come from a very humble background. She must have been possessed to get married with you."

"Now, Nancy wants to treat us well. You, the ugly duckling, have the face to get it back. Frankly speaking, Jeffery is getting married. We plan to use the 200,000 dollars as the down payment for an apartment for him. You want the money back? Not a penny!"


She rang off.

Donard was thoroughly stunned. She was simply do not understand my words?

"Donard, are you crazy?" Nancy grabbed Donard's collar crazily, "How can you call my mom asking for the money back? Can't I have the right to give money to my parents?"

Donard looked at Nancy in dismay with his eyes turned red, "In your eyes, my mother's life is not as important as a down payment?"


Nancy let go of Donard and smashed everything she grabbed in the apartment.

In the blink of an eye, the living room was in a mess.

Nancy sat down on the sofa with tearful face, "Donard, you heartless man, why did I marry you at that time? How much money have you spent on your mother? I lead a hard life with you. The apartment we live now is rented. Have you ever felt sorry for me? Jeffery is my little brother, and he is also your brother. He is getting married, I am his sister, can't I give him a hand?"

"Give him a hand?"

Donard completely freaked out. "We have been married for three years. How many times have you helped him? Jeffery, the idiot, swerved like a boomerang! It's you who overindulges him"

"Don't speak ill of my brother!" Nancy, with face twisted, pointed at Donard and threatened.

Donard sneered, "Why? He made his classmate pregnant when he was in college. It was me who settled it. He wants a car. It was me who pay for the car. How much have I offered to your family in the past three years? It’s you who don't care about our family at more!"

"Ah! Shut up." Nancy screamed like a crazy woman. "What do you mean? Do you still want to get by?"

"Your family took my money to buy an apartment for that idiot, and ignored my mother. It's you who don’t want to get by! "

Donard shrugged his shoulders and said in a straight face, "Divorce!"

Nancy stunned immediately. "What, what did you say?"

Having married for three years, Donard had never used this tone of voice to say such words.

"Divorce." Donard said, "Marrying me is indeed too much for you. I am not worthy of you. I cannot afford your family anymore."

After saying that, he turned around and left the apartment.

He didn’t want to sit on the fence any longer. Considering his humble ground and Nancy’s love to him, he gave in again and again during the past three years.

But this time, he finally couldn't bear it.

After Donard leaving, Nancy finally came back to her senses.

She picked up her cellphone in a panic and called her mother, howling, "Mom...... Donard is going to divorce me."

"That bastard dares to divorce you?"

On the other end of the cellphone, Vivien growled shrilly. "Divorce! That poor man, he is so conceited! The 200,000 dollars remained belongs to us. If he wants to divorce you, then let him have his way and cry with his dying mother."

At this moment, Donard walked out of the apartment aimlessly.

It was drizzling and he was wet thoroughly.

He scratched his head in annoyance and kicked up the water on the roadside.

Money money money, it was all about the money!

Now I've fallen out with the Reed family, how the hell am I going to find another 200,000 dollars?


At this time, a Rolls Royce Phantom stopped next to Donard.

The window was down and an old man in a Chinese-style clothing looked at Donard with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Donard Cason, right? Please get in and follow me to the General Hospital."

Mr. Donard Cason?!

Donard looked at the old man in front of him with a stunned expression and didn’t find himself for a while.

The old man smiled slightly. "Your mother is already operated on a liver transplantation."

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